Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Furthermore, LK has never met VK and wouldn’t recognize her if she VK was seated at the next table at Global. VK and MGH were never housed together. These divorce court theories have been revealed to LK via the inane speculations of certain posters looking for fresh meat to condemn MB… It is repellent to me that someone would drag this highly regarded trainer into rumors just to stir up this board.


But we have NO IDEA for certain what it is that you are referring too.

No link, no screen shot provided, nothing!!!

Just you rambling on all gobbledygook.

:racehorse: :wind_face:


I know that I am just an eventer, I have read the link you provided and have no idea what you’re talking about.


The issue is whether MB took up with MHG as his girlfriend while still married to Vera, his business partner as well as wife.

LK claimed that he did. Others here have asserted that MBs marriage to Vera was completely over before he took MHG on as girlfriend. I don’t know for certain which claim is true.

In court testimony MHG stated that she was MBs girlfriends as of 2015. The post I came across stated that Vera, described as Vera Kessels Barisone and MBs business partner, stepped in on short notice to cover a dressage clinic scheduled with MB when MB needed to leave the country to coach Ali Brock. This suggests to me that he probably was still married to Vera when he installed MHG as girlfriend in 2015.

Everyone can decide for themselves what the implications of the 2016 post are.

I went to that website to view.

I hate when the whole truth is not mentioned.

So apparently, Allison Brock was selected to go to the selection trials for the 2016 Olympics, MB was her coach, so he wanted to go with her/felt he should go with her, whatever. MB was scheduled to do a clinic at this farm. So VK did the clinic so MB could go to the selection trials with Allison Brock.

End of story.

No conspiracy.

No hanky panky.

No nothing.

Get over it.


The significant thing, to me, is that it very much describes Vera as the current wife and business partner as of early summer 2016, whole MHG had testified that her relationship with MB started in 2015.


This in not the way they describe VK. No Where does it mention VK is MB’s wife. As partners and Business partner, yes. Wife NO

“The good news is that we are still able to host this weekend clinic and welcome Michael’s business partner, Vera! I had the privilege to observe both of them coaching and riding at their winter home in Wellington FL. They are a wonderful team and together they train the best horses to the top levels. Vera has as much knowledge and skill as Michael himself. I am very excited to have her here at QLD this weekend! –Marketa Matthews”

“In Florida, she served as a dressage trainer for Nan Sexton at South Gate Farm and eventually met her future husband, Michael Barisone.”

“Today, Vera and Michael own and operate Barisone Dressage, a thriving business that manages training facilities in both Long Valley, NJ and Wellington, FL. As partners, they train and coach numerous Grand Prix horses and riders, but their specialty lies in schooling young horses and aspiring riders through all the levels of dressage. Every year, Vera returns to Holland for the foal auctions from which she typically brings home two or three quality youngsters that will be started under her patient and expert hands.”

edited to fix spelling and grammar


Who the heck cares? I sure don’t and I don’t know anyone, other than you and the Kanareks, who cares what Barisone’s personal relationships were with any women in his life until Miss Name on the Door took over his future.


OK, I almost never post here, but I came across this painting on the ShopGoodwill website and for some reason it reminded me of the 48 Hours show, so I’ll just leave it here…


Edited to add a JPEG for when the item goes away:


Apparently it is only an issue for you, and frankly none of your damn business.

Who cares? People get divorced every freakin’ day of the week. Some manage to do it without acrimony.

You have no idea what the true situation is/ was between Vera and Michael, correct @CurrentlyHorseless???

And unless you are Vera, the correct answer is you have no idea because you sure are not Michael!!!



Your fixation on this is beyond strange, it almost looks like you are projecting.



Indeed, just as many publications and media outlets attribute RG as being a fiancée, groom, boytoy, etc. Pick one and decide what you want to believe if you weren’t involved and then tell us all what difference it makes. Mkay?


@CurrentlyHorseless, since you are so knowledgeable, tell us about the weird relationship between LK, RG and JK. How strange is that?


It’s not you. Just think of Rosanna Dana Dana, only about 97 years old.


Yes, that was mentioned in the Krol hearing, but I think that’s a weak example. Especially given the circumstances.


You know, I don’t ask my hair dresser, vet (small or large animal), groomer, doctor, gym instructor or any other individual that I pay for a service, what their personal relationships are with their staffs, their other clients or anyone else. Guess why! It’s none of my damn business! If I don’t like the service I’m getting for any reason, I leave and I don’t conspire to Finish the Bastard.

@CurrentlyHorseless you can play make believe and pull all sorts of ideas out of your helmet to attempt to defend the Kanareks but it won’t work here or anywhere I am aware of. You are tiring with your games.


Weird flex, but ok…


Well, until the divorce was final and all the assets split, Vera was his current wife and business partner.

Do you think that an “affair” immediately nullifies a legally binding marriage? No, it takes the courts to do that.


Very creepy cool. I love it. I think that scene is just about when Marnie hitches up her floaty yellow ball gown and hops on bareback and gallops away. Very dark movie, more so after hearing how Hitch went after her sexually.

His daughter was a major player at the old Menlo Charity Shows.

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