Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Oh boy, thanks! I’ve had other King Arthur’s products and loved them. Will definitely order some.


Here ya go! Plus you can make it crustless too!


Thanks so much! When I was in France in April, I went into many pâtisseries while my friend bought delicious looking pastries. I, of course, couldn’t eat any of it, but I always found myself staring at the mini quiches (tartelettes) and thinking I had to find a GF version.

Thanks again. Really appreciate it!


@KurPlexed - Your entire post was fantastic. But I can’t resist fixing this line for you.

These people are evil.


I cheat and use Deep Woods Off! on the horses. Particularly the one horse whose belly and undercarriage are apparently NECTAR to midges and their like.



And the Kanawhacks manage to delay, delay, delay legal eviction proceedings - then Covid hits seven months later. And because of eviction bans in Public Health Emergency Declarations, you CANNOT have them evicted/removed. They remain living in YOUR house, on YOUR property, and you and your family and employees are having to rent something somewhere else, or rent a couple of RVs so you can stay on the property. Meanwhile, the mental/emotional abuse continues - the taunting, the veiled and not-so-veiled threats, your reputation being systemically destroyed via posts on SM, etc.

But again - I am not sure a certain someone gets all that due to a demonstrated deficit in the capability for comprehension.


I was looking for that meme!


I think I saved it from a previous thread on the subject. Lol.

Diluted with water?

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Yes ma’am. I do 2 cups of water to 1/2 cup SSS and mix in a spray bottle. Shake very well before spraying.

I carried a smaller spray bottle with me when we went on trail rides in the mountains just in case it was needed. It does not last 24 - 48 hours like the ultra concentrated chemical sprays.

PSA - IMO Flicks Spray is dangerous. Although it
is advertised as “all natural oils”, one of our mares immediately swelled with large blisters particularly on her neck and chest. We rushed to rinse her off with cold water and then washed her with ivory soap. Some of the swelling went down but she eventually sloughed off large portions of skin over the next few weeks like a severe sun burn.


There is a middle ground. The marriage is over. Due to the business it may take a while to formalize the terms of the divorce and dissolution of the business. If both husband and wife have agreed to move on and be allowed to date then it isn’t openly cheating.
My parents did this. My father moved out. He was living with another woman. The divorce took almost 2 years. Other woman used to come to my mom’s house for holidays. PA does not have legal separation. Not sure about NJ.
Maybe Vera and MB decided that they could date while the divorce got finalized. Not that it is anyone’s business. So yes technically he may have been dating while married to Vera. However depending on what the married couple agreed to that statement with no clarification may be intentionally misleading.
Once again it is not the business of any of the clients. It is called personal life for a reason
You don’t know what they agreed to do


Is it onchocerciasis? My Appaloosa mare had it very badly and rubbed her mane and most of tail completely out every summer (and she was a Appy cross and had a beautiful, long and thick tail). She would scratch so much that she often had large raw spots on her crest and dock of her tail and would also scratch her midline like your mare. The only thing that helped was Ivermectin. This was back when it was available as an injectable for horses and we gave her one dose of Ivermectin every 6 weeks or so from May - Sept. It worked great and she never exhibited any side effects. Then the injectable was banned in the U.S. for use in horses, and the paste wasn’t nearly as effective. :angry:


I feel like that in the eyes of some of these people I am doing something wrong.

I do not even know if my current trainer is dating anyone or not.

Darn them for not having a spread sheet for all their clients on what is going on in their personal life.


Hey, don’t demean terriers that way. She is far worse - more like a yellow jacket that just keeps coming at you and summons its minions to help.


Well if we would go with this train of thought, then shouldn’t we be a Nosey Neeby and make sure we know all about the relationships that ones let’s say - car mechanic, lawn care personal, heck why not even the quicky mart girl has going on?

Oh wait, who cares not your business unless you are maybe one of those humans known as a Karen
And even then. Stick your nose back where it belongs.



I don’t know what the final diagnosis was other than allergic to midge spit! We tried everything to help her, antihistamines, ivermectin, and vinegar rinses. As a last resort we tried the BugCheck which produced almost immediately results! She’s on it from mid April to Thanksgiving every year and has been under control for several years. As you can see in the video posted, she’s raw on her belly, and that was just the beginning. Within 24 hours her belly would be bloody, which attracted more midges and flies and it was horrible. Even fully encased in head to toe scrimsheets, midges would find a way in and chew her up. Interestingly, she passed the allergy on to two of her foals…all the others have been fine to date.

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Oh - look who has finally accepted the fact that MB was acquitted. :laughing:


I used to make it without the crust


Anyone that thinks for a second that eviction was the answer need only review what we know happened after Lauren Kanarek was given notice of impending eviction:

Aug 5: Steve Tarshis emails a notice to leave letter to LK - Could this have been a 3-day notice, since he gave her till Aug 7th to get out? Presumably with the intent of filing an eviction on the 8th?

Aug 5: texts between JK LK and RG re: “eviction would not go well”

Aug 5: LK FB post about having to live on the premises to ensure proper training, with mention of the “barn drunk”.

Aug 5: text from JK “haha …maybe they’ll be homeless”

Aug 5: Text between JK LK and RG about needing a bug at the dumpsters

Aug 5: MB goes to police station

Aug 5: Another “Michael is scared” text to dad

Aug 5: Michael knows we have recordings text to dad.

Aug 5: LK reports MB to SS.

Aug 5: JK hires ED

Aug 5: RG takes his handwritten (by LK) complaint to the building inspectors

Aug 6: LK served with eviction notice.

Aug 6: cameras installed per LK interrogatories in civil suit

Aug 6: LK says again, Michael is deathly afraid in text. Recipient unclear.

Aug 6: LK posts insanity manifesto on FB; also “solid gold” post on FB

Aug 6: LK FB post about her horse’s preferred song “Goldigger”

Aug 6: MHG mails her USEF complaint

Aug 6: Jamie Dancer sees Michael and is extremely worried about him, calls Ali Brock, who calls MB, and is also afraid MB might harm himself.

Aug 6: ED meets LK for first time with JK, while RG secretly records meeting

Aug 6: Inspectors, fire Marshall, etc descend on farm twice

Aug 6: RG makes gun shooting motion to MB and mouths “Get Ready”

Aug 6: RG emails videos to JK

Aug 6: MB and everyone else living in barn given boot.

Aug 6: RC bitten by poor Rosie while trying to post notices

Aug 6: LK convinces fire Marshall to let her back in house. No one notifies MB

Aug 7: Farrier service refused which resulted in “Finish The Bastard” text.

Aug 7: 1:42 pm video clip sent to RG’s phone. Cameras then turned off.

Aug 7: CPS shows up

Aug 7: shooting