Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

It was MBs treatment team at Greystone that diagnosed him as having narcissistic disorder. It’s in the public record.

Oh Boy now we are onto the Vera discussion portion of the program.

This hasn’t been trotted or should I say :racehorse: :wind_face:out in awhile.

Someone is going to get BINGO today. Watch your cards humans.

But I am just a horse of course



A pony might work for this.


What in blue blazes does any of THAT have to do with the present discussion? Hint: N O T H I N G! If you can’t dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with baloney.

Once again, CH, you are wrong.


Yet you refuse to acknowledge the Queen of “The Rules Do Not Apply to Me”!


More importantly @cutter99, did you get a pay raise yet for all the work you have been told you do for COTH?


Are you kidding @trubandloki??? I have yet to get a paycheck in almost 4 stinkin’ years!


The obsession with MB’s first marriage is so out there, and so improper, that one cannot help but feel it is deeply personal.


Yes that should of been private but a certain Judge seems to think differently.

But I am just a horse of course


Individual cops may have immunity but one could sue the department itself maybe alleging that the supervisors allowed a culture of malfeasance, or some other type of inefficient handling of matters nor adequate addressing of a citizens concerns for their safety, their families safety, children’s safety.


I was accused of being a liar. I am not a liar.

LK has admitted to sometimes lying on SM. She accused MB of moving MHG in as his girlfriend while still married to VK.

I did not know whether to believe that or not. The post I’m referring to, which advertises VK as stepping in to cover a scheduled Barisone clinic in summer 2016 suggests to me that LK was not lying about that.

I found that a while ago and didn’t post it until Ambitious Kate called me a liar.

I know…I know… you stating things as fact that are not fact is not you lying. Because you go back and later on say it was just your opinion. We got it. Movie in your head and all that.

You found one thing that LK said that you might twist to a truth and suddenly what?

Shall we list all the other lies LK has spewed? I am not going to start believing the queen of lies now.


Well since you won’t screen shot or post anything to prove what you are talking about, it’s up to the reader of your ramblings to try and figure out what it is you are going on about.

If I read the correct information as posted online I saw nothing about MHG in it whatsoever.

So please just stop with the nonsense and pot stirring. You are really making yourself out in to be, I dare say, not a good light.

But I am just a horse of course


How fortuitous that you found a crack in which to squeeze your spew. As was mentioned earlier, VK as ZERO, ZILCH, NADA to do with any of this discussion. None of it. You do lie about stuff all the time. Own it.


I guess I’ll renew my daily disclaimer:

The best way to deal with bad faith discussion is to ice out the bad faith discusser with an old fashioned shunning (aka ignore feature).


Methinks that “logic does not apply to me” could describe a certain poster here. :upside_down_face:


I think you are thinking about the Kanawrecks

ETA - I was a bit behind in this thread and realize now that multiple people posted the same observation, however, one can not say it enough, so I am leaving this here.


Oh wait. This here is a perfect example of why Krol hearings are supposed to not be public. So people can not run around being a jerk with information they are not even supposed to have. Too bad Judge Taylor has refused to follow the rules of Krol hearings. Too bad some people do not have enough class to realize that even though they know this, they shouldn’t know it and maybe they should not toss it around so gleefully.
Disgusting on so many fronts.


:100: Good assessment of the situation!


I’m not twisting anything. Read it for yourself.

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