Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I was wondering why the insurance companies want the trial in federal court and Deininger wants it in state court. New Jersey state court.

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Iā€™ve always been amused that you think my decision to post or not post provides any clue whatsoever as to what the Kanareks are thinking.


I signed up for some former POTUS emails. The crazy talk, the lies, the name-calling, alternate factsā€¦ birds of a feather, no doubt.


HH has never worked in the horse industry in a processional capacity so you will have to excuse them for knowing so very little about it.


It will be funny (in a "hehe maybe they will be homeless " kind of way) when the ins co gets all the discovery and sees whoā€™s really behind this whole mess. Perhaps if they have to pay out to MB they will look to recover their losses from LK. Now that will be a ā€œheheā€ moment. They will be aware of any settlements sheā€™s obtained, and will probably set their sights on freezing assets. ā€œHeheā€


I actually agree with you. Also people who leave their vehicles unlocked with the weapons inside, especially in the city or suburbs with kids around. They are writing some laws to try to address some of this but I donā€™t know if they will go anywhere. This conversation probably belongs in CE.


I find it to be the opposite. When the bashing of all things Kanarek hit the stomach churning point, I noticed that is when CH and I come in with ā€œenough is enough.ā€

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Itā€™s hard not to agree on this oneā€¦so thank you.


Donā€™t be snide @trubandloki. I may get tired of looking stuff up for you.

Here you go. Itā€™s complicated though. Maybe @ekat will help.

When will you and CH move over to YT, FB and Twitter? Youā€™ve got your work cut out for you but you concentrate your efforts here. Strange. And ā€œstomach turning pointā€ is very subjective.


Interesting that you have self appointed yourself and CH to do this.

But I am just a horse of course


The state has the proportional fault in civil cases. The federal government does not.

From your link:

ā€œThe prosecutor makes the final call on whether to press charges.ā€

That is the point @trubandloki was making, I believe. Rob Goodwin didnā€™t have the power to press charges.

Does that help?


This case (the insurance suit) has nothing to do with proportional fault, as itā€™s not a tort, itā€™s more comparable to a breach of contract.


Seems the feeding frenzy to get the thread locked is going on in full force.

Best course is to ignore because we all know some just go in circles and read between lines that arenā€™t there.


I would think the legal focus would be in whether he ā€œintendedā€ to shoot herā€“whether insane or not-you can be insane and know that you have a gun in your hand and you will cause harm if you aim and shoot. I suspect the court will not allow it to be relitigated whether he did it (or that she drove him to it), just whether his act was intention. For example in a knife welding case the court found that the person " acted intentionally in that he understood that he was wielding a knife, that he was striking a person in the head with the knife, and that striking a person with a knife was likely to cause that person harm. Accordingly, the attack was not an occurrence under the policiesā€¦"
(Caveatā€“this case is from 2006 in CA and who knows whether it is even still good law in that stateā€“but just used to distinguish criminal intent vs intent under an insurance policy and they are not necessarily the same thing.)




Whatā€™s your interpretation of why the insurance companies want it in federal court and Deininger wants it in NJ state court?

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And apparently in an agreed, concerted effortā€¦

ā€¦ Interesting.


Thank you for your service :roll_eyes:
CoTH already has moderators. No need for you & CH to try to take up that mantle to suit your own desires & perspectives.