Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Just reading that gave me chills. I’m sorry that revisiting LK’s behavior is giving you flashbacks.


Self funded, I am betting!


I think that statement really applies to a lot of the behavior that we’ve heard about from the K Klan and their circle. Most of us (luckily) just have no experience whatsoever in dealing with such dirtbags. Thank goodness.

The family arrest record alone is quite a shocker in itself. Never mind the rest of it.

I believe there is at least one family member who has an arrest record that spans multiple pages on the New Jersey Court website. Who does that??


Perhaps science fiction/fantasy?

We still have a Blockbuster box in our town. It’s like a Freege or a Little Library. Take one, bring one.


It is good in a way. Cathartic. And that is still but the tip of the iceberg.

In the end, TBFH was forced out. But not without more drama and nonsense.
The BO had enough and sold that big barn and arena after another bizarre episode (but nothing like TBFH) with the next trainer/barn manager - never again.

All my friends and boarders were screwed over by the new owners and left when they could not pay triple the board as well as extra (so basically, quadruple the board) for mandatory lessons.

I still look up the hill at the arena lights at night and remember all the good times and fun and laughter… prior to TBFH’s campaign. The barbecues… the parties… the support at local shows… hosting clinics. Good horses and good people.

Life goes on… but you never forget and I will never forgive that kind of cruelty and bullying.


FWIW, a long-gone poster named Sid had a similar experience with a psychopath at their barn in VA. S/he described it in the original Woman Shot thread. In that case, as with Lauren’s, both parents were heavy enablers and despite multiple arrests nothing ever came of them.


I read stuff like this and I get so angry at the perp I could just spit.


It is very obvious that @CurrentlyHorseless has never owned/operated a barn, owned an expensive sport horse, or been paid to care for a clients expensive sport horse.

Lauren Kanarek and Robert Goodwin’s reign of terror didn’t stop at threatening Michael,MHG, working students, and boarders - their behavior also targeted horses that cost more than LK could ever coax her “benefactor” to pay for.

Remember that RC felt the need to sleep outside her horses stall. Michaels clients were getting concerned that LK and RG would harm their horses. There is not greater cause of stress to a true horseman (MB) than something/some monster trying to harm his horses and the horses put in his care.

Caring for horses 24/7 is stressful enough. Those of us who have run a barn know it can be a delicate balance to keep things running smoothly. Add in high dollar competition horses and a busy travel schedule and you have more factors to balance, more vigilance to keep every horse happy and healthy. I’m convinced CH has never worked in, or owned a horse in that situation because if she had, she would have zero empathy for LK. The buck stops when you start messing with animals and kids. Period.


Oh, this reminds me of another LK lie.

She implied here that RC “always” slept in front of the horse’s stall when she came to visit.

In the trial, RC testified that Michael asked her to sleep in front of the stall for that visit. They were clearly afraid of what Lauren Kanarek or Robert Goodwin would do to the horse during one of their middle of the night camera retrieval sessions.


I have no doubt LK would hurt a horse if she felt compelled to when that horse would be some sort of competition against one of hers.

My opinion. And a atrong one. I’ll never believe otherwise. If you target kids, you’ll target horses.


Mr. Spock also deals in LOGIC. :wink:


This!!! ^^


Would this be a violation of the proposed FEI rules on SM?

KM probably not an FEI rider, so she couldn’t be sanctioned even if it were.

I disagree. The jury reached a consensus that he was insane, but having done that goes not establish the cause of the insanity.

My opinion and labeled as such. As there is no rule, there is no violation. But I’m not the one you need concern yourself with. Your concern should be the aspiring FEI rider and empress of all posted violations, Lauren Kanarek.


LK entirely aside, that FEI proposal is way over the top, IMHO.
Couldn’t cut and paste from website, so here’s a screen cap:

I’m in no danger of becoming an FEI competitor, but no way in hell would I grant them unrestricted access to all my SM and other info.


@trubandloki, how was the show??


Thank you for asking.

I suck and I did not end up going.

Lots of things came up in life this week and I just did not think it was fair to my horse to make her deal with my stress.

Hopefully next time.


If you scroll down there are others items from the same “collection” (owner has died is my guess). It’s awful but was cherished.


I really appreciate chestnutmarebeware 's contribution. I’ve bid on an old farrier’s tutorial.