Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Not only is she not afraid of him, JK came on here and said she would train with him again.


I do want MB to get better, be released, and get back to horses. I do not understand why yā€™all insist on buying into his delusion and buttressing it and trying to provoke the people responsible for his evaluations and release and at the same time trying to convince anyone you support him.

I leave that to you.

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Bless your heart. Thank you for thinking I had the clout to organize complaints against Taylor. I guess I still can influence others!

Well, if Taylor (Republican appointed by Christie) is so reckless and insecure to make any decisions or be swayed by posters on this forum, what a shame to the citizens of NJ. It will be a travesty if he only looks here rather than the many, many comments about him and the Kanarek family, as well as wonderful examples from Miss Kanarek herself, on other social media platforms. Perhaps he should receive a packet of her nasty comments to see the truth about the situation. :thinking:

I am confident C Deininger and E Bilinkas have matters in hand and will do what is necessary for their client.

You really must be channeling my good friend JK/IM tonight. That must be why I smell his aftershave!


This is just not happening. No one is contacting Greystone psychiatrist.

Iā€™m not sure what reactions you are trying to provoke, but you just look silly repeating things like this and claiming this board is in any way significantly harming Michael Barisone. The things that have earned retaliation against him have come from Barisoneā€™s direct demands for treatment and appeal of Taylor because he has dared to stand up for himself instead of take their horse apples behavior towards him.

Or has JK/KK/LK told you they are funneling all this chatter directly to Greystone and Taylor themselves?

PS. Per psych expert testimony, heā€™s no longer suffering from delusions and hasnā€™t for a while now.


I didnā€™t assign it a @ekat but you already know that.

Thatā€™s odd because I read what you posted and it seemed to me that you did assign the term to @ekat.

But I am just a horse of course.


@Maria what is really funny is that @ekat posts all those documents for the benefit of @CurrentlyHorseless and me. None of yā€™all read them. She posted the insurance lawsuit documents and no one read them. I was challenged on them earlier this afternoon. I have to find her posts for @trubandloki and @Sdel because Iā€™ll post something from them or a document she posted and then I get attacked for making something up or not showing the backup.

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Thatā€™s a broad statement you are making there, again.



:sweat_smile: :rofl: :rofl: :laughing:


Again, I note that your trying really hard to provoke some kind of a reaction from select posters.

I can admit it, I had a bit of a brain fart earlier and it completely slipped my mind that weā€™d talked all about that before. Too many things to think about at one time I guess. Regardless, your post earlier just highlighted, again, that you donā€™t understand what you are talking about and that you refuse to educate yourself in order to have an honest conversation about it. You were the one that is wrongly convinced that Michaelā€™s personal autonomy would be usurped by the court in an insurance case and would result in his sister being appointed as in control over his mental health decisions.

ETA: Echoes of ā€œhaha, maybe theyā€™ll be homelessā€.


Ah. How cute. Look at you twisting my comments. I would say that you know I didnā€™t say that but I doubt you even read my post.

Actually, I have 2 shovels in the back of my truck as I type this. I had to haul wood chips for my garden paths. A square one and a digging one. Does that mean Iā€™ll be a prime suspect for any alleged shooting that happens??


I canā€™t even with that. That is not how any of this works, but I guess when you get a google law degree, you get what you pay for.


I listened to a podcast where two ā€˜friendsā€™ did take a shovel when they killed their ā€˜friendā€™.

The ground was too hard so they just covered her up in a very shallow grave.


So you are admitting that he is not ā€œprofessional and fairā€ now?


Oh good, so you think we do not matter. Perfect.
So you can leave us to discuss things amongst ourselves.

Stuff like Jonathan Kanarek texting that he thought it would be funny to make Michael (and MHG and the kids) homeless.
Stuff like Lauren Kanarek bragging about shooting at people.
Stuff like Robert Guy Goodwins long arrest record. Heck, while we are discussing that we can discuss the long records of the rest of the Kanarek family, Kirby Kanarek included.
Stuff like Lauren Kanarek admitting that she lies.
Stuff like where Lauren Kanarek gets her money from.

I read between the lines. I believe that is what @CurrentlyHorseless has told us we are supposed to be doing to get to the real meaning of posts.
Sorry if you do not like it. I am just doing what CH told us to do.

But seriously, to me it reads like you are saying @ekat said that, which the rest of us know she did not.

A+ for mad tagging skills. Now all you need are some random bolding and quotes.

I really have no idea what you are saying. I have read the insurance documents.
Since I personally have seen your ability to read codes correctly (which is so weird because I thought you had an Engineering background), I am not holding my breath that your ability to read the court documents means you can truly understand what is going on.
But good job having read them and again, great job with all that tagging.


Iā€™d agree with you but then weā€™d both be wrong!


Good point!
(And the term is ā€œmind meldā€ - from Star Trek).

Although in this case, certain postersā€™ minds are apparently melting as they contemplate the fact that for everyone who is sympathetic to LK, there are hundreds and hundreds who believe her to be the one who should truly be in Greystone.


Yeah, I keep smelling that aftershave, too. Ick.

And FWIW - Superior Court judges in NJ are nominated by the governor but must be approved by the state Senate (which is controlled by the Democrats). The process must be repeated in seven years, but after that the judge has tenure until age 70 when he/she must retire. And I admit I googled it, but it led to an official NJ Gov site (

That said, I donā€™t know when Taylor was appointed, but I assume he is in the tenure phase.

Edited to add that now I am wickedly wondering if Taylor and JK use the same aftershave. If so, double ick. (Go ahead, CH and HH - chastise me for picking on Taylor. Sorry-not sorry.)