Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

NG by reason of self defense, like NGRI, is an affirmative defense. That means that the burden is on the defense to establish the affirmative case that the defendant acted in self defense. It is not the burden of the prosecution to establish the negative; that is, that it wasn’t self defense.

I would not consider that basic attribute of affirmative defenses “a legal spiel” to be spun.

The criminal trial is over, BTW. He was found NG on two counts and NGRI on two counts.

Pony thinks that someone is desperately trying to get the thread shut down as evidence of the level of postings and the change in over all tone.

I wonder if the monthly quota has not been met and the managers at the main office are yelling about it.

It’s just my thought and take it with a salt lick if you wish.



So Dr Stache called LK creative, CH calls her scrappy.

Interesting very very interesting.

What hogwash


I asked and am asking again.

What would YOU, CH do if you were MB?

You have told her to go and she’s not going. Now what?


How about this. Why don’t you move a psychopath into your apartment? Let them live there and torment you day in and day out. Also, make sure you’re working from home and your bosses pop in, on and off every day, to see how you’re doing at work. Then have that house guest publicly declare war on you. For fun let’s pretend you’re very popular and rely on your reputation to earn money and have your reputation be dangled in front of you, like psychopaths like to do. Also for fun, let’s have your BF/GF let you know, their sacred for their kids and that they need to be sent away for safety. While we at it, more fun, let’s have them call your landlord and let him know you have extra people living in the house and your LL kicks you out but the psycho stays! Oh and let’s not forget, we should also pretend that the psycho called the building inspectors and the building was condemned bc of shoddy work the psychos did. Wow, this does sound like a lot of fun doesn’t it.

What a scrappy little psycho. She’s so dang annoying.

In this scenario, CH, you’re telling everyone you would sit back and file for eviction and wait the 30 days even when everyone knows 30 days in eviction time is not 30 days and by that time you’ll have been systematically dismantled and ruined.

If that’s what you’re claiming then you must not have much of a life to lose but others do and when you’re being attacked at your core and you can’t fight back or make it stop, you break. Even if you don’t have any preexisting conditions. Psychos are called psychos for a reason and it’s not bc they are a scrappy and annoying.

You constantly diminish LK, JK and RG actions down to “annoying”. Flies are annoying. These people are dangerous. How can you not admit that?

The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this post are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.


And then @CurrentlyHorseless just when you think you’ve gotten them out they file papers in court and the eviction is delayed due to a claim of hardship.

And her abuse and ninjaing continues.


And destruction of the property continues at the hands of the psychos.



And all your clients and employees up and leave out of fear of the scrappy little ingenue and you call the local authorities desperate for help to protect your property and family and are totally ignored, while hiring long time friends to come guard your property at night for fear of fire or destruction. Yeah, @CurrentlyHorseless would have run for the hills leaving a million plus dollar complex and a million plus dollars of champion bred horses behind. Yeah, right! Sure.

Oh, and it’s all the fault of the ex-partner and current girlfriend, definitely not the scrappy ingenue and drug addled thug encouraged by the old man father. Uh-huh.


And LK does not pay full board so there’s that loss of income.



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And let’s not forget we’re all still waiting for



Almost Five Thousand Comments with 99.9% anti-scrappy chick!


:laughing: I just grabbed the 3 newest comments! @CurrentlyHorseless could have so much fun posting on those comments!


The Appellate court. May have mis spelt that. But they are reviewing Judge T’s maneuvers in this trial as we speak.


Man, that’s gotta chaff!


Barisone’s lawyers filed an appeal of Judge Taylor’s decision in the first Krol hearing.

It’s my understanding the the verdict in the criminal trial itself cannot be appealed, since Barisone was acquitted.

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So she didn’t pay board, she didn’t pay rent, what did she pay? Training fees? Full training fees? Anything else?


But you never understand anything, so what does this even mean?


Maybe she thought he should be paying her to grace every one with her presence! /s

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She paid RG the Super Laundry Man.
