Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Well perfect, I am glad you agree that it is a very good example of how you state things as a fact that are not quite based on facts, but you want people to think they are based on facts.


So you are saying that in the post made my Lauren Kanarek that she posted here, she was lying to us about her reporting Michael for such things?


Of course Iā€™m not agreeing to that.

Another good example of what you do, though, @trubandloki.


Yep, thereā€™s that wrinkle in CHā€™s statement. Once again.

But I am just a horse of course


@CurrentlyHorseless, here is another great example of Lauren Kanarek saying that she reported Michael to safesport. NOT MHG, Michael.



What about it would have worried her, such that she suggested it was her assassin ā€¦but not warranted a 911 call?


Yes, duh, she reported MB to SS for bullying and body shaming her.

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The nerve of him I tell ya! What would the world be if all of us wanted both our family AND to be paid for the work weā€™ve done!


That is not what she says in that other post that you are ignoring.


Delusional? When in the middle of an ongoing campaign by a truly delusional person with grandiose thinking seeking to destroy your business and your life (as was admitted on the witness stand) ?? Those calls were but the tip of the malevolent iceberg - and as you admitted, he was right to be worried.

I think if you or I had been in that situation, we would have made those calls as well. Oh, waitā€¦ I have been in that situationā€¦ and you obviously have no idea what that is like.

And wasnā€™t it LK who was freaking out about having to sign something mundane like a release and blew it all out of proportion in a ā€œcalm and cogentā€ meltdown? I am sure those who are far more knowledgeable about this sad mess will enlighten meā€¦ I do recall some posts from her about how horrific and threatening that wasā€¦


What you are not saying is that LK didnā€™t accuse MB of child endangerment. Just enough to get CPS out there.

Anyone who does accuse another human of said things without foundation and those that continually stick up for such said person is wellā€¦

Also, you forget the gleeful texts from LK to dear old Daddio about how she gained access to MBā€™s office/safe/forms etc. Wow, who does that? Someone with a plan to FTB?

But I am just a horse of course.


Yeah, gee, wherever did he get the wild idea that this group if neā€™er-do-wells were out to cause him harm? :roll_eyes:


I also like to point out the horribly nasty things that Jonathan Kanarek has done/said. Like him thinking it is funny to make someone homeless.
No one should forget that he is just as bad as his daughter Lauren Kanarek.
If you want to ask a few more times how we know this text is by Jonathan Kanarek, feel free. We know you like to demand proof of things over and over and over again, like you complain about others doing.



I think you are really, really underestimating the number of people with that reaction to LK.


OH if you would be so kind to please post the part about the discussion regarding how they wanted to blackmail MB and company again and the generator too.

I love seeing proof of how they were all plotting.

But I am just a horse of course


That detail about RG trying to track down the whereabouts of those kids is unbelievably creepy, even though it often gets lost in the shuffle with everything else that went on.


Was anyone else extremely surprised to see the photos of the scene after all her descriptions of the ā€œporchā€? That did not look anything like a porch to me. Just one more thing she stretched to fit her narrative.


Even though those kids were gone by that time, I believe.


No problem @SoCoPony!

It is always good to remind ourselves the evil that lives amongst us.

One of my favorite parts of the texts was when Lauren Kanarek was too lazy to get up and turn off the tea kettle and she was texting Rob to get in the house and turn off his tea water.
Who freaking does that?

Here is the transcribed version of that page of texts so it is easier to read. Remember you read from the bottom up.

Do you want actual screen shots of the court documents too?


Yep. Rob Goodwin was searching their location on Aug 3rd. Jonathan Kanarek and Rob Goodwin were discussing making everyone homeless on Aug 5th. The dryer incident happened the night before. Aug 5th is the day Lauren Kanarek called SafeSport, so yep, the kids were gone.