Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

That is not how I read your post!
I thought I was clear when I said that.
It is not a complicated concept.


Nah it’s just another attempt at operation thread lock, that’s all.



So how did you interpret it, TL?

Please explain.

Oh my sounds like someone is sealioning here.



But their choices of options were limited I believe?

If I’d been a juror, and self defense or some form of accidental discharge during a scuffle, had been allowed, I certainly could see that as a legit option, considering the lack of reliable evidence.
If we’re relitigating…


“Intimate” does not always mean “sexual.”

Adjective. in·​ti·​mate ˈin-tə-mət · Synonyms of intimate . 1. a. : marked by a warm friendship developing through long association. intimate friends.


So unrequited love is “disgusting” to you. OK. Duly noted. Since I asked previously, and you chose not to respond in a direct fashion, I’ll ask again: What, if any, of LK’s behaviors in the years leading up to and since her being shot, do you find “disgusting?”


Operation thread lock indeed. This kind of response will hasten that.



Forensics = None = No proof


I can see why the jury reached the verdict that they did (not saying I agree or disagree). We also don’t know the inner workings of their deliberations either. If I were on the jury, I would’ve recognized the insanity, appreciated the testimonies, but also noticed that the forensics were rather weak.


It’s my understanding an appeal IS possible due to Not Guilty being denied as a defense via a case Handy vs NJ (I think). It’s whether Barisone has the desire and money to fight the battle just to prove a point.


Fair explanation, thanks.

I think that we can all look at things differently and/or have differening levels of skepticism as well as different thresholds when it comes to proof. Sometimes we can look at things the same. So that happens too.

Sometimes I think you might take things at face value a bit more than I do, in some instances, and that’s fine when it’s genuine.


Many of us find your obsession with the dissolution of their marriage disgusting.

The KROL hearing was about Michael Barisone’s continued unjust and unhealthy confinement at the behest of the idiots in charge of his fate. He was driven out of his mind by Lauren Kanarek and continues to suffer the results of her diabolical plan to destroy him. What does you “liking his ex wife” have to do with the KROL hearing?


I would like to point out that juries get it wrong a lot. Hence, the Innocence Project, etc. So, while this is a legal ruling with legal ramifications, I don’t think you can point to it as “fact”. I certainly think you can say, “the jury found actus reus”. That is a fact. I don’t think you can say, “it’s a fact that he shot her” under these circumstances.

I’ve said this before, and I will say it again: I think the jury just didn’t want to stay over the holiday weekend and wanted to wind things up as quickly as possible, and NGRI was the easy decision. CH believes that NOBODY would want to shirk their duty as a juror and come to a compromise. I say baloney. Jurors are people and many of them do not give a flip about the seriousness about being on a jury; they simply want to go home.

And many people do not get paid when on jury duty and stand in danger of losing their jobs. Most folks cannot afford to miss multiple paychecks and lose their job. Those facts weigh very heavy on anyone’s mind. If you think something like that does not influence a decision, I think you are incorrect.


@CurrentlyHorseless a question:

If you were in MBs position, and had LK & minions doing to you what she did to MB, would that be enough to make YOU crack?

I mean really put yourself in his shoes.

Ever been bullied? Used? Stalked? Terrorized?

You condemn the actions of others. What would YOU have done?

Don’t forget to answer the 1st question: If you were in MBs position, would you crack?




I know for a FACT that an upcoming weekend, 3 day weekend or holiday will make a jury scurry and rush to decision. No one wants to come back after that.


For some jurors, the thought process is along the lines of, “At what point does my duty/obligation to the accused trump my duty/obligation to my family?”

For most folks, duty/obligation to their family wins out.


Changing the subject from a 14 month old verdict that we have beaten beyond death…

At various times over the last year, we have (briefly) discussed the case of Virginia Vertetis. A very quick summary: Ed Bilinkas defended her in Judge Taylor’s Court. She was convicted. Her conviction was overturned on appeal, as the Appellate Court determined Judge Taylor had erred in the jury instructions.

Ms Vertetis subsequently took a plea. And, Judge Taylor did Judge Taylor things and sentenced her to 20 years, No Early Release.

Ms Vertetis then appealed her sentence. Last week the Appellate Court issued their ruling on her appeal and…her sentence has been vacated, the case remanded and she is to be resentenced by a different judge.

The decision is 25 pages long. I’m attaching it for anyone that wants to read it. It is certainly interesting.

Here’s a highlight:

Hard to fathom Judge T making a ruling that is unsupported by evidence, isn’t it? /S

Vertitis sentence appeal.pdf (164.3 KB)


I think you mean Self-Defense being denied. Not, Not Guilty.