Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

She is not complying. She is ineligible to compete due to her failure to be current with Safe Sport training,and that has been lacking for over a year.

She can’t show in USEF shows, so Safe Sport obviously doesn’t matter to her. Bizarre about claiming to be an FEI rider when one can’t even ride at the USEF level.


Oh, good point. I hadn’t even thought of that. Her claims are obviously bogus, she doesn’t ride at the FEI level, but even so, she’s ineligible to compete, period. Not even uSEF (Sorry, my capital u isn’t working).

Is it at all possible that she would be sanctioned if she completed her SS training? Based on the false claims she has made with SS? or, based on her own behaviour? Or is that not something tht would happend at this time, should she complete her SS training?

I’m just wondering if she’s afraid to complete her training.


I have assumed her failure to renew SS training was (at least in her mind) strategic.


There are connections between her and the Anti-SS people who operate out of the area, so it’s possible that she’s just hoping they will somehow make it go away or that they will rally around her if MB gets released and cleared by SS. It could be that she’s just not doing it because she simply doesn’t want to (lazy) or truly knows that she will never bother showing again and will simply putter around in lessons, until she moves on to something else.


The escalation, in their agressiveness, is alarming


Seriously, I would have never thought of that!
I am clearly not cut out for whatever it is they are/do.


I may be misremembering but I thought it was a 700-page report, and it was filed by MHG.

And out of the hundreds of people who post on these threads, there have been only a scant handful of people who believe the story told to the police by two lying drug addict grifters involved in a concerted plan to destroy MB.


Not surprising, considering that Sheriff’s Dept. had multiple officers involved in buying and trafficking cocaine in the jail parking lot. One of them was also running an oxycodone distribution network, and several of them were using the agency’s computer network to learn about any possible investigations against them. They were busted in late 2019 or early 2020 based on an anonymous tip, and sentenced by Taylor in Feb. 2021. Several of them worked at the county jail, and during the time that MB was being held there pending his trial.


Nothing suspicious there…

Nope, not for a minute.


I am sorry!
That had to be painful.


Didn’t MB and MHG discover several empty oxycodone boxes in LK/RG’s trash? Sure makes that bit about the oxycodone distribution network very, very interesting. Those deputies all worked at the county jail, save one who worked at the courthouse, so they couldn’t have been the ones who ignored MB’s please to help him, nor were they the ones who responded to the shooting. (Although it is possible that one or more went to the scene while off-duty - didn’t one of the responding officers mention in the trial that there were some off-duty officers there who had heard the call over their scanners?)

My, wouldn’t it be a “coincidence” if there was a tie-in between LK/RG and some of those officers? As in, LK/RG were the ones supplying it to them? And even more of a coincidence if there were other officers in the dept involved in that drug usage/trafficking, who were not busted - but may possibly have been patrol officers who were called to HH on one of those 911 calls. Or who were at the crime scene and perhaps deliberately did what they could to cover up / tamper with evidence or “influence” the (non) processing of the crime scene - all so they could protect their drug source? Good grief - the possibilities boggle the mind. :thinking:


Good morning Everyone!

They found suboxone(sp) in the trash, not oxycodone.


Selling suboxone is still a way to raise cash so I wouldn’t put it past either of them NOT to be dealing off the farm or “across the street”.


She was an active, complying USEF member at the time. She never thought her plan, whatever she thought the end result would be, would fail.


Careful!! Either the EIM or Barisone will be accused of being involved in this by one of two posters! /s

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Ah, thanks for that correction. I do still wonder though about possible connections between the known drug addicts at HH (LK/RG) and the known drug users/traffickers affiliated with the Morris County Sheriff’s Department. I’m betting one could draw a Venn diagram showing how their various circles of contacts intersected.


Yep, makes me wonder about their behavior and refusal to allow Barisone to speak with a higher up when he went to the PD to complain. That situation always hit me very, very wrong in every way.


I’m shaking in my boots. :grimacing:


I definitely know USEF members who don’t bother to complete the Safe Sport training until they are getting ready to show if they’ve been between horses or whatever. So it could go either way.


I seriously doubt that failing to be up to date on your SS training would protect you from a SS sanction if SS wanted to sanction you.

Barisone is probably a lifetime member of USEF. Is he current on his SS training?

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