Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

To be fair, even LK has only so many hours in the day, and she can’t possibly get around to telling 1,500 commenters how wrong they are and how right she is - she needs staff. Oh … :wink:


Or, 48 hours told her to knock it off


What does she care? She’s suing them and is going to make pots of money, sooooooo very much money. :slight_smile:


Strange how It’s always about money isn’t it?

Especially from someone with unlimited means.



You know who else is obsessed with getting money? Addicts.

I’ve wondered if the avoidance to travel and attending hearings etc is that it’s an interruption to a person’s ability to ingest certain things.

For instance: When I smoked I didn’t engage in epic 3 hour movies in a theater because I couldn’t smoke.


Re relitigating the case

If I was going about my normal life with clients, horses, friends and family… And then I black out… And come to and I’m beaten to a pulp, handcuffed to a hospital bed, then in jail, then in a mental institution… told that I intentionally went to that house* and tried to kill those two…

OF COURSE I’m perseverating over how this freaking happened!!

The other day, after years of mulling this situation over, it dawned on me that the 911 call kinda proves that the assault of MB had to occur not as a reaction to him shooting her, but the other way around. So of course he’s trying to understand it also.


I’m sure that’s true.
My family member is an addict and it definitely dawned on me, when we traveled, that they probably had drugs on them.


Do you mean that 911 call where the dog barks and barks and barks?

We all know that now “barned” dog.

That dog that can apparently bark and bite at the same time?

That 911 call.

It is a very interesting call indeed.

But I am just a horse of course, that can’t whinny and bite at the same time, no matter how I try.


Yes, that one.

It just came to my attention that clearly that bite preceded the call, it gad to.

That ridiculous dog barks incessantly throughout the call. It doesn’t pause to take even a breath, let alone pause so long to have the time enough to chow down on a groin causing that much damage.

Nope, that bite, which would be impossible to do if he was laying on his front as he was found by the officer, had to happen before that call

So when did that bite happen? In the midst of the assault? How would that be possible ? Initiating that altercation? Seems plausible to me.
Funny, neither witness ever explained when that bite happened either.


Same here. I don’t have an account on YouTube, nor do I have a Twitter account. I do sometimes view things on YouTube but I don’t do Twitter at all. And I don’t follow anything on FB that has to do with the HH incident or the principals involved.

By accusing people on this thread of making all those thousands of posts on YouTube (with hundreds and hundreds of usernames), CH and HH are engaging in a form of gaslighting - scapegoating, manipulation of reality, coercion. and even outright lies - in an effort to control the narrative about the topic at hand.

It say a lot about THEM that they continually side with someone who MOST folks believe to be a vile and vindictive human being who targeted a successful businessman simply because he wouldn’t make her the apple of his eye. (It’s that old rejection thing that malignant narcissists fear the most.)


Lets go with this thought…
But then when do you suppose that Lauren Kanarek suddenly decided that rules made by others apply to her?


Perhaps a letter from an attorney with a carefully worded hint about a possible defamation lawsuit?


She seriously did this? Eggbutt isn’t even on YT! The audacity is amazing.


There was an actual lawsuit about Lauren Kanarek making and distributing illegal recordings but she continued to threaten/say she was sending them all over the place.



Or are you just making inflammatory statements?



[quote=“trubandloki, post:3932, topic:785728, full:true”]

If you are referring to MB’s counterclaim to her lawsuit - that was a different situation. I would think that she would pay attention to a letter from a corporate attorney for a giant corporation such as CBS. And who knows - maybe Daddy Dearest got rattled enough by the thought of the family becoming embroiled in a lawsuit by CBS to prompt him to “lay down the law” to LK.

OTOH, it is possible she has been quiet lately because she was too - uh, incapable of responding. It’s likely that she will reappear soon - and with a vengeance.


Nah - she probably uses those as wallpaper in her boudoir. Those letters have no legal grip. Only a signed order by a judge might move her needle.


Taylor shut down any discussion of the dog.


Don’t want to thoroughly investigate the event and examine what really happened, it messes with what you’ve decided happened and prefer the story to be


Good point. It led me to imagine another scenario. MB comes to the house and is holding the gun but not pointing it at anyone, simply holding it with his arm down. The dog rushes him and bites him in the groin causing his hand to jerk up, his fingers to curl and the gun to fire hitting LK. RG reacts by attacking MB. LK calls 911 and the dog is barking frantically.