Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

And fabulous horses, which only improve with her riding them, not just normal horses, which digress when Lauren rides them. At least, according to her videos spaced months apart, they seem more strung out at the passage she likes to film herself doing. Very wierd and not collected and balanced. Anyway. MHG is a fabulous rider.


Besides LKā€™s impeached testimony, please LIST the other evidence youā€™re talking about here.
P.S. Not holding my breath, since I watched the trial.

Edit to change trail to trial.


There was a sad and disappointing update on the GoFundMe page on 7/2. Other than that, no.


Strange? Bizarre? Peculiar? Pathological? Are those the words you are searching for? :laughing:


The jurors watched the trial and apparently there was sufficient evidence for them to conclude he committed actus reus.

Your repeatedly asking me this is sealioning.

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What a disgusting post. It got 30 likes.


You sound jealous!


Which is frankly more sad if she doesnā€™t actually know her, imo


Well, that should tell you something.


Or crying for attention.





Different than you asking me how many times (more than you were asked here) about Jonathan Kanarek and his text about it being funny to make someone homeless?


Liking Vera is now considered disgusting. Got it.
What a strange thing for you to say.


Not quite sealioning, but to each their own.

The jury did in fact find MB NGRI. So that is your ultimate proof that MB shot LK, correct?

Given the evidence presented at the trial (put the jury aside for a moment, or pretend that this was prior to the verdict being released) what conclusion would you have come to? The evidence, specifically forensics, was convincing enough for you?


No, itā€™s not ā€œultimate proofā€ because absolute uncertainty is very, very, rare.

The fact that the jury determined to the standard of beyond a reasonable doubt that MB committed the guilty act means that I can treat the statement ā€œMB shot LKā€ as a fact.

I would have come to the same conclusion as the jury, based on LKs injuries, her 911 call saying ā€œMichael Barisone shot me in the heartā€ (even though her shot her in the lungs), the ear witness testimony, the testimony on the chain of custody of the gun, and the fact that the police found MB lying on the gun.

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No, @trubandloki. Asking whether I was ā€œintimately involved with either MB or Vera, or wanted to beā€ is disgusting. Duh.

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That is not how I read your post, but good try.

Thanks for letting me know your wrong thoughts on it though.


Depends on how you read it, or how you read in between the lines, I suppose.

But you do you once again.

Youā€™re just too entertaining today.



I said the post by @Djones asking if I was ā€œintimately involvedā€ with either MB or Vera was ā€œdisgustingā€. Itā€™s not a complicated concept.

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But the legal reality is the jury found he committed the act, and that he was not responsible because he was insane. That is the underlying finding in the NGRI. How does raising this point of the jury finding justify suggesting someone is biased, pro-LK, blind, stupid or not tied to reality? The point of the NGRI, is that he is not criminally responsible but it does not negate the act itself. This is a legal ruling with obvious serious consequences. Who is the denier here?

It seems some individualā€™s support for him relies on him not having committed the act with various alternative scenerios given. Can you accept him if (by some remote possiblity per the various scenerios) he did the act, as the jury found?
Yes juryā€™s can get it wrong-but since you cannot appeal NGRI findings, he cannot relitigate this now and be found formally and legally innocent of having committed the act. That is the reality.

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