Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Florida requires early morning riding in August. Were one wanting to ride 3 horses before it got hot I could see getting up at 4 am to be ready to ride Horse 1 at 6 am, Horse 2 at 7, Horse 3 at 8.

But we all know that wasn’t the case here! LOL


Trying to catch up but this bit during the 48 Hours episode caught my eye (again).

Firstly, who is “SKB”?

Secondly, and more importantly - notice how MB was body-shaming LK. “Oh wow, you look like a model, all girls should [look] like that.”

Sounds more like a compliment and only someone who is delusional would consider it body-shaming. And despite it being a compliment to LK, she elected to claim to SS that he was body-shaming HER.

Deliberate, cold, calculating, malicious, wicked, malevolent, pernicious, diabolical. I am sure there are more similar adjectives that describe her…


What it doesn’t count if you body shame not existent hypothetical people?

That’s not right.


There is so much REAL abuse, real body shaming going on. Fake Screws just waste valuable resources.


As an aside, a woman who was at the same trainer as me and showed western pleasure used to not wear a bra when showing. I asked her why, and she replied “scar tissue” - as in, her implants and the built up tissue beneath them kept everything from bobbling around when she rode. YMMV…

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Yes, she wanted the vet to state that one of her horses was losing conditioning (JT, maybe) and that shouldn’t happen because she was paying for training rides.

Stomp, stomp, stomp “do they thing I’m going to ride all my horses all the time?”

Was that she thought she was going to sue MB for? Or was that about the $$$ he allegedly owed RG?


And was that why her claim about having access to the office, contracts, and ability to forge was important, because she was going to forge a contract stipulating the majority of the riding would be done by Barisone Dressage rather than her?
I mean, otherwise, if the bulk of riding isn’t the duty of one …how do you prove the lack of fitness is that party’s fault?

Eta if you prove it’s Barisone Dressage fault, um what are you suing for exactly? 1/4 of $5000 for a few months? Board/training for all these months since she bought the horse (but she didn’t have him very long?)?
It’s very confusing what she thought she’d gain

And if it was JT, didn’t he have a chronic health issue, that if flaring, might preclude him being ridden enough to be fit?


Hey, [CH] The checkbox was on the SS form, and it was checked by the SS staffer who interviewed LK, either due to LK’s direct answer to that question (i.e., she answered “YES”) OR because LK made other comments that led the SS worker to think minors were possibly at risk.

CPS is an entirely different organization and not affiliated with SS so it (CPS) is free to draw its own conclusions. As I stated earlier, there was not enough direct evidence on the SS report to indicate immediate risk of actual harm to the children, so CPS performed the most basic of investigations - a perfunctory “social welfare visit” to try to determine if further investigation/action is warranted. And I’m betting that they quite quickly realized the allegations were a bunch of hogwash spouted by someone with an axe to grind.


Well, implants are what saved LK’s life—according to her!


Particularly since they weren’t in Florida at the time.


Nevermind that she added more horses without paying additional board.

There was also the thing about her telling RG not to bill MB for his work because “it would ruin the plan.” What was the plan???


That’s the $64,000 question!

(Maybe it’s up to a cool quarter million by now).


And this is what makes filing false reports not only illegal, but troublesome. You never know what direction it will go.


NJ isn’t such a hoot in August either! But still not it. LOL


Because by law, an unlicensed contractor suing for unpaid work would result in TREBLE DAMAGES TO BE PAID BY SAID UNLICENSED CONTRACTOR TO MB.

So if RG sued for $5,000 he would potentially have to pay MB $15,000 due to NJ law being so strict about contractor licensing.


Their investment in the Finish the Bastard plan didn’t pay out very well, did it?


It paid enough, annoyingly.


Not to mention that it is wasting CPS resources when there are plenty of places where their time and attention are actually needed.


AMAZING!! To be a fly on the wall that day!!!


I actually think CH is making a very good point about CPS being there to investigate MH for neglect. That makes me believe LK reported both MH and MB.

@trubandloki posted the screenshot of LK stating herself that she reported multiple people to SS.

All my opinion.


Sort of like the inverse of all the prosecution witnesses in the trial who made MB look better. Lol.