Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Yes, that was quite a literal catch 22 situation at the trial with Dr. Mustache testifying for the prosecution that MB couldn’t be considered insane, because any sane person would be afraid of LK under the circumstances. :woman_shrugging:


No. Of course not.

I am not expressing a “false narrative, outright lies and defamatory statements”.

Obviously you think you are speaking for him. I asked whether LO has sanctioned your doing so.

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What? In what way does my behavior mimic that of the Kanareks?

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You should be embarrassed to ask such things. Such undignified statements and questions on your part.



Snort There are threads full of them.


Oh dear. You really are amazing. As others have mentioned before, I don’t know if you are really naive, playing a game, or are as obtuse as your posts present. Hate it for you, really.


Nor is anyone concerned about your FEI debut or career. LOL. or LKs for that matter. To make you feel at home … in emoji land…:rofl::rofl::rofl:


First off, stating the truth is not “bashing and harassing,” it’s simply a statement of fact. It’s not anyone’s fault on the board that the KKlan can’t keep their toxic rants to themselves and have created thousands of pages of damning SM posts. (There were over 19 thousand pages at the time of the trial.) Secondly, MB’s side? Well, they don’t seem to have a SM addiction, or a disgusting habit of targeting and harassing individuals with vile private messages for years. We haven’t seen MB’s family or LO hop on the COTH and submit thousands of rants, create multiple alts, threaten to sue anyone.


Let’s get a few things straight here @CurrentlyHorseless.

Many of us speak out for Michael Barisone as we do not like bullies such as LK is, and we will not tolerate that behavior by not speaking out.

Many of us speak out for others, who come here and post in good faith that our words will not be spun or twisted by other posters, who seem to have their own agenda that known facts do not support.

No one, and I absolutely mean NO ONE, tells me what to post or how to do it, or whom I can or cannot stand up for!

Michael Barisone is not bashing or harassing anyone by proxy or otherwise. That would be the person you love to blindly defend even though you claim no relationship to her!

I think @Sdel will back me when I say she, I and many others have stood up for Michael Barisone on these threads for almost 4 years, as he cannot do it himself.

While we do not speak for Michael Barisone in any official capacity, we are standing up against everything that has been wrong about this entire situation and the family that thinks it is well within their rights to destroy another human all because their drug addicted, nasty human being of a daughter, who could not walk 400 yards to the barn and be on time for lessons, was not being trained by “the name on the door”!

Go sell your bull pucky somewhere else @CurrentlyHorseless because not one here buys ONE. SINGLE. WORD. OF. IT.


No. LO hasn’t spoken a word, unlike your bestie.

We speak on behalf of human decency. We don’t need a leader nor a director for that. Sorry that you do.


Yep. No one has to be sanctioned by MB or LO to point out how much the public record of facts are being distorted, placed out of context, or outright lied about with a healthy sprinkling of defamation on the side.

But I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that if either of them are aware of any such instances of such misrepresentations and defamatory statements, they would be grateful to have someone, anyone, correct the record to the best of their ability. I know I would be if I was in their shoes.




I wish I could like this many dozen times.

Wasn’t it good old Jonathan who started the crap about the EIM being directed by MB? So just more deflection, projection, malarkey, and ridiculous games by them and their supporters like CH, however few there are.


Maybe being the voice for the voiceless and all that.

But I am just a horse of course


Everyone knows that our Lord and Savior MB channels us telepathically as our eyes roll to the back of our heads and we type his word via COTH.


Well… some extremely glaring examples - your bizarre fixation with MB & Vera and your assertion that MHG caused all of this… as well as the regular relitigating of the trial… as well as declaring that RG is a freaking superhero… and so on… and so on… and so on…

It is the end (thank God) of a verrrry long day - so I will just leave it at that.

ETA: I forgot to add… NO ONE directs me how to post and what to say… not MB… not LO… not even George Clooney… not even anyone I actually know and talk to on a day to day basis. Barring the two border terriers at my feet who are insisting that I stop posting and take them out for one last potty break.

Well, YD tried to tell me how to post and what I should say… but that did not exactly work out as she planned…


And the disparaging of MB’s lawyer.


It’s a nasty, nasty platform she’s pushing. Revictimizing the victim Lauren worked through, and undermining the support he has to try and save his business and life. CH and HH are perpetuating Lauren’s dirty work for her. Nasty dirty work they are doing. It takes people with no conscience to spread Lauren’s disease at her behest.


I think that is the part that inspired me to capture this screenshot. :smile:


What was that all about? Why did the states witness start talking about the horror that is Lauren Kanarek?