Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

It was all the previous, before Barisone, SS reports they called a “personal matter”. BS! What this woman has done to Joey Stagaard for years is beyond personal. The difference is Joey has been so affected she can’t let it go and uses every platform she can find to highlight what LK did to her.


It’s still pending. His status was changed from suspended to interim immediately after the verdict, just as CoTH banned her immediately after the verdict. Unless SS drops it when he is released, he will have to request a hearing and present his case to be reinstated. I’m sure there will be dozens of witnesses lined up, again, to support MB.


I am not sure Schellhorn would have made that statement - esp. in his 48 Hours interview - if he didn’t have something to back it up. Which makes me wonder - does an attorney in cases like this get to see the full SS report? Hear the recording of her phone interview with SS? See an official transcript (from SS) of the call? Otherwise, why would he say something like that based only on an ambiguous question on a form?

OTOH, during the trial, Schellhorn did try to infer a connection between MB and the George Morris case by asking several witnesses if MB knew Morris. But he didn’t delve too deeply into it, likely because he had floated that in pre-trial discussions and knew that Bilinkas would strongly object and Taylor would sustain the objection. Taylor would possibly state that the info was “irrelevant” but may very likely have been concerned that such a revelation would overly taint the jury - not that Taylor was on MB’s side, but he probably knew that kind of bombshell insinuation with no other evidence to back it up would likely have repercussions later (as in having to declare a mistrial or putting him at risk of a judiciary review and possible rebuke, etc.).

Edited to add that I assume Schellhorn brought it up to the extent he did to back up his arguments that MB was not so much insane, but rather enraged.



Nice sentiment but wishful thinking. LK won’t ever change.


As in the “history” of LK’s lies!


Barisone is suspended while SS tries to determine how to handle the shooting, given the NGRI verdict.

Once you’ve been suspended for a violent criminal defense, in general you are banned unless you receive a straight NG on all charges. However, I don’t think SS has ever handled a case of NGRI on attempted murder before, so it’s not clear what they will do.

It’s not her report that got him suspended. It’s the fact that he illustrated her point so dramatically by shooting her.

No he didn’t. He said that when MB saw the CPS person ask to speak to MHG, MB incorrectly inferred that there had been an accusation of sexual abuse.


THIS IS A LIE. On the 48 Hour video Schellhorn blatantly states there were abuse allegations filed with SS. This isn’t negotiable. It’s a verifiable FACT.

And that’s apart and aside of the checked box on the form. Schellhorn stated as fact that abuse allegations had been made.


Of course it is. CH and HH continue to toss out lies and unfounded “opinions.” I can’t imagine what the payoff is for them.


I just found this…seems they only do random testing on humans…and I wonder how RANDOM, if ever, it is! It should be changed to MANDATORY every 6 months!


Please be reminded that when you are competing under FEI rules, you (the human athlete) are subject to random, in-compe­tition and out of competition drug testing. It is your responsibility to know if you are taking any medications on the FEI Prohibited Substance List. It is strongly recommended that you regularly visit the United States Anti-Doping Agency’s (USADA) website, which contains a range of information on testing, regulations, and athlete rights. You should also regularly check the USADA is continually updating and expanding its library of resources to ensure that athletes and athlete support personnel can easily access information about some of the most important topics in anti-doping. The Athlete Guide to Anti-Doping is a directory used to find various articles and materials, organized by category, from across the USADA website."
Clean Sport | US Equestrian (

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Well, of course you know more than I do since you know so many people with USEF than I do! But you be you, mkay?


How much ya wanna bet, that somewhere down the line…maybe in a year, 2 years, 5 years, etc., that new evidence will emerge exonerating MB?! We all know that LK WILL trip up at one point and inadvertently reveal the truth of what happened.


Oh without a doubt!!!


That’ll be a crazy day with the KKlan ranting all over SM.


From LK’s own rants and posts on here, she called MB a “pervert” at some point, so God only knows what she said to make sure he’d be investigated.

Who can forget this gem where she claims he forced a 19 year old to have an abortion:


How do you know this? Proof please.



There are different types of abuse, @Knights_Mom.

SS received a report of “concerns or allegations” of “verbal or physical” abuse of the children.

What I stated, which is that Schellhorn stated that MB **incorrectly inferred” that the CPS was responding to a complaint of sexual abuse against MB, is correct. MB, tragically, was wrong. The CPS worker was there to investigate MHG for neglect, not MB for sexual abuse.

That was the bombshell, which apparently you missed.

From a statement made by the SS spokesman following the NGRI verdict.

How to you not know that?

Well I guess we need to pull up the transcripts of 48 hours now won’t we.
