Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

A friend of my BIL, many years ago, set out to drive to FL from Texas. He did not realize he got on I10 going the wrong direction until he got to CA. Some people really are that stupid. In his defense, such as it was, he smoked a lot of dope.


At least he didn’t get on the off ramp. :wink: My DH almost did that once, but in his defence, the on and off ramps were right next to each other.


Did LK do this, too? I remember that it was Kirby who accused Cutter of cutting with knives.

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As children, LK and her sisters did activities that brought the family and name out into the community, which meant the usual mundane choices of soccer, Girl Scouts, and dance. None of them had anything to do with horses until JK bought her a horse, as a graduation gift or some such thing. That’s what we got from the 48 Hours episode and before, she had claimed to have been obsessed with horses and watching them at local shows and riding barns since she was a child, though no evidence of that exists. The family did go on trips when the daughters were younger, which would have resulted in the usual tourist rides.


I don’t remember. You will have to ask Cutter. I thought I remembered that it was LK. :woman_shrugging:t2:

It just made me think of as kids all the aluminum lawn chairs we bent up and the broom sticks we broke jumping courses in the back yard—horseless of course!


I didn’t see her comments… Law and Crime Network?


My sister and I taught our poor dog to lunge and groomed her with a horse grooming kit. And made her a little cloth and cardboard saddle for her to carry around dolls and stuffed animals.


No, it was definitely LK. I actually changed my profile to my NCHA bronze that I won at my first sanctioned NCHA show in an effort to help her understand what a cutter is.



Kirby might have said it as well, from LK, as I remember thinking that it proved she knew nothing about horses, just a parent.


Because heck, it is always good to remember just how much Lauren Kanarek lies about even things that are easily proven to be a lie… I admit that I wonder if she knows how to tell the truth about anything.

From her testimony at the criminal trial

Also from her testimony at the criminal trial, I guess she forgot for a moment that she had said that there was no lawsuit.

And don’t forget those great texts where Lauren Kanarek talks about the lawsuit with her father, Jonathan Kanarek and her < once again, do not know how to describe him, employee? fiancé? > Robert Guy Goodwin.

Screen shot of the typed out version of the texts, note they say outgoing so those texts are by Lauren Kanarek.
(read from the bottom up)

Screen shot of the actual texts from the civil trial documents



I thought these were two separate issues.

The testimony was about suing MB for the work RG did and the texts were about suing MB for the presumed loss of conditioning in one her horses. Yes? :woman_shrugging:t2:

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The testimony does not say anything about a specific lawsuit, it simply asks if they were planning to sue Michael already.

And there being two things they planned to sue Michael over only makes her saying (in the first screen shot) they were not even worse.


Oh it does make it worse.

Play stupid games…….


Sidebar, please.

I am once again struck by the timestamps on those text messages. There was a 10-hour gap (from 4 AM to 2 PM), during which time I assume she was sleeping. What normally functioning person keeps those kind of hours (other than possibly military, police, hospital staff - none of which she is)? IIRC, many (most?) of her most vicious and unhinged posts were made in the wee hours - so apparently before she slept. And if sleeping until 2 PM was her standard MO, then it is no wonder she couldn’t get to the barn for lessons.

Also, I assume the 4 AM texts were between LK and RG, and the ones starting at 2 PM were between her and JK. Correct?


Back when we could have “signatures” for our posts, I was using “Not fragile like a flower, fragile like a bomb.” I can’t remember whether it was LK, CH, or HH who accused me of making a bomb threat against LK. What?


I think all of this section of texts was a three way conversation with Lauren Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin, and Jonathan Kanarek.

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That’s something I miss.


But wouldn’t it have been on record?
If he visited the precinct and spoke with the commander… wouldn’t there be a record of that, with some details…?

You can still have them. You just need to get a mod to add it. See mine next to my name.