Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Hummm sounds punitive to me

But I am just a horse of course


Different legal standards and definitions.


It occurs to me, that if Taylor/Schellhorn had wanted MB to be punitively locked up in a mental hospital they should have accepted the insanity defense and attempted to broker an NGRI plea with a minimum length of stay dictated by the plea deal.

But now, they are all just putting their bias and corruption on display for all to see.


Hey @hut-ho78, I have an idea. You like to look things up, go Google the legal difference between insanity and incompetence and why one may have applied but the other does not.


It’s crystal clear that Taylor chose to believe the NEWBIES, because they said what he wanted to hear.
With Michaels past history, yes, he does need counseling BUT NOT in a mental facility
COUNSELING being the keyword! The condition/state of mind that Michael was in, before and during the shooting, was 100% justifiable.
As for the diagnosis of NPD, that does not warrant being tossed in a mental institution
but what pissed me off the most was Taylor mentioning MB’s grandiose behavior
that has nothing to do with anything!!! So MB brags, who cares!!! Find me ONE man, a fisherman to be exact, that has caught a fish that was 8" in length but he bragged that it was 20"
we’re all guilty of bragging to some extend at some point, whether it be about children, jobs, cars, homes, accomplishments
HORSES, etc.


And Taylor is butt hurt because he didn’t get a GUILTY verdict! Poor Taylor ::sniffle::


The one common denominator that caused Barisone to spiral was a planned, deliberate, concerted, conspired effort to destroy him by 3 people. It wasn’t his marriage, personal life, financial status, health issues, girl friend, children, working students, ego, friends, family
it was Jonathan and Lauren Kanarek and their tool who drove him insane and continue to this day. They have never said what their end goal was, if in fact they had one other than their joy of torture. It blows my mind that anyone thinks Michael was or will be the aggressor. They aren’t finished with their plan but hopefully the Loxahatchee PD is better trained and will assist appropriately when necessary.

Edit to add the simple fact Lauren relocated and bought a home 10 miles from Barisone’s facility, and is still there after the verdict, tells me she has no fear of him and never did. It also tells me he didn’t shoot her and she knows it.


My court did guardianship. People like MB were never the subject of a guardianship proceeding.


Those medical people are idiots because many of us and others have said we’d want to discuss the case in therapy too.

Because it’s a b.s. set of circumstances he had to deal with regarding LKs reign of terror. . And that’s frustrating.


Thank goodness they are all posted online then. New Jersey is good about that.


Google says a delusional disorder, what MB was found to have, is considered to be the hardest to treat because the patient is delusional and unable to understand reality. It is not temporary insanity. Google has two treatments that have been found to be somewhat effective. One is group therapy and the other is the therapy described by Drs Simring and Hassan.

Google also says there is federal court precedence that NGRI is not effective for anything except a crime, it doesn’t relieve someone of civil liability or insurance coverage terms.


I find the judge to be professional and fair. If professional and fair, then he won’t pay any attention to these comments.

Those who say they find him “butthurt,” “vindictive,” etc. continue to rudely comment on these threads about the judge which seems to indicate they want to provoke the judge. Why?

You are one of those. Do you really want MB to stay at Greystone? Is that why you and others keep attacking the judge and Greystone staff and LE and the prosecutor?


Or, we are smart enough to know that we can say the truth and it does not matter to Judge Taylor because Judge Taylor does not read a horse forum.
And if Judge Taylor does read a horse forum, if he is “professional and fair” as you like to call him, nothing we say should matter at all, right?
You can’t have it both ways


Yeah, I haven’t used the terms you just said, I don’t think. “Butthurt” is not a term I use.

I have said I believe he erred in not following the Krol directives. I don’t think that’s rude. It’s a statement of my opinion that he misapplied the law. I get to disagree with him without it being labeled rude.

I am sure I’ve made other statements where I disagree with him. But it’s not rude or provocative to Judge T or an attack on him. Sorry if it offends you on his behalf, I guess.

I don’t for one second think Judge Taylor cares about my opinion of him. Or yours. Or anyone here. So no, I’m not posting to provoke him.

If he’s reading the forum and cares that much about a random bunch of posters like you suggest, he needs to step down. I think it’s far more likely he cares not one bit what any of us have to say, and he shouldn’t.

Edit to add: I did say that Judge T’s comments about Michael’s appearance and the possibility of malingering was despicable behavior. I stand by that opinion.


Why do you keep attacking @ekat?

That’s just familiar in some way. :thinking:

But I am just a horse of course


Except that some of the "evidence"of the so-called delusional disorder was that MB said he had hosted the Colbert show - but he did that - right at his farm. So an ignorant diagnosis was made by a guy who could not be bothered to check for facts

Labelling MB as having a delusional disorder while currently LK is losing her sh-stuff all over SM and then deleting and then posting again
 and committing libel many times over
 is laughable. Who is it who is actually having trouble understanding reality??

Oh good heavens - are you sending all those people alerts and screen captures and what not? Do you edit your posts out of the “evidence”?

You better get active in all those threads all over FB and YT and lecture them then as they have far more magnitude and reach and exposure - 99% bad for LK - than one small rather insignificant horse forum on a website based on an equestrian magazine
 which one would only find if they even knew of the existence of said magazine

So much for all your faux well wishes that MB gets better and moves on with his life.
There is no point in wishing that for LK - she is behaving as if she is bound and determined to seek revenge and carry on as if being shot never happened


Well, if Taylor is so concerned about a few people disagreeing with him on this forum, he must have had a fit about the official complaints lodged against him! Obviously those complaints went nowhere because it IS the State of NJ after all.


It is so weird that @hut-ho78 assigned that term to you of all people.

I think you are one of the least likely posters to use a term like that.

Oh the joys of intentional drama, I guess.


Because she keeps saying things some posters don’t want to hear in regards to the law and legal procedures.

Kind of like how Eggbutt is attacked because she has had personal, negative experiences with Lauren Shay Kanarek.


Google? Really?

You are smarter than this.

I admit, Google is my friend, but there are certain topics that should be left to the experts.

Expert can be left up to interpretation.

I don’t consider a doctor, lawyer or any professional fresh out of college to be an expert. I may offend some here now but, where I work I call them baby attorneys. They have a lot to learn and the way to learn is to gain experience. At least weekly I have an attorney ask me to interpret the law for them.(not just baby attorney’s either, high dollar many years experienced attorneys). As a court professional(lol) I am not allowed to give legal advice to any party involved in a contested case matter. Just last week I admonished an attorney for contacting me and not including the petitioner on the email as well, ex parte communication.

If I have a serious health problem with my horse, I don’t want a baby vet. I want a vet that has experience under their belt to be able to provide sound medical decisions and diagnosis.

Laws can be left up to interpretation. I have listened to enough attorneys debate about this law or that law, laws can be spun. That does not make it right. As I have said before, you read one law, there may be a citation for another law, you need to read that on too because that one may trump the first one, opps in that second citation there may be another citation, better go read that one too because that one may trump both the other two.

It’s easy to go down rabbit holes, but you need experience on how to do it correctly.

Here on COTH we have several experienced attorneys who have graciously taken time to explain points of law to us. For a long time they have been very patient in doing so. I see their patience has run thin. I believe a couple have courtroom experience and have argued cases before many different kinds of judges. They have the experience to tell whether a judge is good or not so good.

If you think the googles is the be all to end all, so be it. I will put my faith in the people who have been in the trenches and have the experience.
