Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Ahhh, kumbaya.

Who needs a recipe for anything?

Duration: FOREVER


Re: 1 - secret sauces for fly spray, tick repellent, etc are welcome.

Re: 2 - and if the feature fails, force of will!


It means that I’m posting my opinion that while the initial Krol hearing is being appealed, nothing in the criminal trial is being appealed.

It’s a discussion board.

Put in place 9:49 on July 10 for FOREVER.

Avon Skin So Soft diluted 1 - 4 still works great and smells fantastic!


Yes I would be interested in secret fly spray recipes, please.



It worked fantastic for me in Brazil! Never thought to try it on the horse (though I do recollect people here mentioning it!). Does it work on both flies and ticks?

I have pulled numerous ticks off of horses this summer so far, 3 in one day off my mare. Am using Equispot but wouldn’t mind additional protection. AND
 My mare got bit the other day twice in the face hand walking and bolted into the barn. Two bloody trickles down her face. The horseflies and greenheads are out early this year! EcoVet doesn’t seem to be working like it used to, even though it still smells like a decomposing corpse masked in grandma’s perfume.


lol, good lord, I wasn’t asking, it was rhetorical. I love you, CH. Your whining about why you say what you say isn’t part of the meaningful discussion.


I am not telling anyone how to post, merely posting my observation. I don’t see a point in replying to a person who is purporting to be participating in a discussion, but is clearly solely here to bait people and not actually “discuss” anything. It’s clear that they have no interest in engaging in a thoughtful, respectful discussion and that their intent is not only to get the thread shut down, but to get people banned in the process. It is tiresome. It is BORING.

This person matters not at all to anyone here, to anyone in our sport, to anyone involved in this case, or to anyone anywhere really. And based on the lack of support for their commentary here, and the tenor of the YT and FB comments in general, they aren’t likely to convince anyone with their arguments.

So, if they won’t give it a rest
 perhaps we (g) can give it a rest by not replying. Letting nonsense flap in the wind at this point isn’t dangerous. And some (most?) things don’t dignify a response, if you think about it.

Anyways, carry on


It works on every insect for our horses
The issue for me was having to reapply frequently but it’s a trade off. For sure their coat looks gorgeous. Don’t spray in their eyes - use a damp cloth on their face.

Edit - I also use SmartPak BugCheck on our mare who is seriously allergic to midge bites to the point of serum dripping sores. BugCheck definitely helps her and its affordable. It doesn’t do much for the giant horse flies though and that’s where SSS comes in.

This was Bella scratching 3 days before her BigChexk started for the season (warm spring brought the midges out earlier)


Far more than scrappy and demanding - that just makes her sound like a terrier and is kinda cutesy.

CH - you have obviously never been that kind of a situation if you can be so dismissive and disdainful about it. I have - as I have noted. And you have NO idea of the stress and anxiety it creates
 with a healthy dose of fear for the safety and well-being of humans and horses.

And heads up - I did not have a divorce or a relationship with someone who wanted our scrappy cute little terrier who had declared war on us gone and I did not have anything to prove to anyone
 so YES that kind of situation can affect you strongly without ANY extra input - unlike what you insist.

And “I had a good life” was probably what he had before he had the misfortune to come into that scrappy, demanding cute little terrier’s scorched earth style of getting through life.


**[quote=“ohnoO, post:5404, topic:785728, full:true”]

That’s what I’ve always thought, too!

I don’t think I have it in me to go back and navigate the videos to find the medical/LE testimonies in the trial, but I always thought that the trajectory of the bullets went upwards. The one that went through the door certainly did.

As in MB was on his back on the ground while you-know-who was “chewing” on his


The trajectories of the shots showed they went upwards. MB is taller than LK.

LK was tested for Gun Shot Residue on her clothes. There was none so it was not close range.

MB’s phone was on the table, not near the bush were he was supposedly hiding with both hands in the air - and then was attacked and found under RG with not going near the table. Everyone, including the police have denied putting the phone there.

Listen to the 911 call and the policeman’s video. Rosie was barking incessantly. A barking dog is not biting. When did MB get bitten in the groin? Not when he was face down under RG. Not while Rosie was barking. BEFORE THAT. Did she attack before the gunshots?

Add in not one vehicle searched, and no-one stopped RG and JK going there the next day.

And for those who need to hear it again, MB and Vera were over. MB went out with another girlfriend. BEFORE he finished that relationship and started with MG.


Maybe @CurrentlyHorseless was using the term “scrappy” inspired by Scrappy-do from James Gunn remakes where villain Scrappy shows no problem with committing murder and kidnapping and was perfectly happy to consume the souls of thousands (perhaps millions or trillions) of innocent people in order to increase his own power, kill Mystery, Inc., and rule the world with his army of monsters.

Yeah that sounds like LK.


OMG, she is both gorgeous and hilarious!!! (And itchy!)


Thank you. Im going to post this. Often. It will be my penance. But its a good post. I love this post.


But, once again that is not what you said, is it?

Let us look at the two very different things you said, both stated as fact.

I know it is hard, but if you are going to insist you are saying something, then say that thing, not something else and then pretend you said the thing you are insisting.

Cannot and is not are not the same thing. Even you know that.


I absolutely love Quiche Lorraine. Since my diagnosis with Celiac many years ago, I haven’t been able to eat it. You wouldn’t, perchance, have a good recipe for a gluten free crust for it? Thanks for asking! :upside_down_face:


Sorry, that struck me as exceedingly funny. (Almost 2:30 a.m. with insomnia is my excuse).


Aww, poor girl. But she’s very pretty!!


King Arthur Baking has one on their website!