Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Well, here in NC not completing a report of this serious nature before leaving at the end of shift would be grounds for disciplinary action. Of course interim reports are filed if an investigation is on going but the responding officers must complete their reports. Period.


My position is that I cannot for the life of me figure out who you think you are ā€œdiscussingā€ anything with. Your strong determination to make MB out as the villain here, and entirely ignoring LKā€™s part in any of it (and JKā€™s part, and RGGā€™s part), is just so much noise to the rest of the posters on here. Other than exercising your typing skills, you really donā€™t seem to have much purpose.


Wait, now the SS policies are not facts? We can all have our own beliefs and positions on it, and present those as facts?


Sheā€™s trying to provoke responses to get the thread shut down, true to form.


This summarizes so much.

Facts are not facts. What we believe and our positions are facts. Obvs.

Heck, for some of us, laws mean nothing!


The bolded in my post was a rhetorical question, @eggbutt . Perhaps in future I need to spell that out, with /r, perhaps.

As such, I was pointing out that neither LK nor MB are current in their SS training, and this is merely an indication that they are not currently showing.

Several posters stated or suggested that LK had ā€œstrategicallyā€ decided not to renew her SS status in order to avoid a sanction. Thatā€™s ridiculous. For both LK and MB, their not being current on SS training merely indicates that theyā€™re not showing.

Well, LK could renew her SS status and enter a show if she chose, and MB canā€™t, but her not renewing her status does not mean sheā€™s trying to avoid a SS sanction.

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It was a rhetorical question.

Here, I fixed this for you.


Someone is desperate for drama.


Remember Humans the following has been put out there, I am sure we are all free to use it any time we would like.

"In General I Donā€™t Feel Obligated to Answer Your Questions.



I do not ignore LKs part in the tragedy. Iā€™ve said many times that both MB/MHG and LK/RG engaged in a stupid, tit for tat harassment campaign against the other. I donā€™t condone LKs over the top SM posts publicly calling him a racist, or her secret recordings, or her calling the building department.

If not for the insanity, he could have and should have evicted her. Her behavior goes not excuse his shooting her.

There was a lot of bad behavior here, but only one person resorted to gun violence, and that was MB. Due to the finding of insanity, he was not criminally responsible for shooting her. However, I donā€™t agree with the narrative that she ā€œcausedā€ his insanity.


I have taken safesport training, full training three times and all of the interim ones. They should update their materials because I can parrot along with the presenters and hit most of the words!

Safesport is for minors (go ask Congress). It is very clear in the training that bullying, etc. of adults should go to the national governing body, in this case USEF. IIRC, Mary Haskins Gray mailed her report to the USEF. You can file a SS complaint if there is an inbalance of power between adults. See the case against Tommy Serio.

NG is NG. However, there may be other reasons for Safesport to continue the suspension or choose to ban; for example, mental health but they would be treading the disability path.

No one in their right mind would choose to appeal before the final disposition is made. You get one opportunity to appeal in front of an independent arbitrator. There are no additional opportunities.

Next step for Barisone should be a hearing with Safesport unless they lift the suspension when he is released. Which certainly could happen because they undoubtedly have bigger fish to fry.

Edited to change auditor to arbitrator.


The transcript of the text conversation (posted a few times upthread) shows that he was in the process of evicting her, and that she KNEW she was wanted out, and that she had discussed/was discussing the very fact of moving with both RG and her father. Text conversation that was evidence in court. What part of that are you turning a blind eye to? I disagree that her behavior doesnā€™t excuse what happened to her. In fact, I think it was the proximate cause of what happened to her. I am also 100% convinced that MB didnā€™t shoot her.

And that you ā€œdonā€™t agree with the narrative that she caused his insanity,ā€ is entirely moot. Who cares what you donā€™t agree with? It was testified to in a court of law by respected psychiatrists. The jury agreed with that assessment. Do you think MB enjoys languishing in a mental hospital? Do you think that if he really did remember the circumstances of that afternoon, he wouldnā€™t have said so by now, either as a valid defense or as a means to get out of Greystone? Of course she CAUSED his temporary insanity.


Different people seem to have different interpretations of the written policies.

For example, @Sdel interprets the policy as NGRI being treated the same as NG.

I donā€™t think NGRI will automatically be treated as NG.

So, yes, the written SS policy can be treated as fact. But how the policy will be interpreted in Barisoneā€™s case is open to opinion.


Is back peddling an Olympic sport?

Asking for someone I know.


No. The jury determined that MB was insane at the time he shot her. It did not determine whether the insanity was temporary, or what the cause of the insanity was.

Amnesia and insanity are two different things.

In the most recent Krol hearing, Barisoneā€™s experts said his insanity was rooted in childhood abuse.




Oh dear, out comes the Urban Dictionary.


:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:


Quick! You need to go tell the jury because thatā€™s not what they thought at all.

Also, not what was said at the Krohl hearing.