Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Because the cops didn’t do even the basics of forensics, we will likely never know and so many scenarios are plausible.


Full disclosure: I do have a YouTube account and I have commented on YouTube in the past… on flyball and agility videos, horse sales videos etc. - and not even very frequently there.

Other than that… pfffft. Nothing. Zero. Zilch.

I also think that whatever happened during the shooting, the “facts” that RG and LK presented were not compatible with the truth… but thanks to a non-existent investigation, we will never know the sequence of events… #shrug


That would be an interesting example of “penetrating to the roots of one’s commitment.” The LK supporters should saunter over to YT, armed with their Google links and the movies they’ve created in their heads, and challenge the tidal wave of comments averse to LK and RG.



48 Hours has to be thrilled! 881,000 views so far! People have stay interested in this story. If Lauren decides to respond to any of the comments, she will probably wait several weeks or months, as she’s done in the past, to prevent one on one pushback.

I certainly wish Schellhorn and Taylor would read the comments!


The 48 Hours YT train keep chugging along and picking up steam. Heading towards Karma Station no doubt.


somewhere above it was mentioned that LK may be upset that she is not being welcome with open arms at Wellington. I will say this again. Why doesn’t she just find a new horse sport to attempt to dominate the airwaves in? There are plenty that she could act the big fish in. Why Dressage? Why? Go find another breed or discipline to lavish the supporters with your accolades/gifts/braggery. There are plenty to choose from and there are plenty of people who seem to love to cozy up to grifters.
I find this strange as it is a MO for many of her kind.


Clickey Clack that train has long left the station.




American woman, stay away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come a hangin’ around my door
I don’t want to see your face no more
I got more important things to do
Than spend my time growin’ old with you
Now woman, I said stay away
American woman, listen what I say

American woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be
Don’t come a knockin’ around my door
Don’t want to see your shadow no more
Colored lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, I said get away
American woman, listen what I say-ay-ay-ay

American woman, said get away
American woman, listen what I say
Don’t come a hangin’ around my door
Don’t want to see your face no more
I don’t need your war machines
I don’t need your ghetto scenes
Colored lights can hypnotize
Sparkle someone else’s eyes
Now woman, get away from me
American woman, mama let me be

Go, gotta get away, gotta get away now go, go, go
I’m gonna leave you woman
Gonna leave you woman
Bye-bye bye-bye, bye-bye, bye-bye
You’re no good for me
I’m no good for you
Gonna look you right in the eye
Tell you what I’m gonna do
You know I’m gonna leave
You know I’m gonna go
You know I’m gonna leave
You know I’m gonna go-o, woman
I’m gonna leave you woman
Goodbye American woman


I have never said that it is COTH posters who have made “all those thousands of posts on YouTube”.

By asserting that, you’re the one “gaslighting- scapegoating, manipulating of reality, … and outright lies”. Nothing new there.

The topic at hand is MBs prospects for the next Krol hearing, and his civil suit.

Regarding the civil suit, it appears that the defendants have the right to have it tried in federal court if all parties are from different states, and the amount in dispute is over $75,000.

In an email, Deininger apparently disclosed to the defendants that the cost of the civil case by LK was over $400,000, then when the insurance companies moved to have the case tried in federal court, tried to claim that possibly it was under $75,000. He brought the action, and he claims he’s not sure whether the legal expenses for the defense are under $75,000 or over $400,000.

Apparently the federal courts across the country try to have consistent filings across districts (more so then different state courts), so the insurance companies may be aware of previous rulings on this issue that are favorable to their position.

Deininger apparently prefers the NJ state courts, but it seems odd that he would file there if the monetary bar for moving to federal court is $75,000.

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I spy that YT now up to 2.7 comments.

Goodness, but I am just a horse of course.


I think the topic at hand is how consistently the majority of the people who have watched the 48 hours episode on this case see just what Lauren Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek are…


You’ll be waiting for a while. Might as well go away and check in again in 6 months.


Found a negative:

Point blank? Yeah that’s a made up person.


Nice try, CH. But no. :grin:


No, what?

I have never said that all the YouTube comments are written by posters on this thread.

No, that is 100% incorrect.


So Danvers asked how people were finding the comments on other social media as Danvers was not able to find them.

I replied with “it’s their own comments” as to how they could find them and my my my how defensive so many became.

“The lady doth protest too much, methinks.”

Yep. Can’t imagine how the same nicknames and terms used here pop up on YouTube and other places. Don’t forget the people who post on YouTube and then brag about it here.

Oh dear. Horses are not getting ridden and pianos are not being played.

