Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

St Malo, France. Caramel au beurre salé/caramel with salted butter ice cream.


She’s what?!


Remember, they just make things up for a reaction. There’s nothing thriving or progressing about LK. I am sure that she feels really good about having a house. She’s had some money for some fun things to buy. But she has no income. No work, she lost out on both trials, gained nothing but a year of spending 160k. Which probably included sending her parents on a cruise and buying them a used Bently. She took out a mortgage to pay her attorneys, she is shunned by the dressage community, I don’t think she has a trainer, and the upcoming civil suit is something she has no control over

I don’t think LK is “progressive g” except towards her own downfall, which will come soon enough. What goes around comes around, and the machinations she put into place to destroy MB and MHG have taken on a life of their own, and will destroy her in the end.


I know a pony named Smitten! He is quite smooth, I must say. Lol.


And she was one they successfully doxxed.


With her Finish the Bastard plan? With her drug addiction? With her desire to make Michael homeless? With her goal to ruin Michael’s and MHG’s lives? With finding a new target to torture and blackmail?

What is it that you want to see Lauren Kanarek progress with?




Yes. That is the person whose employer and barn owner were contacted and told that she dared to post negative things about Lauren Kanarek here on COTH.


Who didn’t know he was being recorded when he met with them. He was getting set up as much as MB was.

And, as a legal professional, I feel compelled to note that here is just one more data point re: how much LK and the KKlan don’t have even a rudimentary understanding of law even while they posture and puff up their ‘law adjacent’ credentials every chance they get. Having a non-client at the meeting, recording or not, destroyed their atty-client privilege for the content of that meeting. This isn’t even 1st year basics - most people who watch a couple law-related series, movies, or documentaries know this stuff.

Level up (down?) from eejit to full gobshite.

Absolute amateur hour insane clown posse performance there.


I see your St Malo and raise you Berthillion on the Île Saint-Louis, Paris: double (tiny) scoop caramel au beurre salé and dark chocolate. If you’ve no shame re: your glaces (as I have not) you can stroll along the island eating your cone and, just after you’re done, you will hit their little outpost at the other end of the island and you can order another combo!! :icecream:


My hero!


And @hut-ho78 looks forward to seeing more of Lauren’s successful efforts!


Recipe - Orange BBQ Salmon (edited to add amounts and instructions)

4 salmon fillets ( we used two fillets of white king salmon - 8 oz and 10 oz)
½ cup BBQ sauce
¼ cup orange marmalade
1/3 cup honey
1 TBSP soy sauce
2 TBSP brown sugar
1 tsp. black pepper

1 cup carrots, sliced
1 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
2 cups zucchini, sliced
1 orange bell pepper, sliced
1 red onion, sliced
1 TBSP minced garlic
¼ cup soy sauce
¼ cup olive oil
½ tsp. black pepper

1 orange
1 TBSP sesame seeds (lightly toasted to release flavor)
½ bunch scallions, sliced

Mix ingredients for salmon glaze and set aside while prepping vegetables.

Mix ingredients for vegetable dressing and toss with prepared vegetables. Put vegies in packet made with heavy-duty aluminum foil. Place on grill or smoker heated to 375° F and cook for 10 minutes.

Brush salmon with glaze and place skin side down on grill. Cook for 10 minutes then brush again with glaze.

Place orange slices on grill grate next to salmon. Cook salmon, vegetables, and orange for another 10 minutes or until salmon reaches 155° F. (Salmon may require less time if using a grill instead of smoker.)

Remove everything from grill when the salmon is done. Garnish salmon and vegetables with sesame seeds and chopped scallions. Serve grilled orange slices on the side.

Very tasty!

Another edit - there are just two of us and we had vegetables left over. They went very well the next night with grilled steaks.


Interesting. I love grilled lemons. Will try grilled oranges, should go well with chicken too.


Someone call the vet. I am going lame in both my fores from typing so much. :laughing:


Well duh! @FitzE, you should know everything tastes better in Paris! Because it is Paris!


That sounds so good. Thx for sharing.

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Zucchini, yellow squash, and yellow onion*
saute in butter
sprinkle with dill.

  • You can brown this first if you prefer.

And her prior similar behavior?

Wishing she keeps on keeping on means she keeps bullying people, pushing them til they crack.

That’s not good for anyone, including or especially her.


The whole freaking family is a bunch of Karens.


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