Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

That’s what I was thinking. I don’t think there has been so much SS damage done as LK has done. However, there is also SW, who has done extensive damage with social media, including stealing professional propriotory videos for nasty grams and slamming comments. Hers too should fall into this category. It would enable them to sanction those people, at least, as well as fine them.


Actually, it appears to me that the FEI rules proposal for social media standards is a General FEI change, and not specifically for Jumping. Later in the article, it listst a FEI jumping change issue, but this appears to be “general” FEI change, so it would seem to me to apply to Dressage and jumping alike?


Only if they are actually FEI members, I would think.

So those rules would have no effect whatsoever on random people who are not members in the first place.


I think it has more to do with posting about animal welfare on social media.

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Oops. Missed that. Should have read it all the way through. :flushed:

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Possibly, but I see it as step one of holding people responsible for their social media posts. The walls are closing in on LK’s freedom to hate and destroy, at least if she wants to compete, which certainly doesn’t seem to be apparent that she does.

Rather than picking up the pieces and moving on in a positive direction as every other victim of this drama has, she continues to wallow in her own shortcomings and hateful vengeance against situations of her own making.


@CurrentlyHorseless if the personal lives of MHG, VK, and MB were so disturbing to the moral and ethical beliefs of Miss Kanarek, isn’t that just one more reason that she should have left the situation?? Serious question BTW. I really do think it’s time you stop your quest to paint LK in a positive light and search to blame others and find ridiculous reasons for the events that occurred at HH the summer of 2019. I promise you will never be able to justify the actions of the Kanareks then or now. Your attempts at explaining the K’s and their behavior are not plausible. It is apparent you enjoy the attention you receive from your attempts to bait others for reaction. That speaks more about you than any of us who respond to you.


I’m a bit behind but I think you dismiss what else was going on there with LK like MB finding the suboxone boxes in the trash then doing the background check and finding out that they have real trouble on their hands with LK and RG. If I had children at that barn, I would high tail it out of there just knowing there are drug addicts on the property let alone unsavory characters with criminal history. These two are not citizens of the year and, like many have said here, I have never been arrested not once in my life. I also think that you dismiss threats of a lawsuit as nothing, it is extremely stressful when you have your own business to protect to be threatened with a lawsuit.

You pick and choose what you want to fit your narrative then fill in details as if fact. What’s amazing to me is how biased you are defending LK to the death without ever considering what MB and crew were having to deal with and tossing that all off as nothing that stressful.


So true! Can you imagine CH dealing with the 24/7 onslaught of hate the Kanareks inflicted on all others at HH? I don’t care who CH is IRL but her head in the sand mentality defending evil behavior is strange.


You forgot the all important - insist that is not what was said and then post a long sentence adding all kinds of things that totally change the actual post being discussed and say that is what was said orignaly.


I can’t remember if it was Dr. Hasson or Dr. Simring who talked about many of the things LK was doing to MB and the effect that had on his emotional state. He summed it up by saying something like, “She gaslighted him. She drove him crazy.”

Prior to that testimony, the defense had done a very effective job of pointing out that MB was a highly successful athlete and businessman who was well-regarded amongst his peers and the power players in his chosen profession, that he had a reputation in the local community for being a decent, hard-working, and law abiding citizen, and that he had successfully managed to overcome his own childhood sexual and emotional abuse to become a productive member of society, AND that he was successfully dealing with the adversities that many people face (divorce, cash flow concerns, etc.). IOW, he was doing OK - up until LK unleashed her terror campaign and relentlessly and systematically pecked at him - including delivering the coup de grâce by unleashing SS and CPS, which threatened to destroy his reputation, his livelihood, and his family.

You can deny-deny-deny all you want, but to anyone with critical thinking skills above a 6th grade level, it is pretty obvious that the proximate cause of his temporary insanity was a drug addict grifter who not only admitted to lying whenever it suited her but to also wanting to DESTROY Michael Barisone.

Now we don’t know the exact reason why the jury decided on NGRI because they aren’t talking (probably smart, given what they know about LK and her pack of hyenas). But in reaching that verdict, they had to consider why he was insane at the time of the incident - and especially so if there were members of the jury who were initially leaning toward a different verdict. They had to reach a consensus on the verdict, and for NGRI, on WHY they thought he was insane in case they decided to talk at some point - AND because they had to live with themselves afterwards. And it didn’t take very long for them to all become convinced that he was insane at the time and the cause of that insanity was LK.


I’m not sure what, “someone said they rememembered a video of the confrontation between MB and the police in the station lobby…” has to do with me saying that “no one”* said that the NGRI verdict established that LK drove MB insane. Are you saying that the alleged video and alleged poster that said that the video existed was using that a sole proof that the NGRI verdict established that LK drove MB insane? Honestly, you’re not making a whole lot of sense here.

I think that most recognize that LK had played huge roll in pushing MB over the edge. Just my observations.

You don’t have proof in respect to many statements that you post on here. So I appreciate that you’re holding me to the same standard. As in, I don’t have to provide proof either :wink: that’s kind of you.

I appreciate you bringing it to my attention the next time someone states it. I missed it the last time(s), so that will prevent that in the future.

*to clarify I meant no one as in the “argument” between you and I. That was my fault because it was unclear and I used the broad term of no one. Sometimes I can’t tell if you’re arguing with me or with me as if I represent other posters on here (I don’t). Again, that’s on me.


I will own it. Sure, he had stressors in his life - who doesn’t? But again, he had been successfully coping with those adversities up until the time LK’s green-eyed monster consumed her and she deliberately, intentionally, purposely set out to destroy him - all because she wasn’t the apple of his eye.


I suspect you are wrong. The jurors have to come to a conclusion that holds water. They can’t just say, “Hey, let’s go for NGRI.” They have to be able to give a logical reason why they thought the person was insane - not only to make sure they are on the same wavelength with each other, but in case any of them decide to talk later to media, their own families or friends, whatever.


Poor CH. He is relitigating MB’s divorce and the criminal trial.

He is stuck in an endless loop - sort of multiple Groundhog Days for him.


This is so damn weak though. I could come here and say, “Someone posted their recollection of supposedly seeing a video of MB at the police station” and I wouldn’t have a damn leg to stand on. Why? Because I can’t specify who said that. I can’t provide a direct quote. I can’t provide the video. I can’t prove that I’m just saying some BS as a distraction, deflection, and/or baiting tactic. So even saying that, “someone said…” wasn’t even worth mentioning in the first place since it’s weak sauce. That’s just my opinion though.

It is entirely possibly that someone misremembered something because there are so many lies floating around regarding the shooting of LK, and just a lot of riff raff in there threads. It’s even possible to misremember what someone did or didn’t post regarding their recollection.

It’s nice to assume that someone just mistakenly thought that something existed versus instantly thinking that they’re a liar. That’s far more kind.


na·ive - showing a lack of experience, wisdom, or judgment

The jurors were not mental health professionals - they could not proclaim that MB was insane without evidence from licensed mental health professionals. Said evidence was presented in a very convincing manner during the trail. And convinced the jury that yes, he was insane at the time, and he had been driven to insanity because of the actions of LK.

I find it interesting that like the object of your adoration (LK), you cannot seem to understand what most other adults understand. Mr. Spock would say -


Exactly right. Having been through something very similar - the stress and anxiety is off the chart. You know that person is BSC and will do almost anything… sleep is rare… you have boarders stressed and upset and in tears… you have the BO not quite understanding what an emergency situation it was (well, she was away for many months so just had our Trainer B*tch From Hell’s fawning phone calls to go by - that were all lies). Threats, screaming tantrums, more threats… finding TBFH down at the smaller barn late at night where she had no business being. She claimed she was installing hidden microphones so she could hear what we were saying about her down here as well as up at the big barn… but that was another lie. The cameras that were then installed down at this end of the property were very real - and often captured her skulking around at 2 a.m.

The horses in the big barn started to show the effects of the tense atmosphere in a variety of ways. Odd little anxious behaviors. Colics.

One boarder who had just come back from a trail ride with her horse was verbally attacked by TBFH - who claimed she had seen her whipping said horse out on the trail and laughing about it as she beat him for no reason. A) TBFH had never been out on those trails B) boarder would never do that and had boarded there for almost 20 years with her horses and C) TBFH was/is a lying sack of parrot droppings. The boarder had enough and hauled out of there in an hour… rushing to get her trailer hooked and loaded. TBFH stood there and laughed while a couple of us went after her about what an a**hole she was and begged that amazing long term boarder to stay.

This kind of nonsense went on, in our case, for almost a year and a half? Slowly escalating all the while. Anyone who can be dismissive and flippant about that kind of a situation - like LK was revelling in… has obviously never had to endure that and does not have a clue.

I would not wish that on anyone - or their horses.

ETA: My co-worker at that time became very sick and wound up in ICU and died. Her apartment was up at that big barn (mine is down here at the smaller one) and I firmly believe that the stress hastened her end. When my friend was in a coma in the ICU, I caught TBFH in her little apartment going through her drawers and paperwork.
That b*tch was looking for money and a will and just laughed at me when I ordered her out of there. I had our handyman get up there that afternoon and put a big ass padlock on the door. TBFH just smirked and said she could simply break a window…

Just typing that out ^ and remembering it brought on a slow boil of anger.


I’m going to take a contrary/Devil’s Advocate opinion here.

I, for one, am very grateful for @CurrentlyHorseless, @hut-ho78 and the other Kanarek supporters.

Look what happened over the holiday weekend when they weren’t posting. The thread practically died, there were hardly any new posts or topics of discussion. Since the title of the thread is the 5/26 Krol hearing, there wouldn’t be much new to talk about without the input of CH, HH and friends.

So by continuing to be obtuse, misrepresenting what other people say, stating fiction and outright fantasy as fact, relitigating the trial and posting weird, irrelevant digressions about the participant’s personal lives, they keep these threads alive. Which means we all get the opportunity, again and again, to post about the Kanarek’s reprehensible behavior. We just wouldn’t get as visible a billboard or as many views without CH and friends, and we wouldn’t have a medium to keep the focus on the Kanareks.

Oh, I know, they’re really trying to get the threads closed to shut us up. But they’re doing a spectacularly bad job at it, so ultimately, they’re doing us a big favor by giving us a podium and an audience.

So thank you, CH, and keep up the good work!


Yes, that’s truly terrible. I think if you’ve never experienced such a level of human evil and behavior(s), you just can’t fathom it.

It’s either that or you’re wired similarly, if not just the same as, the the terrible person(s).