Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

There, I fixed it!


I’ve looked at some of the YT comments. The vast majority are superficial value statements based on the 48 hours segment. I have not seen any trying to question the fact that MB shot her, as conveyed by the episode.

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Bingo, just like that insane jury. No proof was given during the trial that Barisone shot anyone. Forensic evidence?? Uh-huh.


She called the non emergency number the next day.

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In general.

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So she was not that worried about the strange truck in the driveway, hu?


No. You are wrong again.


Please read more carefully the full sentence that was checked as “yes”. It was very broad and would have covered a wide range of “concerns or allegations”. On the stand, the CPS worker narrowed it down to investigating MHG for neglect.

The video is there for all to see.

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Sorry (not sorry), wrong again. Just because you haven’t seen any, doesn’t mean they aren’t there. You said you “looked at some,” there are over 3500 comments. How can you possibly state “
the vast majority
?” So, once again CH, you’re wrong.


Is this a good time to post a reminder about the police report post?


Deserves to be preserved and repeated.


And once again, had that box not been checked, CPS would not have made a visit to HH.

LK would have HAD to have said something for the SS person to check that box.


Being worried and considering it an emergency worthy of a 911 call are two different things.

MB called 911 the next day after reading her FB posts. He was right to be worried, but it’s not an emergency worthy of a 911 call. Likewise, a boarder in the barn after 9;00 and a boarder declining to sign a document are not 911 emergencies.

Well, to a delusional person, perhaps those things require a 911 call.

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So what your are trying to state is that the SS report was made against MHG not MB, by LK.

I guess that goes with what old JK said in the 48hours interview
He wanted his money and his girlfriend too
He had a problem.

But I am just a horse of course.


More evidence of bad faith discussion. Of course the YT comments are about the episode. What else would they be about?

And we all know the episode didn’t go deep into evidence. It is one of our criticisms that there was so much more that they didn’t even touch. How on earth would their viewers and commentators know things like Lauren had access to the safe upon which to comment?

Really, this is just sour grapes that you couldn’t find any receipts to post.


Sure, @trubandloki. It’s what you do.

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Yes, absolutely correct.

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But it can’t be. Because that is not what Lauren Kanarek said in her post here on this forum when she was telling us all what really happened.

Here, let me paste it again because I feel like some people must have missed it when I shared it earlier today.
(Not you @SoCoPony, not implying you missed it at all.)



To clarify, my question about whether Schellhorn had a copy of the full report/transcript was in regards to the comments earlier about him saying to Baptiste “I don’t think there’s any direct evidence brought out of that.” It was in response to her question: “Have you ever seen any evidence that Michael Barrisone abused or neglected Mary’s children or any children?”

And I commented that I don’t think he would respond that way if he didn’t have some knowledge to base his comment on. I think he HAD seen the transcript and KNEW there wasn’t anything in there to indicate abuse to minors, and I also believe that he recognized that it was LK’s blathering that caused the SS investigator to select that check box. But of course, Schellhorn didn’t care about the fact that she had targeted MB for defamation/ruination. He only cared about getting a conviction for an “attempted murder” because it would grease the skids for his next promotion to Chief Assistant Prosecutor and help lay the groundwork for future career moves.


No. I’m saying that based on the testimony of the CPS worker, LK did not accuse MB of sexual abuse of the children.

He incorrectly and tragically may have inferred that she had accused him of sexual abuse when he saw the CPS woman arrive, and reacted by getting the gun out of the safe.