Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I did not say you “all” are here for the pleasure of hate.

I don’t hate MB or the EIM.

It’s what you don’t say that speaks volumes.

But I am just a horse of course


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Why is it that you believe that, when hundreds of other folks clearly understand that she was terrified of being deposed, and that is why she finally elected to drop her lawsuit?

Honestly, your powers of reason tempt me to offer you a parcel of land in Nebraska with an ocean view (and at a bargain price!).


Particularly if she’d been telling the truth and had nothing to hide, the suit would have been a huge slam dunk with all the bombshells, recordings, and witnesses of how utterly horrible Barisone was and how extremely frantic with fear she was. BS Malarkey!!! We, those of us with an iota of common sense and intelligence, know the Kanareks were horrified at all the past Silver and Deininger had found against them. Too many family secrets would have been laid bare for all to see. Who knows what the ramifications of that exposure would have been for them. If old rumors are true, the exposure could have been monumental.


Perhaps CH is a masochist of sorts, and is here for the pleasure of being repeatedly schooled (or spanked - choose your preferred adjective). :grin:


It is obvious to me CH always has an agenda to protect the Kanareks and close the threads. Ironically it would now be easy and logical to jump to YT and educate the masses about this family. They should hope we remain content posting here!


Frantic with fear of a person with no criminal record or propensity for violence…
Frantic with fear of having to sit for a deposition in a lawsuit she filed…
Frantic with fear that MB may possibly receive a payout from his insurance companies…
Frantic with fear that a book/movie/Netflix series may expose the K-Klan for what they are…

Such paranoia - but not surprising given all her other mental health issues.


True story /\ I just went thru a similar dance with an infant gosling.

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I am a bit behind so if this has been said, I apologize for the redundancy. LK has never denied her actions and role in this situation. RG has never denied his actions and role is this situation. So why would anyone argue that the actions didnt occur exactly as reported?

[quote=“Mondo, post:4372, topic:785728”]
And that you “don’t agree with the narrative that she caused his insanity,” is entirely moot. Who cares what you don’t agree with? It was testified to in a court of law by respected psychiatrists. The jury agreed with that assessment.


This makes it sound punitive. :thinking:


What is Irony, Mayim?


You betcha!

Instead of the “Pleasure of Hate”

I prefer:

The “Pleasure of Truth”


The pleasure of being schooled?



This post deserves 100 likes! Now lets sit back and watch as @CurrentlyHorseless ignores this clear evidence that proves she is wrong and just keep plowing ahead with her own false narratives creating falsehoods.


I have a question for the legal minds.

While it is true that the state has to share all its evidence and collected data with the defense, we can assume Michael has everything from the criminal trial from the KKlan and their bumbling police and hired lackeys, is the obverse true? Does the defe n se also have to share everything with the prosecution? And does the state share what it has with Lauren, who was not a party in the criminal trial?

Because if it doesn’t, then Kauren doesn’t have any idea what Michael has on her and their discovery about her and her family and the poli e, Which of course he can turn over to his lawyers for the new civil trial, and share with the insurance company if he wants to.

I just find it interesting that he has so much more info about the KKlan and what happened than they know about. They don’t have any control about the discovery he has on them. Sure, they never got to depose them to get stuff from them directly, but that doesn’t mean they didn’t have boxes of evidence on them which he retains. And none of was he obliged to share with Shellhorn, since Taylor didn’t allow it in the trial.

Lauren must be wetting her pants not able to control any of what’s happening in court now, and being unaware of what any of it is. And yes, I would think the insurance companies absolutely will be tapping her on the shoulder to explain her self and her presence on the farm and what she was doing there when she wasn’t supposed to be there. And so much more.


Signs of a cognitive processing disorder include:

  • Poor memory when recalling learned facts or multi-step written instructions
  • Difficulty with reading, spelling, vocabulary, and comprehension
  • Problems with abstract concepts

And most folks with it do not recognize they have it and resist any insinuation that they have it. :wink:


I have stated what I believe to be the facts about the way SS works.

If you disagree, feel free to respond with your position. It’s a discussion board.

Of course each reader can choose to believe what I’ve written, or not. It’s a discussion board.

In law, you would need to back up what you believe to be facts with proof. That would be citations from Safe Sport rules.


Whatever is learned in discovery must be shared. There are instances in which a motion of protective order can be filed, but I’m not sure it would be applicable in this case as LK is not a party to this suit. Other legal experts please weigh in if I’m wrong.


CH also ignores the fact that quasi-gov’t entities often have wide latitude to interpret their own rules and often times their interpretation and application of their rules does not quite match the written letter of the rules.