Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

It’s no fantasy that LK filed a report with SS complaining that she was being bullied by MB and was shot by MB two days later. Those are the facts.

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There fixed it for you.


And it’s no fantasy that there are texts between the “power” three.

Talking about sueing, blackmail, putting a bug by the dumpster on and on. It’s been posted up thread again, you should take a good hard look at it.

Oh let’s not forget how good old RG did the finger gun bang, bang to MB while the inspectors were out. That could be taken as bullying or taken lots of ways I suppose and none of them looking good.

Remember you said you don’t approve of ANY form of bullying.

But I am just a horse.of course.


I don’t see how Barisone’s suit against the insurance companies has anything to do with LK.

What SS is going to do in terms of sanctions for MB is an open question. I don’t think his filing a 750 page complaint against her with USEF the day before he shot her is going to help his case.

You’re the one promising bombshells now? If there were a bombshell, it wouldn’t even do any good, since the NGRI verdict cannot be appealed.





Oh my, if only you’d been paying attention for the last 500 posts rather than conniving and spinning.

To give you a short version, all may come out if the insurance suit continues proving LK’s complicity in any events that occurred (read the court documents for further details.)

As I posted many posts above, you have absolutely no idea what SS/USEF is thinking regardless what the Kanareks have told you. Barisone has not requested a hearing nor has he presented the evidence he has. The NGRI verdict won’t play into any decision. Hate it for you.


I don’t think so. They clearly have no intention of banning him. They would have done it already if they were. There isn’t anything to keep them from doing so.


It is fair that you do not understand how they are related. With the posting history you have, I can totally understand how this is something you would not comprehend.

Interesting theory. Likely wrong, but it is good to be consistent so I can see why you are taking this wrong stance here.


Exactly. By her own admission, she didn’t understand the purpose of Safe Sport until she spoke with them. It was ONLY THEN that she decided to conjure up some child abuse.


There are none so blind…oh wait, I already said that. It’s been explained half a dozen times at least how LK has everything to do with the insurance lawsuit.


The Kanareks have told me nothing.

My understanding of SS policy is that if you’ve been charged with a crime, you need a straight NG in order to avoid a permanent suspension via judicial disposition.

He did not get a straight NG.

It appears that SS has not dealt with an NGRI verdict before. So no, I don’t know what they’ll do.

The SS decision is moot for as long as he’s involuntarily committed.

He shot and nearly killed his own student. He wasn’t criminally responsible due to the insanity. But SS can ban people for non criminal behavior.

MB can’t request a hearing until SS issues a sanction, which they haven’t done yet.


Hope you were able to make good use of your time whilst on You Tube by tracking down and arguing with the 1000’s of CoTHers? Seems a missed opportunity otherwise.


Fixed it for ya :wink:


Your understanding. Here we go again. From Safe Sport:

“It is a violation of the Code for a Participant to be or have been subject to any disposition or resolution of a criminal proceeding, other than an adjudication of not guilty…”

An adjudication of not guilty doesn’t say ANYTHING about “straight not guilty, but excluding NGRI.” That’s another bit of fiction from you. In every legal sense, NGRI is NOT GUILTY. hence the determination by the courts that an NGRI verdict can’t be appealed.


With your history of understanding things wrongly, I am going to assume that you just made this up, did not actually attempt to research or find any facts to make this statement contain any truth.

His own student. Wasn’t that the part Lauren Kanarek was having a meltdown about, and why she started the whole finish the bastard plan for, because she was not actually riding with Michael.
So weird that Lauren Kanarek and her father, Jonathan Kanarek, and her < once again, not sure how to describe him, man servant, paid employee, what? > Robert Guy Goodwin were plotting to sue him, make him homeless and all those other things, no?
I guess it is OK to do those things to someone you call your trainer?
Oh, right, he was not her trainer, because he was the name on the door and he dared to have a girlfriend that Lauren Kanarek did not like.

(Well, and that part about there is no proof about who did the shooting, but we have gone over that a million times so no reason to go over that again.)

Is this more of your superior safe sport knowledge?


First a ban pre trial, and now a temporary one is not a sanction?

So, what exactly is SS’s hold up to banning him? Why did they change that ban to a temporary suspension after the trial? Seems the ban prior to the trial still covered the NGRI according to you.


Given that it’s fairly clear that most of ‘RG’s’ post are written by her, I read it as her complimenting herself for being thin by feigning a boyfriend’s concern that she eat more. :roll_eyes:


You are wrong in every assumption you have made. Nothing new.


As an FYI, Michael Barisone can’t request a hearing with USEF/SS until he is free to attend a hearing with them. Nothing more and nothing less.

Please folks, don’t listen to ignorance.



I’m thinking of re-writing Green Eggs and Ham listing all the things I don’t like about this entire situation!