Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

For all we know, the marriage could’ve been “effectively over” before 2015. Perhaps all that remained was the divvying up of business assets and signing paperwork. That can take years. The constant inference that a torrid affair with a younger woman tore up a solid union is just prurient fascination on someone’s part.


or dare I say the word Projection.



The J. Edgar Hoover of COTH.

Coordinates nicely with the McCarthy Hearings. Or even the Spanish Inquisition.


This fixation is all because MHG never wears her Scarlett Letter.


I would like to amplify this point. Let’s pick the subject of bullying and harassment. On the Barisone side, we have Lauren’s SM claims that she was being bullied, with absolutely no evidence to back that up. We have one SM posting to LK, also complaining about Barisone and telling LK that she “fired him from her life.” Now, this is interesting, this whole idea that if your professional relationship isn’t going well, you LEAVE and move on. That’s it, that’s the sum total of the evidence that Barisone was a bully. We also have all of the friends and professional contacts who were character witnesses for Barisone.

On the Kanarek side, we have the whole family’s criminal history, LK’s testimony in the criminal trial, 35,000 pages of SM posts, and first person testimony from GirlJoey, Haleybot and eggbutt. If there was a parade of friends and professional contacts willing to testify to what a great person Lauren is, and how lovely her family is, it has escaped my notice. (With the possible exception of Shelly Nelly Belly.)

These two things are not the same.

No matter how hard you try to claim that they are, they are not.


I believe the actual testimony for that was that MHG wouldn’t let her use a bridle that wasn’t hers and that she didn’t ask permission to borrow.

I guess the point was that she was being bullied because no one would let her get away with her entitlement to other people’s property.

Hmmmm….seems to me there is a theme….,


And once again, we are back on the carousel of CH obsessing about MB & Vera and MHG (people she has never met) and right back to NGRI.

Round and round and round with that LK air of superiority and the need to lecture those who are obviously unable to play 5D chess at her level.

If you are playing a game, it is a rather pathetic and sad one.

Getting old? It was old the last 5 or 6 times CH fixated on it. But at least it is predictable.

No one expects the Spanish Inquisition!!!


Of course I’m not “changing my story”!!! What in the heck gave you the notion I was changing any story?? Oh, never-ending, you don’t need any reasons to post ridiculous gibberish!

Like others here, it really does concern me your obsession with Barisone’s private life!! Yet, you are so hunky-dory perfectly okay with all the unsavory FACTS about Miss Kanarek’s disgusting relationships with others. Got it. You should be looking at and questioning your idols, CH!


Our very own Torquemada. I feel so special.


No, that is changing your story.

You first asserted that the MB/Vera marriage was effectively over (even though the divorce was not filed until 2017) prior to MHG becoming MBs girlfriend in 2015.

Now you are using a different, fallback position that the state of the MB/Vera marriage as of 2015 is no one’s business.

Bc she thinks the clinic article is a “gotcha”. She can only read things thru the anti MB lens and can’t see a world where adults remain civil even during divorce. Just as she can’t relate to many of the other examples of people adulting or doing the right thing just bc it’s the right thing to do, not bc they are forced to do them. Like, just leaving. It was the right thing to do but wasn’t done.


One more time for the people in the back!


That’s pretty rich considering that LK was seeing RG when she was still married.


What??? OMG! You’ve lost it!! Show me any date on my post! I’ll gladly wait.

Here’s a question for you Miss Clueless, who says the incredibly private, wonderful Vera didn’t have her own boy toy on the side at any given time? She is truly one of the most private women I’ve ever seen! But you do you, okay? Goodness, I wonder if YOUR personal life is relevant to these threads? Perhaps that would explain quite a lot about your fascination with others.


Is this your next tattoo? Do you have this as some tacky word art in your home? A bumper sticker perhaps? Did you go to zazzle and get it printed on a t-shirt? Good lord you love repeating your opinion.


Anyone else worried about the mother cat and kittens that LK took in? With that dog I just can’t wrap my head around this. And them stuck in that hot garage.


Here’s a fun fact, I have some neighbors several houses away who have been separated (maybe divorced - I just don’t know or care cause it isn’t my business) - for many years and they still live together!! They date other people, spend holidays together with their new partners at the time, and live wonderful lives apparently. In today’s society personal lives are no one’s business unless laws are being broken. But, of course there is a certain segment of today’s society who have decided they need to dictate the sexual orientation of couples, the race of others in relationships, the marriage of others not on their approved list. Are you one of “those” judgemental people, CH?


Omg, give it a rest already.


Public service notice…I’ll be away from the thread for several hours. CH can poke a different bear while I’m away having fun with others!


There is no way to know that for certain unless you take the word of LK and RG who were impeached on the stand, provided conflicting testimony, and LK admitted to lying. We have all seen LK post on SM that can be proven to be a lie and you, yourself have just said you don’t believe everything she posts. So why would you believe her here?

The one thing that sticks out to me about that day, LK and RG both testified that MB came by the house with his hands up and calmly was trying to talk to them, asking “how can we fix this?” How does a calm man then shoot someone? Well, let’s take a look at a prior day when LK was screaming at MB and wouldn’t let him in his truck. Maybe LK threw another tantrum that day and came toward MB in a threatening way, RG joined in. I am recalling where RG had also used a gun motion with his finger in a prior day, maybe MB felt threatened even more so. MB was also aware of LK’s dog attacking RC and a cop, maybe the dog is coming at him as well. Maybe, just maybe, LK, RG, and the dog came at MB first setting in motion a fight which accidentally discharged whoever had the gun. There is a strong possibility of self defense on MB’s part. RG told the cop that the altercation was recorded but maybe, just maybe, the recording showed that the aggressors were indeed LK, RG, and dog. Recording is mysteriously missing or RG lied again. These are all valid possibilities. If LK and RG were stellar citizens, not many would be questioning their testimony. Of course, if they were stellar citizens, LK would have left and this event would have never happened.