Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

If this would only work, but I am not sure it would.

Just a thought from the :horse:


Wrong again.


Wrong again. 100% no proof of that. None. Stop. NO ONE CARES what you think. But that ^^ statement is presented as fact. It isn’t fact. It’s simply what LK wants everyone to think. But she lies about everything else, so she lied about that.


Again, but likely not for the last time: NO ONE CARES (but you, apparently).


Based on all the evidence presented in then criminal trial, which included but was not limited to, LKs testimony, the jury found that to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, Barisone committed the actus reus.

LK lies, but that does not establish that all her statements are lies.

That is why I made reference to the 2016 clinic post. To me, it gives more credence to LKs statement that MB took up with MHG while still married to Vera. It gives less credence to Eggbutt’s claim that MBs marriage to Vera was well over before he took up with MHG.

Maybe we’re omitting the magic words, halt, halt.


If no one cares what I think, why do I have 20 notifications (responses, tags, quotes) when I sign on in the morning?

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Regardless of your feeble attempts to “prove” LK said something that might have been true once in her miserable life, what part of "IT’S NONE OF YOUR (or LK’s) BLOODY BUSINESS don’t you understand? STOP. You post it again and again and again with the excuse that you are trying to prove a point about your fluffy lord and savior LK. Stop posting that. It says one thing and one thing only about you. (And if you don’t know what that Is, no one here can help you.)


Raise your hand if your divorce involved dividing the assets of a multimillion dollar business and was concluded within 13 months.


Because you won’t stop spewing LIES. LIES. and more LIES. I have sought to just respond to you with the truth: no one cares what you think. You are wrong. Incorrect. Stop posting and you know what? You won’t have any more notifications. Post one thing in agreement that Lauren Kanarek is a horrible person, just one. See how many likes you get. But you won’t. You can’t.


I dunno maybe it’s because Humans like calling you out for all the silly untruths fabricated movies in the head statements that you post.

Pony on the other hand has,to the best of my recollection, a high score of 47 :heart:’s to just one of my posts.

Hey maybe I can beat that with , :heart: to this post.



I have lied about nothing.

It is a fact that the result of the criminal trial is that the jury determined that to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt, Michael Barisone shot Lauren Kanarek.

I have never denied that there is plenty of behavior that LK can legitimately be criticized for, especially her nasty SM behavior.

This is a little out of left field, but coincidentally, yesterday I saw two young girls trying to get near a duck that was coming up on the dock by a lake. And for some reason, the two girls decided to bow to the duck. Which immediately made me think of LK, and wonder if maybe she read the same animal taming book as these two young girls, who looked to be maybe in the 5 to 7 year old range. Lol.


My divorce involved no splitting of assets other than wedding gifts, and STILL required over a year.

I am acquainted with a married couple who live separately but vacation together, and do not divorce to avoid the nightmare of splitting assets, during which everyone loses but the lawyers.

Is there one piece of evidence, anywhere, to support this crazy fantasy of CH’s? Or is the evidence in the same place as the crime scene forensics and the recordings? And even if there was a shred of credibility to this, who cares? (Except CH.) The fantasy that there was a power triangle between MB, LK and MHB was entirely in JK’s and LK’s head.

LK was a pain in the ass client that was WAY underpaying for services, chasing away other clients and business and that they were trying to evict. In what world is there a choice between her and a GF that’s an upper level rider and contributing to the business? Who wouldn’t say “You, GF, of course, let’s evict the b&*^( and live happily ever after?”


Nope, not an answer. I didn’t say you “denied” anything. Try again. Here, I’ll give you a little assistance: “Lauren Kanarek is a disgusting excuse for a human being and her behavior is inexcusable.” There - now you try.


Does that include divorcing your family rather than a spouse?


Or maybe a good bran mash.


I’m back…

Please, please, please try and explain why your thought process on this makes any difference or reason for LK’s Finish the Bastard plan. Seriously! What’s the catch that we all are missing in this tangent you’re on. Is this one of the bombshells we haven’t comprehended yet? Come on, tell us the Kanarek/CH logic on this. What is the magic bullet about when MB and MHG hooked up or when MB and VK officially called it quits? What does any of that have to do with Lauren Shay Kanarek and her co-conspirators?!


Hey forum, we have been given directions and permission to engage our ignore buttons.


Because what you spew is regurgitated misinformation and outright lies and innuendo. I can’t tolerate that from you or any one else on a regular basis. That’s all you do! Take it to YouTube. You might find others who believe you and will support your fantasy. You will not find support here.