Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

You make a very good point.

It is interesting, in a scary sort of way, the level of evilness that has been exposed in the Kanarek family.

It is great that some people like to bump the threat thread and remind us of those details, like the fact that Jonathan Kanarek lied in his 48 hours interview about Lauren not ever being asked to leave. Or that Jonathan Kanarek thought it was worthy of laughter to make someone homeless.

Edit to fix my bad typing, though it is kind of an appropriate typing error. Threat should be thread.


Many of us have been there. And, no, you donā€™t suck!


Iā€™m so sorry. There will always be other shows!


I work from home, outside of horses. From time to time, Iā€™ve had a boarder that I gave lessons. Iā€™m trying to imagine a scenario where said adult boarders father said I guess Jones can either have their own personal life and relationships OR have boarders who take lessons.

On what planet is the above an either/or decision?

LK didnā€™t PURCHASE one MB.

Itā€™s lunacy.


It is completely off the rail, over the top, brain numbing unbelievably absurd.


Wow. You and I read the regulations very differently.

My interpretation was that when it comes to ugly, unproven accusations, youā€™re supposed to not post them. If one can achieve CYA by merely appending ā€œjust my opinionā€, the regulation will be meaningless.

Iā€™m not concerned with your FEI career, KM. LOL. I was just raising the issue of whether your statement would violate the proposed rules. I think it would.

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@CanteringCarrot, DownYonder is acknowledging she is among those who have said that the NGRI verdict indicted that LK was the sole cause of MBs insanity.


Sheā€™s acknowledging the obvious, which is reinforced by the several lawsuits filed that directly spell out the claim.

But you can continue to look silly by denying the direct claims if that is what you wish to do.


As for the rest of us, weā€™ll continue to be MBā€™s voice about what was done to him.


CanteringCarrot stated that ā€œno oneā€ had said that. I didnā€™t ferl like going back and collecting the posts in which posters had said that, so I said Iā€™d tag her the next time someone said it.

@CanteringCarrot here is @Sdel saying the same thing.

I wonā€™t tag you further when this claim is made.


Has LO sanctioned your postings on MBs behalf? Should we interpret all the bashing and harassing of LK as coming from MB by proxy?

Iā€™m pretty sure that would be a violation by MB of the FEI rules, as well.

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And so once more, we disagree.



Yeah good luck with that.

And this absurdity as an alleged defense of LK who bashes people openly just about EVERY DAY.

I know youā€™re not that naive. So IMO youā€™re simply being argumentative for some odd reason that would make no sense to anyone but you and your ilk.


Of course LK sent him insane. Review the Dr for the defence in the Court Case.


It was @Sdel who volunteered that she and others were serving ā€œas MBs voiceā€, KM.

Iā€™m simply highlighting her statement.

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Is this an acknowledgement that yours and HHā€™s posts are sanctioned by LK/JK and coming from them by proxy?

As far as I know, neither LO or MB are actively posting or reading on this horse board, let alone in these threads, and so the pushback on your false narrative, outright lies and defamatory statements are indeed speaking for him when he canā€™t speak for himself.

Where as we know LK had a PM group going and still actively reads the threads and posts under alters.


Plus the Stateā€™s Dr saying anyone in their right mind would be scared of her.


OMG!!! Here we go again, the fantasy that Michael Barisone directs what is posted here by people heā€™s never met or heard of! I
wonder how he does that? By mental telepathy?? Honey, you need to take a nap!


The fact you took such an understandable statement to such a dark place alarms me.

Your statements are becoming worrisome.


Well, it is obvious to many of us you have assumed the voice of the Kanareks! Your behavior certainly mimics theirs!


Sounds like someone is pretty triggered.

Of course, LK also thought I was on MBā€™s payroll. Guess I hit too close to home with my assertions she took the gun from the safe.