Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

If MHG gave MB an ultimatum, “I’m leaving you if you don’t get rid of LK right now” (notice the word “if”; I don’t know if she gave him an ultimatum or not), and MB, in his delusional state shoots LK, that makes it the business of LK, RG, JK, KK, and the state of New Jersey.

I think someone is crossing the line here in their pursuit of smearing Mary Haskins Gray on a public forum.


Still working on blaming MHG for all of it, I see.

Hey everyone MHG is now the next target from CH.

  1. Lawyer
  2. MB /Vera
  3. MHG




Why don’t you address the point that there were no issues know publicly before Lauren Shay Kanarek decided to “FINISH THE BASTARD”!

Had the police been called out to break up a cat fight over Michael?


Had the police been called out because Vera pulled MHG’s hair over Michael?


Had the police been called because MHG pulled Vera’s hair over Michael?


Were the police called after Lauren Shay Kanarek decided to pitch the mother of all hissy fits because she wasn’t getting enough attention from “the name on the door” to quote Jonathan Kanarek, and “FINISH THE BASTARD”?

They most certainly were.

What don’t you understand about this @CurrentlyHorseless???

It is pretty damn simple.


Hey, @CurrentlyHorseless, it’s a well know fact among those that know Lauren that she cheated on her husband with RG. What do you know! But it has nothing to do with this case, so NOBODY BRINGS IT UP. What does that mean to you? Nothing? Because ot has nothing to do with the case at hand?

MHG has nothing to do with what Lauren did to MB. Lauren has no business perseverating on Michael’s personal relationships. AND NEITHER DO YOU.

@CurrentlyHorseless perseverates on MBs personal relationships as much as Lauren does. So much so, she even makes up lies about them. You sound so… desperate, @CurrentlyHorseless.


LOL. She was more than an “obnoxious client who is late for lessons and threatens to sue you.”

I love your jokes!


So weird if this was the case, I wonder why Schellhorn did not ask MHG about if she gave Michael an ultimatum while she was testifying at the criminal trial. I mean, if that was the cause of all the issues, it seems like that would have been a very logical question for the prosecution to ask their own witness, don’t you think? Did Schellhorn neglect to bring up this amazing point you are trying to explain here, or was it just not a thing at all?


If you don’t know why are you perseverating on It? @CurrentlyHorseless is making up lies again and trying to spread them on social media, and admitting to it.


Dude. The trial is over tho.


This is a nutcase and a half. What the heck, dude!


Man, we all gettin’ sucked into the CH Show today.



Right can we change the channel.

The CH needs attention show is just poorly scripted, poorly acted and just a low brow mud slinging Jerry Springer spectacle.



Ch is starting to remind me of Adam Schiff. :skunk:

(I tried to find a weasel emoji, but skunk also works.)


Just finished - will add a couple of photos later.

But why not relitigate it at every opportunity? Oh wait… what was that a sign of again?

CH - taking LK’s words as any kind of truth is hopeless and at times, laughable. She has contradicted herself time and time again and admits she lies on SM. She and RG were impeached as they were NOT believable on the witness stand - and even contradicted each other. She lies. End of story.

This bizarre obsession with some of your favorite topics - Vera & MHG especially… has gotten a bit disturbing. Care to rag on about NGRI and take a break from the Vera/MHG fixations/conspiracies? Or maybe a healthy dose of mortgages again?

Maybe the movie in your head that you have referred to and/or reading between the lines to find truths that apparently only you can see is not working…

I am not sure why you are so very invested in defending someone who is clearly out for revenge and not interested in just living her best life… I think it has become a rather sad little game at this point.


No political references please. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:


The cause of MBs mental breakdown was not at issue in the trial.

All that needed to be established was 1) did he shoot her and 2) if yes, was he insane at the time.



Lemme get this straight…

It needed to be established if he was insane at the time, but his mental breakdown was not at issue in the trial.

Hm. I would’ve thought that his mental breakdown would’ve had something to with and/or played into whether or not he was insane at the time.


Wow, now that is a great example of 100% missing a very obvious point or pretending to miss a very obvious point.
Kind of like the whole Schellhorn not asking if the movie in your head is correct, neither of those answers makes you look good.

You are funny though. Full of untruths, but funny.


Well, there is a writer’s strike going on now.