Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

No, @trubandloki, Hut-Ho specifically said that I was one of the few who did read the legal documents.

Of the course the suit concerns whether the insurance companies are obligated to pay for his defense. That, in turn, has to do with whether the finding of insanity absolves him from civil liability. In either case, there is no reason LK would need to be deposed, as Eggbutt claimed.

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It was @KarenK who used the term.

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Oh, trying to trigger the whole rape conversation again. I have a real history of getting CID to take a rape seriously, picking up a rape victim at the hospital, testifying on her behalf, and seeing the rapist go to military prison.

Meanwhile, yā€™all declared yourselves social Justice warriors to call out all wrong doing and the subject of these threads, MB, can languish where he is because yā€™all are partaking in activity that would trigger the staff described by you all as vindictive, punitive, butthurt, etc.

Iā€™m starting to understand the ennui and irritation of BNTs who call out us amateurs for making excuses instead of trying to overcome times of being stuck.

I guess we will have to wait and see how that works out.
I have no knowledge one way or the other. But it is an interesting question.

Lauren Kanarek being worried about that lawsuit would explain her sudden uptick of lying internet posting. But you might be right, maybe there is another reason she has gone overboard posting dramatic lies.


Oh, there you go again, ascribing things to people they do not apply to.
I am sorry you are having a rough day(s), Hut!

BTW, I am not trying to trigger anything. You like to blame us for Judge Taylorā€™s actions when the person to blame is Judge Taylor.


Can they just STOP! PLEASE give us all a break. Wander over to YT, FB, Law and Crime and give those posters a run for their money. New people to go round and round with while we can just peacefully exist quietly over here. You know, the little forum that is not of much importance in the real scheme of things. Jeezeā€¦


There is zero reason for LK to be worried about MBs lawsuit against the insurance companies. It has nothing to do with her.


Iā€™ve seen it used plenty, by many, on this forum.

The Fan-girl term too, comes to mind.
Which is lazy and not very astute.
But thatā€™s how some choose to roll, rather than fully and clearly express their understanding of a very complex situation. shrug


Yes it was and I proudly owned it :slight_smile: Would you prefer that I said Taylor had his panties in a bunch? :slight_smile:


I am not so sure about that


Well, except that annoying part where the lawsuit says she is the cause for the insanity.

But, we can go with your theory.

Why do you suppose that Lauren Kanarek has been so busy on social medial lately telling all kinds of lies? Some of them have been posted here.
I would think if Lauren Kanarek was off happily riding her horses, playing her piano, looking at herself in her fancy new mirror, being a supervisor of Robert Guy Goodwin while he does home remodeling work, and all that she would not feel the need to post random lies all over social media.


Are you really, really, really sure about that?
I mean you did say that you read all the documents.

But I am just a horse of course


Huh? So you ARE doing such a childish thing? Or are you suggesting I would have the time or inclination to pursue such a ridiculous task? No chance of that - sorry.

Nope. Sorry to dismount you from that high horse you perch on in a shaky two point so imperiously - but I do read them. I may not understand all the legalese (and I doubt that you do, either) ā€¦ but those terms are cleared up in the ensuing discussions.

Well, it seems you are stuckā€¦ stuck on the tiresome social justice warriors complaint, assigning posters motives and agendas they do not have and lecturing everyone that MB will languish in Greystone indefinitely because their opinions did not align with yours. That is not how any of this works.

And I have never made excuses instead of working hard and moving forward.


Agreed. This little forum means NOTHING in the greater scheme of things - and yet somehow it has become the root of all evil according to a very select few. Why? Because it is small and easy pickings - and not many active posters that one must interact with.

I agree that some posters need to also get themselves involved in those threads on FB and YT where there are hundreds more posters who are not burdened by much moderationā€¦ and LK posts merrily and would love some company and high fivesā€¦ they might find it eye-opening as opposed to holding court here.


Yupā€¦that surely is how I ā€œrollā€ā€¦rudeā€¦crude and socially unacceptable (by some)ā€¦yet 100% truthful.


I would assume that the lack of moderation is scary to those posters. Here they can threaten the rest of us quite regularly with getting the thread closed. Or flag to moderation a word they do not want to have to see.
Having to be out there in the world with no moderation is scary to them.


If LK is not concerned over Michaelā€™s current law suit, both you and she are bigger fools than we know she is.

You think she wonā€™t be called as a witness? You donā€™t think sheā€™ll be deposed? You donā€™t think every little dirty detail that was not allowed in the criminal trial wonā€™t come to light?

You donā€™t think RG wonā€™t be called as a witness? You donā€™t thing heā€™ll be deposed? He was the Barefoot Ninjaā€™s main assistant! Her man servant sent to do ā€œDirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheapā€!

What about JK? You donā€™t think he wonā€™t be called as a witness? You donā€™t think heā€™ll be deposed? There is evidence he was helping to plan to ā€œFINISH THE BASTARDā€ since Day One. Remember, he was going to help make Michael and his family homeless, all because Princess Lollypoop didnā€™t feel special enough and couldnā€™t drag herself less than 1/4 mile up the hill to train consistently.

What about KK? You donā€™t think sheā€™ll be called as a witness? You donā€™t think sheā€™ll be deposed? She typed out all those darn transcripts you know!


The ā€œHereā€ is the epicenter of the group that the Kā€™s and their associates, hired help, laundry boy and those otherwise affiliated want acceptance from. And rather than moving along or acknowledging they are wrong, they tell us we are wrong. Long story short: they dont get the acceptance they want, so we must be punished.


HUH? You sayinā€™ I AINā€™T got enuff vocabulary? BRUH, I gots all da vocabulary I needs! :joy: :rofl:


The same reason yā€™all are stalking her on YouTube, Facebook, instagram, and wherever else she posts. Why arenā€™t you riding or playing your piano?


I donā€™t think the judge will allow much here. I hear federal courts donā€™t put up with the same posturing and courtroom shenanigans as state courts do.