Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

They definitely know you.
Maybe if you ask your sources about the 19 year old girls Maryhaskins drove away from Michael’s barn it’ll come back to you.
And for the record, nothing MHG did provides an excuse for Michael trying to kill two people. That’s on him.
My problem with you is that because you had a bad experience with Lauren you refuse to accept that it was Maryhaskins who was causing Michael the stress.
When I say that Tarshis told me face to face that “but for Maryhaskins this would never happen….that woman is poison “ why do you discount that?
I know you’re on the right side when it comes to politics so I just don’t understand how you can be so wrong about this.


Obviously still not obsessed with MHG. Not at all.


Smarter, welllll about that. …



Oh dear. I think Lauren needs one of her special “naps”.


Seems he took you for quite a ride in the VIP tent at global….


So Maryhaskins says to Michael….”Ruth will be here tomorrow. Let Ruth do it. She is old. She had nothing to lose.”

So the real question is not whether I’m obsessed with Maryhaskins……the question is why are you not disgusted by her?

What kind of person are you?

Seriously….with your hours of recordings, why do you repeat yourself? Limited material?


Someone who believes in evidence, not tall tales.

If that exchange was actually on tape, why wasn’t it entered into evidence at the trial?


I am picking up some serious creepy serial killer reliving the thrill vibes going on tonight.



Me too. Loves reliving the damage she did. Over and over.

I completely doubt Tarshis said anything to them. He certainly knew better. They just load up on capitalizing on having a conversation with him no one can refute. Like the tapes. Only they are commenting. Who can argue. Who cares. It’s the past and means nothing. I guess if she stopped talking about it she would mean nothing. Certainly not in dressage. Those days are done for Lauren. Certainly after this.


I can’t comprehend why these people would say they know me unless it is to impress you and provide fodder for the lies you dream up. I don’t know many 18 year old girls, by the way, nor do I think they would be flocking to be in the presence of a 73 year old woman, do you? After all, I’m told that your daughter seems to ask everyone she meets if they know me and several others so she can spew her hate in embellished conversations. It always comes back to me.

Actually, I don’t care what Mary Haskins Gray’s relationship with Barisone was…not one bit of my business. Only you and your daughter are obsessed with her. I applaud MH though, for recognizing the danger of having the Kaneraks on the property. So much so she had her children leave the farm early that summer.

If Lauren was as good as you and she think she is, she would be showing her butt off proving what a talented rider she is. Instead, the obsessions control your lives. It’s quite sad really, and horrifying at the same time. Barisone will never be safe anywhere near your family, will he?

Edit - have these young girls call me, I’d love to chat with them. Anytime. Maybe grab some coffee somewhere and talk about all our shared experiences since we’re so close.


You don’t think that’s important?
I’m shocked!!

Of course when MHG was asked what Michael does when a horse argues with him and she responded “he beats the crap out of it” that didn’t bother you either.

So given that glimpse of your moral principles why would anything on the audios matter to you .
It’s obvious you don’t care.

I don’t think anyone cares about MHG, honey. She seems to be flourishing and happy, so that’s a win. You seem to be obsessed with the past and miserable. That’s sad. I don’t care about you, either, except as a sad sack tale to tell of how someone ends up who wasted their opportunities.


You think your defecting gets past me? The mom knows you……no idea if the teenagers knew you.

Perhaps because on MH’s worst day she is miles above Lauren Kanarek in every single way. You seem to forget your own daughter’s very nasty reputation. Tell me, how many times has MH been arrested?


Well now wr know who we’re talking to.


You’re right, I don’t tolerate people plotting against others. The only under oath evidence of any criminal plotting is your text messages about forging someone else’s signature.

Then there are the other text messages….


Then have the mom call me and we’ll chat. I’d love to speak with her! Seriously!

But didn’t you insist the three of them know me? Which is it, one, two or three?


We have no clue what’s on the audios. Why would anyone have an opinion? Or care? Of course we don’t care. No one believes there really are any audios. Now the texts, that’s a different story. But please stop trotting out the magical audios. No one believes you.


Are we at the point of the rehash of the double tap point blank yet??

Just asking for a friend
