Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Why am I not surprised that your brain is incapable of comprehending what is apparently plain as day to hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of other people on this forum and on YT? :roll_eyes:


Editing this because I need to explain something better.

Because she has a bias. She has a need to please Lauren, and it overrides logic, or human compassion. That usually comes with needs, either she needs the loyalty her passion engenders from Lauren. Or possibly money. Could be an emotional reward, or emtional debt. Whatever it is. Sheā€™s sold her soul to ally herself with a monster for titillation, money or reward, or, love. I think its the former and the latter together. I think she has a personality defect that allies itā€™s self with Laurenā€™s and they feed off each other.

Her position on this thread is the quickest way to Laurenā€™s heart.


I think @Knights_Mom said it best: nauseating.


Iā€™m not quite sure which is more offensive: That it is believed by LK advocates that fault lies with other than LK OR that they try to convince others via weak, deformed logic that fault lies with others and not LK.

ALL that happened is the exclusive fault of LK & minions.

Either way, the attempt to sway reasonable people to their unreasonable argument is offensive in its own right. To attempt to shame those same reasonable people for believing what 99.9% believe is as well laughable.

And the longer they post in defense of LK the more vomitous and disingenuous that pro LK position is.


Iā€™m behind, but I think she really just wanted the tiaraā€¦like Colbert :joy:


But wonā€™t it fall off her head when she was busy with all that Halt, Halt, Bowing?





Thank you for the invitation to continue to discuss the Kanarekā€™s reprehensible behavior.

1.) Social media obsession/addiction
2.) Use of rhetorical fallacies such as straw men, moral equivalence and begging the question
3.) Refusal to even look at evidence that contradicts their view
4.) Minimizes the actions and behavior of LK, tries to invent info to demonize Barisone and family
5.) Poor writing skills, misuse of common terms

Shall I go on?


Or worse - they do it for their own pleasure. Lauren Shay Kanarek is hardly unique. Despite her parents telling her so.


When I ride today, I really hope MB comes thru to me. I could use some Olympic level skill!


Wow. Iā€™m really offended by the ā€œpoor writing skills and misuse of common termsā€, unless youā€™re referring to the fact that I tolerate quite a few typos.

Let me address #4. Michael Barisone shot and nearly killed his own client. If you think that makes him a demon, it was his shooting her that made him the demon, not my pointing out that he shot her when posters here ridiculously claim there is no evidence he shot her.

Lauren Kanarek had posted that Michael Barisone had moved MHG in as his girlfriend while he was still very much married to Vera. I am very skeptical of any claims about anyone made here. I am skeptical of what LK posts, as Iā€™ve seen her post things that are not true. I am also skeptical of what Eggbutt writes, as she has posted things I know or suspect are not true. I am now skeptical of what you post, as your numbers 2,3 snd 5 are untrue and characteristic of many EIM posters.

When I came across the post about the clinic in summer 2016, that was concrete information that strongly suggests LK was not lying when she said MB moved MHG in while still married to Vera. If you or others still want to believe Eggbutt that MB and Vera were effectively ā€œoverā€ before he took up with MHG, thatā€™s your business.

Is drawing your attention to the 2016 clinic post ā€œdemonizingā€ MB? No. Youā€™re still free to tell yourself his marriage to Vera was effectively over before 2015, or tell yourself openly cheating on your wife is just a normal personal choice.

I do not minimize the faults and bad behavior of LK. I hardly need to yammer on it, as that is what 75% of these threads are about.

I feel like you need a hug.


Or maybe some prayers



Reality bites.


No one was supposed to be in the house. No forensic evidence. Two lying junkies on the stand. Bombshell evidence not used by prosecutor.

There is no way to state unequivocally that MB shot Lauren Shay Kanarek OR that he went to that house looking for either of them. After all - he was last told that NO ONE was supposed to be within that dwelling.


And once again, the insanity is running rampid. Wish someone would just take a much needed time out and give the rest of us a break. So much wasted space going round and round and round. It just never ends!!


Oh @CurrentlyHorseless, youā€™re so funny. I do admire how you have the audacity to double down on your rhetoric after being given quite a few examples of how you react like and do the bidding of the Kanareks. Somehow I expected no less from you.

I guess we need a new disclaimer for our posts saying no one anywhere has told any of us what to post.

Iā€™m thinking we might get more news in the next few days to explode many heads and cause much consternation among the tiny pro-K faction. :heart:


Youā€™re hang up about someone elseā€™s marriage is really starting to show a Nosey Nebbie Debbie itā€™s not your business and you just want it to be.

So you came across a post about a clinic. So what? You are reading into and making it something that itā€™s not. What to just to go along with the narrative that is in your head.

I think you are making things up, not connecting any dots, you are trying, very hard, for some reason, but nope. I think everyone here sees what you are doing and it would be funny if not so sad on your part.

You have no idea what any agreement was between two adults and their private lives. You ā€œthinkā€ you do and you ā€œwantā€ it to be true, and onward you spew, but it doesnā€™t make it so.



Sounds like the logic of Lauren Kanarek, doesnā€™t it? If anyone is being coached in what to post, itā€™s CH!