Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

These were a line or two automatically added at the bottom of a post.


We learned he went down to the precinct with pages of SM (I think) just days before the shooting, but the Desk Sergeant (or whomever) wouldn’t even call the Supervisor up to the front to meet with MB.

That crew probably didn’t make a record of it!

For the life of me I can’t recall how we found out about that incident.


I honestly have no idea what that procedure would be, or if there was one that this office reliably follows it.


Wasn’t there a video of it? Maybe not with sound but you could see how agitated MB was? Or am I remembering this incorrectly?

I remember there was a video and didn’t they draw or indicate they would draw their guns.

Sigh me.

Start at 6.30am at IGA Supermarket and put bread on shelves.

9.30am drive over and hour to Toowoomba to start 4 x Aldi Mystery Shops and 4 x Aldi Audits. The MS can be done from 10am to 5.55pm. The audits, the first 2 have to start after 10am and I must start the 2nd one before 2pm. The 3rd has to start after 2pm. The 4th has to start before 6pm and I must finish by 7.30pm. We have to check in and out on the phone for each one, which also records our location.

I usually do the mystery shop first and the audit 2nd, as that is Announced, at each store. Actually you are not allowed to mystery shop the stores you audit, but no-one else is stupid enough to drive there!

Eeep driving to the 2nd one I see that I am going to get there at 1.49pm and they have changed the Audit that I have to start by 1.55pm instead of 2pm. So I do the audit first.

I then leave and go and get petrol, a butter chicken pie, (First time I have seen one of that flavour) and with that an iced doughnut for a dollar.

I drive back to that Aldi and do the 2nd Mystery Shop.

I eat the pie and donut on the way to the 3rd mystery shop.

I arrive at the 4th mystery shop after 5pm.

After the 4th audit, Google maps tells me I am going to arrive home at 7.55pm. If I do not have the 4 x mystery shops in by 8pm, I will be docked $5.00 for each one.

I ask the Store Manager if I can put the Mystery Shop reports in, in the staff room and why. She says yes.

I arrive home at 8.35pm. The Audits are also supposed to be in by 8pm. I have permission to put them in by 5am.

Hubby says tea is in the fridge if I want it.

No, I go to bed and put in an Audit, that takes an hour or so. I nap for 2 hours. I put in another 2. I nap for a few more hours. I put in the last one. I am now awake and can play my games or go on the forum. Another nap.

Hubby brings me breaky in bed at 5am. Bread I start at 8am.

No riding horses, I do have, or playing a piano, I don’t own.


I don’t remember that. Would it have been shown at the criminal trial?

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What a job. A job for the young. Hope your health can take it. Glad to have ypu on at your 0dd hours.


The audits will only be 5 days a month from now on. 2 months on, one month off supposedly, however this is the 3rd month in a row.

The bread is 6 days a week and only in the morning. I call it going to the gym.

I deliver groceries on a Thursday and Friday, however the guy I gave Tuesday to, went to New Zealand for 3 weeks. So I was doing his job as well.

Boy does it feel good to sit down. Sitting in the car doesn’t count.


Yikes, that is quite a schedule. But the difference between you and LK is that you are doing something productive in the morning. Based on the timestamps for that string of text messages shown upthread, she was likely sleeping between 4 AM - 2 PM (if she was awake, there would likely be much more texting).

Take care of yourself so you don’t get burned out!


The incident was described by Deininger in MBs failed civil
against the police. Deininger wasn’t there and must have been going on MBs statement of what happened.

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No, there was no video. However, Deininger added some dramatic descriptive details, such as the deputy puffing out his chest, and MB speaking in a trembling voice.

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Were you there? How do you know that Deininger was not there? Are you stating that as a fact because you know it is a fact or because you are doing that thing you do again? Darn, this reminds me of a post you made about a police report.


Yes, there is a procedure. The procedure, as described to MB, is that if you have complaints you put your complaints in writing and submit it for the higher ups to review.

That is a better procedure that than just speaking to someone as there is a record of the complaint in the complainer’s own words.

MB apparently thought the rules did not apply to him, and he should be able to chew out the supervisor in person.

When he shot LK, he approached her saying he “wanted to talk”, then pulled out the gun. Do police stations have metal detectors at entrance? Even if they do, I can understand why the procedure is submitting a written statement rather than allowing hot heads dissatisfied with the policing to get in the supervisors face.

They did reliably follow their own procedure by informing MB he could submit a written complaint but could not speak to the supervisor in person.

So you are saying you were there and know this stuff?


Or mayyyyyy-be things were so beyond the pale, and urgent, that he felt he should speak to someone in authority to assist him in getting this addressed before it escalated further?
Seems reasonable and responsible to me.
Seek help. From authorities.

I mean, in the movie in your head, you can’t see how someone who is very concerned may not be aware of, or might think it appropriate to circumventing the steps when they are distressed and concerned that the situation seems on the verge of getting much more dire?
How lucky for you.


In my younger days I WORKED at a police station. People called to speak to a supervisor and they got one. If they came down in person, they got to see one. To protect and serve, remember?

The police SERVE the public. There is absolutely NOTHING odd about a tax payer wanting to speak to the Captain. Zero. And they did.

This particular police force does not perform adequate service for their community and were I a resident in their area I would be all over this with complaints and action.

Because I know what they needed to do. I wore a shield too. I know the protocol.


The procedure, which the police department followed, was that complaints are submitted in written form.

That was not good enough for MB (Mr. “the rules don’t apply to me”) so he created a scene in the police station demanding to talk to the supervisor in person. It’s exactly at times when things are tense that it’s more important to stick with written complaints instead of personal confrontations.

Apparently some posters thought they had seen a video (a movie in their head) based on Deininger’s dramatic description of the scene. Not me.

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Where is the proof this is the procedure? I find that hard to believe. And even if it is, is totally not in line with normal protocol. But I’d like to see proof. So cough it up.


I think you are messing up who they thought the rules didn’t apply to them.

In regards to a video, I would find it very odd that any PD won’t have a camera in the lobby of the station, very odd, however that is just my opinion.

But I am just a horse of course.


So maybe he could have been allowed to speak to someone
 I hope you’re sitting down
 AND given a written complaint.
Crazy thought.
Or was so much urgent business going on that they didn’t have time?