Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Great idea. There’s 6 months till the next Krol hearing so perhaps I’ll take your advice.
Not sure why you think I’d be in a tizzy.
Lauren miraculously survived being shot twice in the chest and the person who tried to murder her is in a state mental institution.
Isn’t that how the system is supposed to work?
Isn’t that the way you want it to work?


Wow. What a psycho. Lol, all one can do is laugh at you. Let it go, honey. You’re giving away all your secrets. Lol


Because I can read your posts this evening.


I’m fixated on what happened and why. I’m fixated on the truth.
What do you think the parents of a victim of an attempted murder should be fixated on?

You are an adult man? Really? A father and a husband? I’m speechless.


Maybe getting on with your collective lives instead of obsessing over past events. But you do you.

Also, since when did you become interested in the truth?


You don’t need to be speechless. Engage.
Tell me one sentence in that post that leaves you speechless.
If you think I said something inaccurate please tell me about it.
Otherwise I’ll assume the truth has left you speechless.

And you do what she tells you… and you believe everything she tells you… which is often in contradiction to many rants she has posted here and on FB in the past. The fixation on MH is pathetic - and no, LK is not the type to do whatever she is told by anyone - that much is obvious.

As far as the stupid recordings go - if they are such the BOMBSHELL we were promised, they would have been produced a very long time ago and we would all be gasping in astonishment at the amazing news that 48 Hours dropped. But nothing…

My advice after your posts having a tizzy and conniption here tonight - walk away. You were going to get on with your amazing lives, weren’t you? But you feel compelled to come here to a small insignificant forum and flail around and sneer and pitch a fit… and that does not do you or your family any favors. Quite the opposite. Kinda like the performance of LK and RG on the witness stand.

The truth. But not a carefully manufactured truth that has contradicted itself many times - all over FB and YouTube and here as well. No one here had anything to do with that. Some very childish mewing is on FB this evening…

I have a mare who seems to be going into Stage 1 labor - so I will leave you to your childish threats, taunts, sneers and merriment… adults have important things to do.


Your entire demeanor and behavior online leaves me speechless.


I don’t know these people. Someone has provided you with incorrect information. If I knew them I would admit it and say how I know them. I don’t play your games.


You are entirely unhinged. What a performance. If people didn’t think your family was whacked before, you certainly put that doubt to rest tonight. Relax, honey! You got what you want! MB is being kept at Greystone. You say. You can move on eith your life. You’ll be fine!


You are not being truthful saying I know the girls who apparently left as working students nor do I know their mother. Who is lying now, huh?


Good luck to you and the mare!!


Hes just making stuff up. Something has his panties in a twist. Talk about showing your hand.


I think JumpinQueen was the one that made the claims that they were in a barn FB group with the working student’s mom……

Oh, yes….I was right…


It gets hard to keep up with all the …different… posters.


Maybe the kids hated MHG, but they obviously didn’t have a problem with Michael if they only left because of MHG.

Maybe that’s why they didn’t testify. They were only prepared to badmouth MHG and she will never be charged with that pesky conspiracy….


I smell another manifesto coming in.
*Or maybe it’s a meowifesto.

Lucky us.

One would thinks it’s past someone bedtime.



It’s getting to be past my bedtime.

I don’t think the poster is actually Jonathan Kanarek. His posts have always been smarter than what we’ve had the pleasure of seeing tonight.