Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

I imagine there’s a lot to process…

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And the people who turn MB into a man baby who can’t handle one troubled and difficult client and blame her for his string of bad decisions culminating in trying to kill her care about him? Really?

He had the power. He had the law on his side. He had the social standing and success. He gave up his power to play stupid tit for tat games of complaints. He can now work with the staff at Greystone and get any possible good out of being there or continue to fight and hold himself up as smarter than anyone else and more qualified than the counselors to run the group therapy, etc. What good does that do him? Is he still vying for some petty Pyrrhic victory over everyone including a counselor? They now have the power. He has to please them to get out. Why in the world would complaining about the judge and the counselors be considered a smart and wise and sane course of action when his freedom rests with their decisions.

And y’all encourage and applaud this.

What a group of over inflated spoiled bunch of babies complaining over not getting their way when someone almost died. LK almost died. Her parents had to see her with tubes everywhere. Yet, here you are, complain complain complain.

Well, at least she is riding and hasn’t burned anymore bridges. Sounds like she may be figuring things out. One day she may realize y’all have no power over her and be able to let the social media comments go.

Keep barking sea lions.




I hope I’m wrong but IM wouldn’t be on here unless he was happy about the outcome.


I feel certain he is happy and gloating away.


I don’t think that’s true, he’s come on here to rant and rave before and seemed quite angry, so I don’t think this means good news for the KKlan necessarily.


Regardless, they will certainly try to spin it that way.

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I hope you are correct

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Early day tomorrow, some of us gotta work.
Jingles for all


Generally when he’s typing this long, it’s a seriously deranged rant. Should be interesting if he ever hits reply!


The stupid games you refer to were an attempt to FTB. A concerted, directed and sustained and very public program to bring down everything in his life. Your esteemed princess (poor troubled and difficult client) doesn’t need to figure that we (g) have no power over her… she needs to figure that she is/was not the be-all-end-all of anything.

At least your new term man-baby puts paid to the insincerity of your well wishes. You can stop that now. Your comments on his incarceration and treatment neglect to mention that he cannot “please them to get out” when he has no recollection of events which are now, and always have been, without actual evidence.


Cool cool, but what was the DECISION?


Quite the temper tantrum. I imagine foot stomping and hands flailing. Poor Papa K Popper.


If he didn’t crow about it, that says a lot… :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:


Try reading for comprehension. You and your cohorts turn MB into a man baby instead of a dynamic successful man suffering from a delusion. The ones stating Judge Taylor holds grudges and then urge people to complain so he will hold a bigger grudge are either knowingly lying about Judge Taylor or deliberately undermining MB’s efforts to be released.

I’ve always wanted to see them both out and riding and past all this. He still has some work to do and I wish him well.

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Right, well, nothing new here.


Uhhhhh… it seems IM just broke multiple forum rules with that screed directed at Eggbutt…

One would think he would be more relaxed after his lengthy cruise.


What else is new :woman_shrugging:


I wonder how some would handle what MB was put threw by the K’s?

It wasn’t just one person harassing, threatening, humiliating, and plotting to Finish the Bastard, there were at least 3

Go ahead and sit on your ivory tower, if any want to make fun of MB, you are just showing your true colors.

None of us here knows for a fact how we would handle such stress.


Oh my.