Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Do we know for certain that CPS was never contacted? We know CPS was searched for but I don’t know if proof exist that they were never contacted.


No, we don’t know for certain, but the CPS employee who testified at the criminal trial said they were contacted by SS.

That’s good enough for me.


It was the position of the prosecution that he was not delusional. The defense prevailed in establishing that he was delusional/insane.

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LK filed a SS complaint against MB, and MB and MHG filed a complaint against LK.

LK reported to SS they she was being bullied, and two days later, she was shot by the person she complained about. Nearly killed. That’s hardly a bogus report to SS.

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Huh? I’m saying that LK did not accuse MB of child sexual abuse.

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But you not saying she didn’t accuse MB of any child endangerment.

round and round time?




I “didn’t say” a lot of things.


of course you didn’t, you just throw statements out that looks like to me to pot stir. It’s how you do you.

So strange.

But I am just a horse of course


There was a poster who apparently worked in social services who said that CPS “absolutely” does investigate reports of verbal or emotional abuse in order to correct things before it progresses to “actual harm”.

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I think its time for … B. Hooves


Or would it be C. I don’t have to answer you.


Dream on and keep fantasizing that narrative in your heard. Facts count. Remember in the future that several of us have told you that.


CPS opened a file based on the SS notification and because of the lack of hard evidence, they started with a basic “social welfare visit.” My understanding is that when kids are involved, the “visit” initially revolves around the custodial parent - i.e., MHG. And the fact that the social worker said on the stand that she was dispatched to HH to investigate possible “neglect” indicates that CPS had already suspected that the concerns about “abuse” on the SS report were spurious (bogus, deceptive, etc.).

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There seems to be two remaining major events LK is, or should be concerned about - SS/USEF and Barisone’s pending insurance suit. It’s gonna be an interesting few months. Potential bombshells for sure and there is absolutely nothing the Kanareks can do about it.


If LK actually thought kids were in danger, why call SS and not law enforcement?
Seems odd to me…


Why exactly didn’t the police report anything to CPS? Surely they are mandatory reporters. And they were there how many times before the shooting happened?


Another good point, even if they thought it was MB who was the problem, why wouldn’t they do something?
Take MHG aside to see if she feels safe as their mother? Or other underage people there, like working students whose parents might not be present and aware if the volatile situation…?


Yep. And she was calling SS. Why didn’t she tell any one of the officers that responded to the 911 calls about the abuse to any of the minors on the farm?


Wrong. The shooting has no bearing on the report whatsoever.


Or the New Jersey version of CPS? Remember that in the USEF by-laws it says that members must report to SS and CPS. Plus good old milk of human kindness that supposedly runs through concerned citizens’ veins when children are being neglected/abused and let’s not forget the starving cats…or were they? The ones whose cat litter boxes were overflowing onto the children’s beds and Lauren Shay Kanarek had the photos to prove it BUT COULDN’T BE BOTHERED TO CALL ANIMAL WELFARE either.

Maybe it only flows through her veins when under high pressure via i.v.