Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

And here we are. Back in the round pen.


Gee @CurrentlyHorseless according to this, you’re very wrong. I’m shocked I tell you!


Where on earth do you get this sneering Mr. Rules Do Not Apply To Me nonsense? Is that another sequel to that oft-bragged about movie in your head?

If you or I were in MB’s position at that time, even you would have asked to see the supervisor. I know I would have. There is nothing untoward with that. If your life and security was being threatened by a smirking ninja who was out to finish you (as she testified on the witness stand), you would be wanting action to be taken and help to be given as well… and maybe “making a scene”.


According to two impeached witnesses.


Color me not surprised!


It says you may file a complaint against an officer by phone, mail or email.

Where does it say you have the right to talk to the station supervisor in person?

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Excuse me @CurrentlyHorseless, I am confused by something you are saying. Can you help me understand how to balance out your latest example of “the movie in your head”?

You start out by saying that Michael created a scene in the lobby.

Then you go on to say that Chris gave a dramatic description.

So now I am wondering if Chris’s description was not accurate, or to use your most recent word of choice, if Chris’s description was dramatic, then how do we know Michael created a scene?

You can not really have it both ways, can you?

This is basically what you are saying - Chris is making things up, but since he made that up I am going to say that Michael was making a scene.


Um… in the sentence before the one you selectively chose to focus on?


I also thought that Michael was at the police station to beg for help from the situation that was caused by Lauren Kanare, Jonathan Kanarek, and Robert Guy Goodwin, not to file a complaint.
Last I checked, I have been taught since I was a wee human that if you have a problem, go to the police station for help.



This person just has to be a CotHer……


Is English your 2nd language by any chance? I’m not being sparky, it’s just so clear.


Apparently he could have met in person with someone on the staff to submit a complaint if he had wanted to.

He was insisting on talking to the police supervisor, not just anyone. That does not say you have the right to go straight to the top of the chain of command. You submit your complaint to the internal affairs department, and the internal affairs dtoartment department handles it.

Oh. My. God. Does your back hurt? That’s a lot of twisting you’re doing.

I have a friend in the NYPD’s IA department. I guarantee you’re not just submitting a complaint to any old cop when you report to them.


Who do you think supervises the actions of officers? A supervisor and in ranked entities that means a lieutenant, captain or someone with internal affairs ALL of which MB could have spoken to in order to get the assistance the rank and file cops denied him.


Well apparently to a certain poster even if you are being stalked, threatened and so much more, and you have called 911 numerous times and the PD has not assisted in relief from the situation, you STILL have to put that in writing to the PD and wait to speak to a supervisor for what 6-8 weeks, (not sure of the timeline is here for a response back) but in the mean time you have to be subject to this from the tormenting party because what Oh Well Too Bad, So Sad?

This is a silly argument being made by a certain poster just to pot stir.

I must say it was nice having this thread die down for awhile but good job CH for bumping it back up so we least forget about the role of LK/RG & JK and in all of this.

Ha Ha Maybe they will be homeless.
He will have a buy a Generator. A Big A** one.

But I am just a horse of course.


In the movie in your head, what does a person do if they need the help of the police? Is it wrong to go to the police station and ask for help? It is not uncommon for someone who has not gotten the help that they have been asking for to ask for someone in charge to help them. Is this OK at the Verizon store but not OK at a police station?

If only Lauren Kanarek, Jonathan Kanarek, and Robert Guy Goodwin had not set out to finish the bastard, Michael would not have been needing to bother anyone at the police station. If only.


Let’s not forget:

The testimony of Lauren Shay Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin was shown to be not believed by the jury who decided they drove MB to have a lapse in sanity due to their unrelenting torture of everyone in their presence because Lauren Shay Kanarek, a rider of average talent concocted a plot to FINISH THE BASTARD because he refused to acquiesce to her unrelenting, insane demands to be the teachers sole pet because she imagined herself to be of Olympic quality when she isn’t even of regional quality.


Let’s not forget:

That Lauren Shay Kanarek repeatedly has tried to post here despite being banned multiple times for lying. Also likewise banned was Kirby Kanarek and Jonathan Kanarek, her parents, as well as other user names by family.


No. The jury determined that, beyond a reasonable doubt, that MB shot LK, consistent with her testimony.

The jury also determined that MB was insane at the time her shot her. That’s why the verdict was NGRI rather than guilty.

The jury did not determine the cause of MBs insanity or when the insanity started.

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@CurrentlyHorseless, remind me again what your thoughts are on what the jury found regarding the charges again Robert Guy Goodwin?