Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

What interests me is how out of control Lauren is right now and will be with the insurance civil suit. MB has made a good case for not being responsible for what happened at the farm that day, indeed, he was found not responsible for it in a criminal trial verdict. That means the new civil trial can examine everything that led up to the events that day, that made him unresponsible for them, and that includes Lauren’s behaviour, her systematic campaign to ruin him a d his personal life, relationships and his business. It will all be brought up in the new case, and she will have no say, influence or input into the case at all. This is what is making her and her sycophants act out on social media and this board. It must be making g her craaazy.


And it will be BIBLICAL to say the least!!! I can’t wait!


I think you mean CRAZIER! :grin:


So who has double tap on their bingo card?


I was mulling that over while walking the dog (in the rain), trying to think of all the reasons she has popped her cork again lately. MB’s lawsuit against the insurance companies, the fact that Taylor may let MB out later this year, the fact that she and her family are anathema in the Wellington and greater dressage community, the bitterness, anger, and regret for having to withdraw her lawsuit against MB - with prejudice - because she could no longer avoid deposition, the anger and resentment she has against CBS, 48 Hours, Nikki Baptiste, et al, her fury at not having book and movie deals being offered to her, the realization that Daddy Dearest doesn’t have quite as much sway with Loxahatchee/Palm Beach LE and town officials as he apparently has in Morris County, NJ, etc.

I was also thinking that with her inability to control her vitriolic impulses, perhaps she has even lashed out to USEF and the organization has let her know that it takes a dim view of her behavior. Or perhaps they are reconsidering MB’s current status with the organization and in the process, re-examining that 700-page file that MHG sent them.

I also wonder if perhaps Tarshis and Bilinkas and others she has libeled have “reached out and touched her.” :wink:

One thing seems pretty clear - something has happened to trigger her.


Oh Hut, I am sorry to have to point out your lack of knowledge again, but somethings do require correcting when they are just so wrong.
Have you ever bothered to read the arrest record of Lauren Kanarek when it has been posted? I am guessing not.

I will start with your comment about Robert Guy Goodwin pressing charges. Robert Guy Goodwin did not have the ability to press charges. People do not press charges. The city/county/state/feds do.

On your other point, Lauren Kanarek was charged. (See my comment about reading her arrest record.)


OH SNAP…I only went to play bingo once in my life and had a hard time keeping up with 1 number in each block…I even had to Google what “double tap” meant hahahahaha
(that is what it means…right?) :crazy_face:

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ALL of the above…SPOT ON!!!


This makes sense. I’ve noticed LKs posts on the 48 Hours FB and YT were pretty much focused on MBs marriage, divorce, etc. I was trying to figure out why the mostly singular subject. This is it!


Please note that DY wrote “popped her cork” not “popped her clogs”. Because while Lauren Kanarek likes to go on and on about her “murderer”, she isn’t dead. Clarity is important; for some readers more than others.


Are you new here? (Ha, I know you are not—glad you got some R and R).

Someone with a better memory than I will probably pop in and explain “double tap” better than I can. (I’m not going to look it up because I don’t want to know what you found).

I think it was LaLaPop (or someone related) who said she was “shot at point blank—double tap (twice)—in the chest”.

The expression is soooo last year!


This means “we” are credible as it suits your narrative and/or desire to insult others. Got it.

I am of the opinion that LK is terrified of the insurance lawsuit that you’re certain that no one has read.

I’ve read it. I think I grasp why LK is flipping out all over YouTube and everywhere else. Why do you think she’s posting so often and why the posts are so…dramatic?


Not to worry, it was just bingo related hahahahaha And HI! :slight_smile:


Never more appropriate for our times!


LK might have included center mass also.



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Yes! Yes! Center mass! :woman_facepalming:t2: How could I forget?!


I believe it was @trubandloki who provided inspiration for today’s soundtrack. (however, I could be wrong as I cant get the song out of my head)


It must be increasing her craaazy. (There, fixed it for you.)


Same here - plus, I work 24/7 on a horse farm…I manage to sit down occasionally with a coffee and dare to turn on the computer! Shocking, I know. Or maybe I check things out at the end of a very long day with ice on my knee while soaking my old tired feet - I understand that is somehow deeply evil to some.

When I am out in the barn with a new foal or a bad colic at 3:00 a.m., I suspect that the posters who whine about how others post are snug in bed with nary a care in the world.
When I am out there pulling tansy and repairing fencelines in the evening when others are relaxing or have gone out for dinner… even when I feel like sh*t or the weather sucks - too bad, so sad… the work must be done and there are no excuses. Just keep going. It is all part of the job.

Sorry . No time for… what was it again? Oh yeah. Stalking. Plus - posting on public forums to rage and rant for all to see does not require anyone to “stalk”.

One would also think that if one was vehemently defending someone, one would actually check out what they are up to and not be deliberately turning a blind eye while pointing the finger at others incessantly - while actually doing what one is complaining about (i.e. posting about this mess).

I am inside for lunch right now… is that allowed? Can I sit down at the computer, pay some bills, check out COTH, FB, emails and what not? Do I need a permission slip from the self-appointed thread monitors?
