Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

:blush: thank you all.


And I imagine b/c his behaviour shows bias that the appellate court recongised and they thus also recognise that the defendant will not get a fair deal from Taylor (i.e., Taylor allows his bias against defendants* to effect his judgement and treatment of those defendants and the appellate court does not trust him to be fair so sends it to another judge b/c they don’t want to have to review him AGAIN).

Thanks for that update, @ekat, and for linking the document.

*It’s also looking like a pattern of him being biased against anyone represented by Bilinkas - i.e., he allows his animus towards the attorney to effect his job as an impartial magistrate and takes out that animus on the defendant as a proxy for and/or in addition to punishing the attorney. Totally unfit for the position and should be forced off the bench.

PS: many hundreds behind so sorry if this point has already been made.


Taylor’s bias towards anyone represented by Blinkas was recognized and frequently noted in the YT comments as well.


We are just glad to see you @FitzE! Hope you are having a great summer!


In terms of bias against the defendant, I recall seeing somewhere that the conviction rate is fairly high across-the-board in the US justice system. Which makes sense if you think about the fact that prosecutors select cases where they feel they have good odds of getting a conviction. Strong evidence, clear-cut charges, not unduly difficult to explain to a jury, and that a jury is likely to return a conviction on. It doesn’t make sense for them to waste the time and money on cases that are weak or unlikely to result in conviction.

As far as Taylor is concerned, I do not believe that there is any connection whatsoever between Taylor and the Kanareks. The state of New Jersey and the jurisdiction covered by this court, are large enough that it’s very unlikely that they know each other in any way. We’re not talking about a small town in a rural area. I do believe that Taylor is biased against defendants in general, possibly due to being a former prosecutor and having that mindset, and possibly against Balinkas due to a past personal relationship since they’ve worked together previously, but I think that’s the extent of it. JMHO.


Why do I remember that someone said they were neighbors?

Not like next door neighbors, but close by.


You might be thinking of JK and G. Stone.


Ah, OK. Thanks.


Am I remembering incorrectly that Schellhorn inherited the case from a former prosecutor or DA?

Whoever brought charges with the absolute lack of any forensic evidence should have their head examined IMO.

Honest to goodness, if there had been any evidence whatsoever Barisone shot anyone, regardless of why, I would have walked away once that provable evidence was presented, regardless of any experience I may have had with Miss Kanarek.



I believe it’s called KARMA!


That’s what amazes me. When the prosecutor saw no evidence was collected for who was the shooter, what genius thought, oh, gee, lets indict this guy? And was there a grand jury who nodded sagely and saw a preponderance of evidence pointing to these charges? Or was it a judge? And where was his defense attorney who didn’t say, there’s no evidence that he shot anyone? Now that I think about it. I mean, if the prosecutor said, “Oh, but the gun was found underneath his body and broken arm” where was the defense attorney to say “Yabbut it just as easily could have got there when my client wrestled away the gun from the drug addict violent offender before said criminal beat him to a pulp close to death and broke his arm and possibly stuck it under my client? I mean, there’s no gunshot residue. Where’d the gun come from? Did the druggies steal it and have it at the house? Why is it that my client is the one suspected of using the gun?”


Isn’t there supposed to be a meeting about the insurance suit this week?


I am curious about dates as well. It seems to me that something is due in the near future.

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I am hopeful we learn something. While not a horseman myself, I’ve been drawn into this dramatic situation and only want the best for Mr Barisone and his connections.


Shouldn’t you be on the picket line?



@BrownDerby, yes. This is an inflection point in our industry. Actors and writers in large numbers have lost their ability to make a living. For our industry to survive that has to change. For actors that journey starts now.

Additionally, I am ready for Michael Barisone to be freed to resume his journey of healing and getting back on the horse, literally. He survived a terrible, torturous situation. The GoFundMe campaign is the best resource I’ve found for following his ongoing difficulties. I wish he and his connections only the best.


I’ve searched and searched the web looking for any update on LK’s suit against CBS/48 Hours. I’ve been looking in NJ sites but I doubt any suit she brought against CBS would be in NJ, would it? NY or FL probably, right?


Usually you can file in the state the plaintiff resides or the defendant resides or where it happened.

I doubt there is any suit. LK is all bark and no bite when it comes to legal suits it seems. As in she’s done more withdrawals than Chase Bank.


Well, you know there are all those pesky strikes in California, so……maybe not on the top of the list ATM.