Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I find the obsession with MHG interesting. Especially in respect to other parties that also have an obsession with the same individual. Eh, well, birds of a feather and all that.


Whether he was insane mattered.

The origin or cause of his insanity did not need to be established in order to determine he was insane at the time he shot her.

What or who caused John Hinckley’s insanity?

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Do you really want to round pen in the heat?

You arguments today are already lame on three, do you want to go for four?



Again, this has no place here.


What a shame to take this mess even further down the rabbit hole. BTW, I’m not sure what the honorable Adam Shiff has to do with this :thinking: .


What’s your point here?

In the trial what or who caused Hinckley’s insanity was discussed. You can’t just say, “he was insane at the time” some context and back story is required. That can include the mental deterioration or state that the person was in. So the mental breakdown is of relevance.

They actually did introduce some origin and cause in the MB trial.


I would bet my farm on the fact that if you are found NOT GUILTY BY REASON OF INSANITY, your mental breakdown is an issue at the trial.

@CurrentlyHorseless, do you ever go back and actually read what you type? If you don’t, you might want to.


What the heck just happened? Weren’t we just discussing the police taking complaints?

Is this vk/mental status thing a way to stop that Convo?


It’s an attempt at thread lock

No thread = no discussion of LK and family’s actions. And that is what CH wants to avoid having discussed, highlighted, placed front and center.

Just like a few others who can’t take responsibility for their actions.


Just one little point: It has been said that MB had feelings/delusions/thoughts of grandiosity, and that was stated by his care team at Greystone. HOWEVER, it was pointed out in the Krol hearing that the basis for that “diagnosis” were true. He HAD the Colbert show at his farm, he HAD been on the Olympic team, he HAD book and movie offers.

So to base an assumption of his attitude at the police station, or anywhere, on that erroneous statement simply perpetuates the falsehood and the assumption is wrong. If one is going to cite sources, at least make sure those sources are accurate.


Also to control the narrative.



We on a diet of nothing burgers in here.


Of course the fact of the mental breakdown needs to be established for a NGRI verdict.

I doubt that actual psychiatrists would have the hubris to claim that they can trace a person’s mental breakdown to a single, specific cause.

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But clearly you think you can do that, hu?

Even though you were not there.


Perhaps not, but they would look at any and all possible causes, no? They’d consider people and/or events that led to the person being insane (or contributed to) in an attempt to establish and enforce the claim of insanity.


Someone said they remembered a video of the confrontation between MB and the police in the police station lobby, including details of whether the cops drew their guns and how distraught MB looked.

I stated that I remember no such video being posted on these threads and suggested that the “movie in the head” some people thought they remembered was based on Deininger’s dramatic account of the confrontation in the civil lawsuit.

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Wow, your story has changed quite a bit since it started today.


CH, I know that you’re riding that LK train, but when you say something you have to back it up. You(g) cannot just say, “he was insane” so the origins and contributing factors are relevant. I did not say nor am I saying that any actual psychiatrists would have the hubris to claim that they can trace a person’s mental breakdown to a single specfic cause, but you know that.


Someone also said that the earth is flat. I don’t know who this someone is, or when/where they said that.


Yes, the defense might well appeal to possible contributing factors to help establish the fact of the insanity. In MBs trial, they brought up traumatic childhood issues, feelings of inadequacy, and longstanding depression.

But his having been found NGRI doesn’t establish the precise cause or source of his insanity.