Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

All I know is I’ve never concealed MY identity…I’m KarenK here, YT and Twitter…the only difference in the CoTH forum is that I try very hard to maintain my composure, to respect this forum and it’s members and to refrain from using inappropriate language (that’s the hard one!)

That being said, @hut-ho78, the ONLY poster here that you can positively produce proof on is ME and I proudly own it! So stop accusing others…it’s not a good look for you, dear!


Thanks much for the explanation :slight_smile:
When it comes to all the bullying LK has done, the USEF & Safe Sport haven’t expelled her???


No, they haven’t even after many official reports by various people long before she ever met Michael Barisone! They’ve always said, “it’s a personal matter” or, “we’ll look into it”, or “please let us know if it continues”. Although SS is concerned about bullying, their primary focus is for minors. That said, USEF is certainly concerned about sportsmanship and behavior of their members. She can be sanctioned by USEF at any time. USEF Code of Conduct:

code-of-conduct_230624_232037.pdf (92.6 KB)


I know I’ve posted some in the past on YT…but there really wasn’t a need to…ya see, there’s an entire YT community of folks who watch some, if not all, of the trials YT airs live…they’re spot on when calling a spade a spade.
When MB’s trial was live, they saw right through LK & RG…they saw how the detectives/police failed to do their jobs…there would have been a YT uproar if MB was found guilty and sent to prison.
It was odd how the comment section was shut down during the trial…as if Taylor was told that some posters were saying that he was being influenced, I know I was one of those who posted that!


Interesting…especially these 2,
Violation #1 - “Engage in no verbal or physical threats against others.”
Violation #2 - “Adhere to all applicable state, federal, and foreign laws, as applicable, including those
governing the possession and use of drugs and alcohol and providing of drugs to any
person and alcohol to minors.”

As far as It being a personal matter, MB WAS her TRAINER…not some stranger she met at the supermarket…so how on God’s earth can SS call that a “personal matter”???
Regarding drugs…is it a prerequisite to join? Do they test for drugs at all, at any time?


She most likely had her fingers taped together by a higher source.


The sad thing is that I don’t feel sorry for the K’s…I feel embarrassed for them.


I would consider it a ranch ( left coast) what is it really?? A facility?


If you remember the Larry Nassar case in gymnastics, that prompted the US gov’t to form SafeSport to investigate abuse of minors which fall under a sport’s governing body for any amateur sport that leads to Olympic level competition… so any United States Equestrian Federation members have to complete SS training and agree to their code of conduct.

It became relevant in the case because LK had reported MB to SafeSport, she denies it was for sexual abuse of a child, but we all saw the check mark on the 48 hours video, so if that box was checked it’s a bit of a bombshell. SS is a mandatory reporter for child safety, CPS shows up, and whammo, MB ends up face down on the ground with RG on top of him and LK was shot.

This all happened right on the heels of 2 BIG NAMES in the horse world receiving permanent suspensions from the sport from SafeSport as well. Robert Gage, a world cup grand prix rider was suspended in February, 2019 and committed suicide on June 12, 2019. George Morris, who is a legend in the sport received a lifetime ban on August 5th, 2019… 2 days before CPS shows up at the farm due to a SafeSport report.

Yet, certain posters would have you believe this did not have any bearing on MB’s state of mind on what harm LK and RG planned to cause.

Looks like others answered while I was catching up, but leaving this here with the relevant SS events just prior to the day of the incident for context.


Thank you for the reply…and yes I remember Larry Nassar…he had multiple victims come forward correct?..but what was the outcome of LK’s report to SafeSport?..please don’t tell me they took HER word as Bible!


We don’t know as MB was suspended due to the criminal case. No final disposition on the SS investigation.


Thanks much!

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The USEF, which is a national organization, tests horses for drugs on a random basis at competitions. Horses that test positive for banned substances can result in suspensions from competition for their human connections. I have never heard of the USEF testing humans themselves for drugs.

The FEI, on the other hand, is the organization that governs international competitions, and it does test the riders as well as the horses for drugs, and will suspend the riders for positive results on drug tests.

Occasionally there have been Olympic medals redistributed after the fact when a horse or rider flunked a drug test, and the results came out after the competition was over.


Unless you like having a reputation of a family that gets their way no matter what…

There are people who do not care if their “respect” is from simple fear because they are so evil.


I feel disgusted by them.


And didn’t you come from there to here… not from here to there?

You are not a horse person member of COTH that went over to YT, you are a person who saw this crime story, heard about COTH so came over here to read what we had to day.


I believe the classical distinctions are that a ranch raises fauna (livestock), while a farm raises flora (food crops or other forms of vegetation like trees). That said, my old grandpappy solemnly told me one day - if it is east of the Mississippi River, it is a farm. If it is west of the Mississippi River, it is a ranch. He was born in 1895 and I always thought of him as very wise despite having only a 6th grade education (had to start working as soon as he turned 13 to help support his seven siblings). I grew up sticking with those definitions, although as I got older, I realized that many (most?) equestrian operations don’t raise anything (except their rates). So I tend to call them by whatever name they have given themselves.


Please know that I am NOT defending LK, but IIRC, the SaveSport question that was shared on the 48Hours video was (I’m paraphrasing here): “Is there verbal, physical or sexual abuse of a minor?”

So if only one or two or all three of those things are happening, the box gets checked “yes”.

That is on SafeSport. They need to make that three separate questions. I think LK would have checked “verbal abuse” because lord knows she was being verbally abused! /s

ETA for @KarenK this SS report was taken over the phone. SS was not really interested in LK’s “verbal abuse” so they asked if there were minors involved (:bulb:MHG’s kids were there for a visit)……and the rest is history!


The prosecuting attorney, in the 48 hours interview says that there was a claim of sexual abuse.


Ok, thanks. I didn’t remember that.

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