Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Michael Barisone shot Lauren Kanarek twice in the chest, nearly killing her while insane.

Hugs. I feel like these posts from you are cries of help.


I hardly “made up” the 2016 clinic post, I just brought it to your attention. You can interpret it as you wish.

Please see #3, above.


Lauren Kanarek, her Father and Boyfriend, employee or whatever he is today - bullied and tormented MB and the other occupants of HH across SM platforms and by planting illegal wire taps, called L&I to make them Ha HA Homeless, plus many, many other things because Pooh Pooh Princess wasn’t getting attention.

But yet even despite that evidence you still want to chirp on and on and on with your show of love of LK.

Shame you said you don’t put up with any type of bullying, which is funny because you seem to forgive the actions of one Lauren Kanarek and company. Maybe you need a disclaimer on that statement of yours.

But I am just a horse of course.


The finding of a jury, in this case that MB shot LK while insane, is not defamation.

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Invalid argument.


Well my interpretation of the 2016 clinic post, that you keep referring too but never posted any screenshot of so readers can be 100% certain what it is that you are blabbering on about, is MB had a commitment and his business partner stepped in to keep things running.

Yep there is it. I didn’t read between any lines and or felt the need to wear a tin foil hat but you keep doing you and letting everyone see your own words and twisty twist view.

But I am just a horse of course.


No forensic evidence. The “word” of two junkies and one admitted liar. An unsecured scene while a dog that is a known biter is running around, with a junkie also running around the scene.


The continued, relentless vilification of MHG is sure as heck defamation.


@CurrentlyHorseless I apologize for the confusion, but I meant for you to let me know when someone mentions the aforementioned video footage again, because I don’t remember anyone saying that previously (that doesn’t mean that they did not). You then offered in post #4990 or thereabouts to being it to my attention when someone claims that the NGRI verdict established that LK drove MB insane. That’s not what I wanted you to bring to my attention though, so I apologize if that was confusing.

When I said that (and I clarified this earlier, but I’ll do it again) “no one” said that the NGRI verdict established that LK drive MB insane and that was the some source of the matter, I meant no one as in the argument and/or discussion between you and I. I do not speak for the EIM, MB, LK, or any other parties aside from myself, unless I state otherwise. I suppose I should’ve said, “I did not say that” and I’ll admit that when I post on COTH it’s usually whilst multi tasking / waiting for something / it doesn’t get my undivided attention, so it’s not my best work! I do know that I should be more clear.



So you were told and want to believe. But it wasn’t proven with any physical evidence and she’s a liar with a vendetta.

And the NG verdict for MB on the counts for RG prove the jury didn’t believe the testimony of LK or RG that he shot at RG.


Says you, relying on zero evidence other than the ever changing stories of two really unreliable people! Got it. How blind are those who refuse to see or whatever.


I still think it was jury nullification because otherwise they’d have had to find NGRI for RG as well.

The jury had listened to three doctors talk about how Lauren Kanarek tortured a man, two claimed to insanity, and the other one still claiming that a sane person would be in fear and driven to extreme behavior.

I simply think they chose an option that they felt would get Michael mental help. It’s understandable, considering the testimony.


The NGRI verdict with respect to LK reflects the fact that the jury as finders of fact determined that MB was the person who shot LK, to the legal standard of being proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

The NG verdict with respect to RG reflects the fact that the jury was not convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that MB shot at RG and missed. The major difference between the shots fired at LK and the shot alleged yo be shot at RG is that LK had two obvious bullet wounds, while the alleged shot fired at RG missed, and, further, no third shell casings was found. I believe RG and the prosecutor that RG perceived MB shot at him, but I would have voted NG on the charge with respect to RG as well, since it’s difficult to assess the intended target of a missed shot to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt. So no, the NG verdict does not prove the jury did not believe the testimony of LK or RG that he shot at RG. It proved that the testimony alone was not sufficient to prove that he did beyond a reasonable doubt.

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Are you still asserting that the MB/Vera marriage was effectively over before he took up with MHG in 2015, Eggbutt, or are you changing your story?

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Who cares? Seriously, who on earth cares? Why the obsession other than another outlet to disparage MHG. It’s getting old.


I’m guessing “someone” is upset and jealous that MHG and her husband are expecting a baby this year.


Goodness maybe the marriage was over in 2014 or 2013 and the two adults were continuing on to get along or who knows since it’s no ones business.

But you keep poking along with your tiresome line of 
 well I will let the reader insert their choice of word(s) here, as I am just a horse of course.


Well Sweet Secretariat you just might be onto something here!
