Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

And it seems the defining characteristic for that was “intent”.

And how they will show his lack of intent is by discussing all of LK’s behavior that caused Michael’s delusions, or otherwise contributed to the situation, or may prove some sort of self defense was at play.


Enjoy!! Sounds like a lovely day!


New math? Someone needs to show their work!


Oh, I think people here do a much better job of shaming themselves than I could ever do. I don’t even try.

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Ok. So y’all do believe Judge Taylor is professional and fair and all the noise to the contrary is just noise. Got it.

You are right. My bad. I believed [eggbutt].


…it’s very weird that you’ve started using the same nickname that seeker1 was told to stop using… :thinking:


Exactly, all of these had been in place long enough to adequately demonstrate that these influences actually did not cause him to spiral. He was managing all of it.
He sought his counselor when he needed.
He was out there working, heading out at 3am to coach Boyd for example.


Does JK have an engineering background too besides his law degree? Isn’t he who you think I am now? Maybe one of the Goodwins has one? That is who y’all thought I was last time. Let’s see, maybe a Kanarek has an engineering background?

Maybe you thought that because I was looking up New Jersey code and building standards on Google?

What next?

This is so weird.


Oh look, now I’m supposed to be seeker1. I just thought it was catchy. I don’t remember who used it first. There is nothing negative about it. It’s not like I started telling people they are immoral or arguing in bad faith or trying to guess identities.

And he sure better not read Law & Crime, Youtube, or the comments on 48Hours.


I see it as a term for those without sufficient vocabulary to express themselves well.


I think HH gets like this when other approaches don’t work. It is a weird strategy that is supposed to lead to threads closing, I guess. In the process, the thread gets bumped up repeatedly, and gets so many more eyeballs. I also think that HH goes in waves from concern troll through sarcastic mean “girl” to (thanks HH) raging engineer.


What I want to know is what time Divorce Court starts. It’s been a while since that old oater was dragged out.


Right, such a shift in the tone.

Things that make you go :thinking.

But I am just a horse of course


THIS if he can be goaded then he is in no way professional and fair!


In your head, it is noise in your head. Maybe you are watching the movie that CH has playing too.

I do not think Judge Taylor is professional and fair.

I also do not think the right answer to someone like Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin or even Judge Taylor is to stand back and say nothing because how dare anyone say anything because it might make them mad.

The majority of the people who watched the criminal trial saw that Judge Taylor is not professional or fair. The fact that Judge Taylor is refusing to follow the rules that govern the Krol process also shows he is not professional or fair. And again, if random internet strangers saying these things makes Judge Taylor act punitively towards Michael, it once again shows he is not professional or fair.

I now understand that along with the woman being at fault for being raped, you are the person who sees a crime but refuses to help the police because you don’t want to say anything about the evil you saw.

Are you going to say you did not ascribe these thoughts to me like you did with your comments to @ekat?
I have never said you are Jonathan Kanarek. If you go back, I think I told you many times over what screen name was Jonathan Kanarek’s.

I said I thought you had an engineering background, If I was wrong about that, I am sorry. You had some things in the past that made me think that.
But most definitely your code reading skills are not those of an engineer that uses the code.

(Please note my fun random use of bolding.)

Except that annoying part where the mods said no, don’t do that.

In case you have forgotten Jonathan Kanarek’s screen name, and a bunch of other stuff to go with it, including Lauren Kanarek’s new and creative spelling for Jonathan Kanarek’s screen name.



Thank you! “Raging engineer” kind of has a ring to it. That is an interesting combination. Of course, engineers have more of reputation for being pedantic than raging.

More I just let y’all get to me with the twisting and the gas lighting, etc.

You are not sounding like yourself lately.
Are you doing OK?
Do you need us to pray for you or anything?

Just checking on you. I am just a considerate horse of course.