Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I have more than one Instagram account? News to me.

The obsession is bizarre. Have not asked people to follow me in any recent shears. Maybe years ago when I had a blog. It’s funny how it’s only my social media that gets plastered here because I don’t fall in line with opinions others believe I should hold.


That’s not why, but alright.


My blog I wrote like 10 years ago you mean?? What the heck.

I commented something nice on her post a long time ago. Just like I would have to any of the other 4000 people I follow. You’re really grasping at straws and trying to be weird about my social media because I made a comment on someone’s Instagram that you don’t like? Bizarre.


I don’t really care why. I don’t get it and never will. I find it really weird in terms of this thread.

You’re talking about an Instagram account that’s been dormant for nearly a year so makes little sense to me.

Best of luck to MB today at the hearing.

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I guess October is not yesterday but it was not that long ago. It is not “over eight months ago”.
Oh, and look, you admit to having another account (even if you do not use it, you have another account).


This discussion happened now because you came and said you do not use instagram.
Otherwise those other comments would have just gone away.

Edit to add - I totally get not being able to keep track of time well. But if you are going to proclaim exact time frames, you should probably check to make sure your are accurate.


I sure hope that LO updates the Go Fund Me quickly today so we will know what happens.

Still jingling.



Darn, we don’t even have a finger twiddling emoji. The anxiety emotion is very much underrepresented.


Fair enough!

Maybe this one? :hourglass_flowing_sand:

Or this one? :grimacing:

What is this one even supposed to be? :rice_scene:



Apparently it’s rice, under activities….so, making rice balls. Good old American past time……


Huh. Thanks. I would not have come up with that in a million years.


If you hover over it with the cursor, it says “rice scene.”

I thought it said “nice scene” and was an image of a mountain with the sun, flowers… Nope. It’s a mountain of rice.

Go figure.


Geeze guys, getting a little salty in here again.

** nervously side eyes around hoping nobody notices I also follow Lauren on social media **

Not interested in all the yabbut about what you feel @Jealoushe has done to merit your salt, I still feel it’s a little mean girls in here for certain people not in the inner circle.

I don’t think we should be dragging each other down about their social media lives.


I think you can follow anyone you want on social media, and make comments as you see fit.

I think the salt shaker only comes out when people try to deny it.

Or mostly, anyway. Some people are definitely more liberal with the salt shaker than others.


I think it was just because it came across as you insisting you had never interacted with LK when people had seen you interact (myself included). It really doesn’t matter if you do or don’t, and you’re 100% right, you hadn’t posted in a while (I like your posts by the way!). I don’t think it means you are buddies with her, anyways.


There’s a significant difference in following someone on social media, and personally interacting with them on social media and then trying to deny it and acting like you’re some uninvolved stranger…


FWIW, I’m always salty.


I guess I fail to see how posting a heart or liking a picture would automatically level me up to “regularly interacting with and being an involved insider”.

I too, would deny interacting with and being involved with LK if I had posted a few likes or hearts on her photos…

But alas, this thread shouldn’t be about bashing each other… I’m here, scrolling on by for the actual updates. I just get kind of puffed up when the mean girl stuff comes out. Hits me in my sensitive area I guess. Probably shouldn’t have said anything, but sometimes we all fall victim to the keyboard.


That’s not what I said at all. But it is disingenuous for jealoushe to act like she hasn’t interacted with LK when lots of people have seen that she does. And not just by “liking” a post or two.


It was never about following Lauren or not….

It was about denial and saying things that aren’t exactly true……like trying to say the account doesn’t exist or wasn’t her….