Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

It won’t exist. I dispatched 83 agencies/stations between PD, FD, and EMS… every single one of them had a supervisor who could and did respond to a person’s complaint. Some required a written complaint to be filed so that it could be documented, but not INSTEAD of a verbal complaint to a supervisor, in ADDITION to the conversation with a supervisor.

Sometimes there was quite a wait for a supervisor to be available if they were on the scene of an emergency, but they made the time at some point to either meet that person at the station, or they would go to wherever the person was. That’s kind of part of their job description.



Are you dizzy from all the spinning that you have done today?

It is Friday, have you been doing Happy Hours?

Maybe that’s it.

Your not really discussing, you are making statements. That’s what you do. When asked to provide any proof or backup to your statements you either ignore, change the subject or have a hissy fit.



No you’re not. You’re perseverating on his relationships. There’s no discussion about them. You keep bringing them up. Everyone else keeps laughing at you for doing it. That is not having a discussion. You don’t have a healthy idea of how to interact socially with us, and you have no clue how sophisticated, complicated marriages are worked out upon dissolution. You appear socially very naive.


I think La La had the hots for MB and that’s why she wanted all his attention and for MHG to go away, so LK could be the center of his universe.

Maybe that is why she had her meltdown because his moon didn’t revolve around her sun.

Poor Jim E Stark, RG, I wonder if he could of stayed around if La La got her way or if he would of been dismissed.

But I am just a horse of course


No, I think someone asked if there was a video.

And wait, what? I don’t remember anyone anywhere saying the cops drew their guns except on August 7th when they first got to the farmhouse. Did it happen at the precinct?


Someone referred to remembering details from a video of the confrontation. Others questioned whether there was a video.

And you made a a statement about the cops drawing their guns in your post.

So you once again you put out false information.

What’s your point on doing this. Really?



The origin or cause of his insanity did not need to be established in order to determine he was insane at the time he shot her.

What or who caused John Hinckley’s insanity?

Taxi Driver and Jody Foster’s character.


I said that someone else posted their recollection of supposedly seeing a video by talking about whether the cops drew their guns.

I did not say that the cops drew their guns. It is my position that no video of the confrontation was ever posted. The false information was that such a video was ever posted. However. I would not call the person who mistakenly thought such a video had been posted s liar. I assume they simply misremembered.

You know what happens when you assume right?



Shoot, even Lucy and Desi ran Desilu Studios together for two years after their divorce. Then Lucy bought out Desi. And Lucy is the reason there is StarTrek. Just my bit of trivia for the night.


Fascinating! I had no idea. What an amazing businesswoman. I do know that Gene R. lobbied hard for the captain to be a woman but he lost that one.


And from what I remember (reading about cause I wasn’t born yet) he had shopped StarTrek everywhere and nobody wanted it until Lucy picked up. And the rest, as they say, is history!


Although this is FEI Show Jumping, I feel certain Dressage will follow suit. This will just be another reason LK will never ride FEI!


Exactly. Anyone who’s been around the entertainment industry-- or the horse industry, for that matter-- is well aware of couples who maintain a business relationship during or after a divorce, and do so amicably, in the interest of that enterprise

And, quite frankly, there are plenty of marriages that simply run out of gas. People fall out of love. They grow apart. It doesn’t have to be due to a salacious affair. It can be, in the words of that modern sage Gwyneth Paltrow, a “conscious uncoupling.”


It was going to be the main issue in the civil case, and LK was so determined not to allow herself to be deposed that she ran away from it.

Yet you seem to think the single cause is an ultimatum you have no proof of?


@Jenerationx, you’ve brought up an overlooked point for sure. If LK, or anyone, had any proof whatsoever that Barisone had the gun and did the shooting, what an utter fool she was to beg the suits be dropped!!! I mean, she had all this evidence supposedly of Barisone’s extremely violent past and many witnesses and such, but SHE refused to be deposed and scrambled to drop it all!!

Who does that??? The answer to that question is more clear to me now than it’s ever been!


Yep. Bombshells were going to be dropped and all, but instead she dropped the entire suit with prejudice, so she cannot ever file the suit again. If she had all the proof (that somehow wasn’t brought up in the criminal trial,) then why not go through with the deposition?

I think there are bombshells out there… I just don’t think it’s LK holding them.


That’s so true! If LK had any proof that Barisone had the gun that she didn’t have in the legal trial, and it was he who did the shooting, what a lost opportunity for her. Its clear she has no proof that he shot her, and has no evidence. I guess that can be put to rest.


Interesting. I wonder if news of LK spread to the FEI and is the reason for the changes. If so, at least one thing good will have come from this tragedy.