Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Good point! CBS 48 Hours might just keep running the Barisone episode on a loop until the strike is over! Goody!


I cant watch it againā€¦


Good morning Legal Eagles!

Have any of you noticed any new filings in the pending Insurance case?

I am very curious to see how this goes.

Thank you!


I deleted the post I just made to prevent any untoward discussion and/or issues with certain posters.


A blog/article in the COTH. Itā€™s nice to see one of his successful former students mention the expert training he provided when she really needed it.


Damn, what is that liquid streaming out of my eyes??? I hope Michael is made aware of this article. He is so missed. This article brings forth the horror a spoiled woman inflicted on a good man only because she wanted to. Yeah, Iā€™m really close to hating that woman.


I hear you eggbutt, but I canā€™t hate her. I pity her. She is the most pathetic waste of flesh on the planet. More than that, I pity those she attacks, those whose lives sheā€™s destroyed and will destroy in the future. I just hope someday, somehow, she is stopped. :frowning:


I get what you are saying but I personally cannot pity her. Her evil is too great.

Were she given the power of a ruler she would harm those below her. Vindictiveness and cruelty are her brethren.

She would never feel pity for others. Never.


I agree.
I can not imagine how miserable life is when you have to lie about just about everything to pretend your life is something other than what it is and you have to pay someone to stay with you.

Add, that knowing that Lauren Kanarek, Robert Guy Goodwin, and Jonathan Kanarek think it is funny to make someone homeless says so much about them, and there is a ton to pity there for sure.


But I donā€™t think she is miserable, not in the least. She thinks her life is just great.


How can anyone who is that angry at everyone and anyone and is always working on the next lie to post on social media not be miserable?


Well, when you have no empathy, you are delusional about your ability, you think you are smarter than everyone else, and Daddy is paying all the bills, why would you be miserable?


Iā€™ve tried to find any redeeming value of this woman over the 7+ years Iā€™ve known her. I canā€™t. She apparently lives most of her life in darkness plotting against those she imagines has wronged her, and trust me, that is potentially everyone. Sheā€™s never sought help for her issues nor has her family helped her seek help, that we know of. Her father attacks, with threats of lawsuits, those she goes after who push back against her behavior. For that reason alone I can say I almost hate her. She knows what she does to others and enjoys it. I canā€™t pity a person like that.


Thatā€™s why sheā€™s an addict. Only way to avoid herself


For them to believe they were entitled to anything MB had is sick and twisted. To joke he would be homeless because he didnā€™t want to submit to a mentally ill studentā€™s insane desires and (IMO) acute mental illness is so loathsome, so despicable, that I can only assess them to be like the lowest belly crawlers created. And the world sees that and feels that too.

Lauren Shay Kanarek is the possessor of the 7 Deadly Sins

Envy: LK envied MHG and still does
Gluttony: LKs herd of horses is an example
Greed: Evidenced in numerous behaviors to a sickening degree as in the FTB plan to get a huge payout
Avarice: Evidenced by wanting his farm
Lust: Lust for things, lust for fame or even infamy, lust for belittling others
Pride: Thinks she is the best rider ever, or at HH when its not even close
Sloth: No show for lessons, shows, does nothing all day
Wrath: Constantly lashing out looking to punish those who dare disagree or defy her.

Few people display all 7 deadly Sins but even fewer display all in such an over the top, overwhelming way.

I believe LK will not stop and Iā€™m glad others continue to push back. I look forward to these facts coming to light in the insurance case and MB being reimbursed for legal expenses. Justice demands he be made whole.


Very, very astute. Very.


It is interesting to me that with modern technology, ie SM, internet, instant access to news and events, we see more and more monsters with similar traits that I canā€™t imagine were seen as frequently in ā€œthe old daysā€. Iā€™m sure the monsters were there but we just didnā€™t know they were so close or could do so much damage. Sociologists could have a field day studying modern mental phenomenon of so many.


So you hate someone so much you had to expand the list of seven deadly sins to eight items.

No surprise that you would accuse someone extremely thin of ā€œgluttonyā€.

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Gluttony is the overindulgence of items of wealth for the purpose of showing off.


Gluttony is defined as the over-indulgence or lack of self-restraint in food, drink, or wealth items, especially as status tokens. The English word comes from the Latin and means ā€œto gulp.ā€ Gluttony worships food to feed our own self-love. Merriam-Webster defines gluttony as ā€œhabitual greed or excess in eatingā€¦greedy or excessive indulgenceā€.

(Bold font is my own. - MS)

ETA - I think excessive consumption of alcohol or other drugs would qualify. Some may even argue that bulimia is a form of Gluttony but not one that is for public display or meant to be noticed.