Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Don’t ever underestimate the methods any Kanarek might use. There are any number of ways they could insert their BS into the psyche of the staff.


Well, we all know now, don’t we?
I bet Schelle knew who. Wink


Imagine if she had just moved out.


Barisone did commit a violent act that (he claims) he has no memory of.

Based on my reading of the Jaffer article, both Schellhorn and the treatment team at Geystone consider this insistence on “relitigating” the shooting instead of acknowledging that his delusions led him to commit the violent act are an impediment to his release.


I don’t remember Seeker ever saying the transcripts had been sent to Greystone.

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Reading comprehension issues strike again.

Ignore refresh underway.


I understood your post perfectly, @Eggbutt.

I don’t remember Seeker claiming to have sent any transcripts to Greystone or Ann Klein.

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Cherry picking?


Well you can always ask her direct in one of your Dear Leader meetings.

In the meantime keep sipping the kool-aid.



But if she did that, where oh where would the money for all that second hand furniture come from?



Just for you @CurrentlyHorseless since you’ve proven yet again you can’t comprehend, or don’t want to comprehend the written word, here’s the full quote. But, keep it up, okay? Deflection failed.


All of my information comes from public sources, including what I see posted here.

I do not remember Seeker posting here that any transcripts had been sent to Ann Klein or to Greystone.

Do you remember such a post?

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I understood your post perfectly, @eggbutt.

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It’s been too easy to lose sight of the fact that Michael Barisone and Mary Haskins Gray were targeted by a bevy of grifters playing a dangerous game of intimidation and destruction, apparently all for the sake of a few bucks. It is obvious to me nothing has changed for these people, yet they are now public fodder and known to be major problems within the dressage area.

I wonder how surprised they were at the number of Barisone supporters at last week’s hearing. Obviously the in person support rattled them to the point of having their groupies attempt to ID those there. I wonder why? The identity of those in attendance at the hearing is not at all relevant except they represented a very small number of Barisone’s support. I predict his support will only increase as roadblocks are thrown in the way of his requested treatment. Everyone knows who the real victims are of this situation. The Kanarek continued presence and involvement simply illustrates that fact… they can’t let the destruction of Barisone go, can they?


What is your stand on SM Bullying again there CH?

Why don’t we start there.



I am guessing hosted as in you host a dinner party or hosted guests at your house. He had them at his farm for filming so he hosted Colbert and the crew at his farm.
Doctor took at as he was the headliner and show host for the night on TV.


So has the Barisone team’s position on having the hearings public changed?

If you think Taylor is handling the case unfairly, I would think the Barisone side would want the hearings to be public to shine a light on the process.

Given that they have been public, the Kanareks have just as much right to attend as anyone else.

Since LK did not plead NGRI for having shot someone, she is not the subject of these hearings. Barisone is. I think he’s the one who needs to acknowledge what he did and come to terms with it in order to demonstrate to the psychiatric team and the court that his delusions are cured.

The so called “Barisone supporters” continuing to relitigate the shooting in SM and continuing to say that LK is the perpetrator and Barisone is the victim feeds and supports his delusions.

Do you want to support Barisone or support his delusions?


I am opposed to SM bullying.

I am opposed to all bullying.


You think MB is sitting around at Greystone and scrolling through social media? Is that part of his treatment plan there? :thinking:


Scratching my head…how can Barisone acknowledge something he doesn’t remember he did? And lack of forensics surely did not prove he did what they want him to acknowledge or say he did.