Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Nepeta mussinii too. Much prettier plant; 3 season ground cover here.


Wrong. Whenever I put on a clinic the bio was provided by me, the organizer. If one were replacing one clinician for another due to Olympic involvement then writing that MB and VK worked together as a couple is said to define the abilities and credentials of VK to clinic participants.

Nothing to do- zero - with establishing who they were sharing a bed with.


And again,one poster condemns one coupleā€™s divorce, but Lauren Kanarek, who hooked up with Goodwin before sheā€™d even filed for divorce, comes out squeaky clean. I donā€™t get it; no logic.

That posterā€™s fixation reminds me of J. Edgar Hooverā€™s obsession with MLKā€™s canoeing.


Do you have records for what year they might have realized they were better biz partners than married partners? The dinner where they amicably decided to part? Was it pizza or pasta? Was it raining? maybe it wasnā€™t amicable. Do you know? What do you know?

You- nor I -have ANY idea. Unless, of course, you were intimately familiar with eitherā€™s comings and goings.

Hey, Iā€™m intimately familiar with my aging parentā€™s day to day.

How do you know what you assert you know?


It just will never stopā€¦


The best way to walk on by!


I have found the very best, 100% deterrent to flies and biting insects is an environment below 32Ā°!


Are you suggesting more canoeing? I have heard it is good for stress.


In other news from the NJ Court of Appeals, hereā€™s a case that was decided in March, 2023, not Judge Taylor related, but it is an appeal based on a continued Krol commitment.

A few things of note: the lower court continued this patientā€™s commitment based on a psychologist report that was not in evidence and contrary to the testimony of the treating psychiatrist. Sound familiar?

The hearing took place in July, 2021. The appeal I believe was submitted May 2022. And the decision entered approximately 10 months later.

Based on that timeline, Michael could be sitting waiting on his appeal a couple more months.

The continued commitment in this attached case was overturned.

In Re commitment of DG app decision .pdf (280.1 KB)



I use this one with pretty good success along with Deep Woods Off


A couple of things jump out to me: 1. the identity of the person is kept private; 2. at the Trenton facility the person received multiple sessions per week with a social worker, 3. had regular sessions with a psychiatrist, 4. a discharge plan was actively being worked for this person.


Those are all very good points. Allegedly, a discharge plan is supposed to start as soon as you are committed according to what Iā€™ve read in NJ literature.

The treatment this patient was receiving led his treatment team to determine the patient should be released. Instead, the judge order the patientā€™s continued commitment based on a report not in evidence.

If that is what Michaelā€™s team is appealing from the Initial hearing, then maybe that bodes well for him.


So, is being an apparent rogue judge simply SOP in NJ?


The judges need one of those flow charts that say did this happen, if yes go here, if no go here.


Was MB sentenced or remanded to Greystone? I dont remember the details.

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He was committed to Greystone after his initial evaluation at Ann Klein and subsequent Initial Krol Hearing that he has now appealed.


This description reminds me so much of the movie ā€œPacific Heightsā€ā€¦ Just thinking about it creeps me out.


Wonder if it was the cajeput oil in the Flicks. Seems the blistering, hives, and the like are a main adverse reaction to it, and it has to be well diluted before using.

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I donā€™t know honestly. This was years ago and I followed the instructions to the letter. I felt so guilty for hurting her so badly.


I am constantly blown away at the apparent ā€œnormalā€ procedures for the legal/judicial system within the state of NJ. I have friends of color living in other states who have frequently told me NC is not like other states and I am naive to believe the standards in general use in NC are used elsewhere. Itā€™s hard for me to understand why the population of NJ hasnā€™t had fits about the waste of tax dollars, the blatant abuse of power and the mistreatment of people caught up in the maze that is the swamp of the legal system in NJ. I once thought Taylor was a lone wolf. Now it seems he is a standard do whatever he wants acceptable judge in NJ. Disgraceful!