Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

Correction: MB was acquitted of trying to kill RG.

So you can’t say he tried to kill him.

Also, you should maybe cut back on how much you hang out with your daughter because you are sounding JUST like her. Seems like everyone sees it.

And that’s the last thing you want to do. She couldn’t even win a court case against MB.


She wouldn’t even show up for a deposition.


Well we now know that LK comes by her behavior honestly! :crazy_face:


Well that was an interesting night or as someone else might say “it was creative”.

I may just be a horse of course although this horse isn’t fooled by any such poster.


It was a very late night for “IM.”

I’m still wondering what Taylor’s ruling involved. Odd that IM didn’t get into any specifics on that if he actually was in court yesterday.


Nope just a typical conversation with a narcissist. One-sided, self-absorbed, and generally lacking in empathy.

But I am just a horse of course and as it turns out that really seemed to bug a certain set of humans.


Don’t forget the gaslighting. There was plenty of gaslighting.


There is a NDA in effect so the Kanareks can give any “reason” they like for why there is a settlement.

Expect them to lie - you aren’t likely to be disappointed.

June - $10


Given a Kanarek just accused the lawyer Chris Deininger of a crime does that mean CD can sue them?

Does this mean Schellhorn was in on it that he said nothing?

Does this mean that Judge Taylor was also corrupt or is IM saying Taylor was too stupid to see the texts were doctored?

If Taylor is corrupt and has been “caught” by the Ks involved in evidence tampering is the continued remand of MB to Greystone what Taylor must do to keep the Ks from reporting him?

It’s not every day evidence that is falsified is used in a court case. Surely such charges should be exposed to the press and THOROUGHLY investigated.

For sure the media would be very interested in any assertion that so many are corrupted. And certainly if evidence was doctored that is worthy of being disbarred.

So IM/JK/LK are you going to report CD and Taylor to the committee for judicial conduct? Will we get to see your signature on the complaint?


You mean except the person and the people related to that person who was fully impeached on the stand and admitted outright under oath that they lie to get their own way?


Could be, Could be.



This is so gross :nauseated_face:


Huh. So Lauren Kanarek and Rob Goodwin bought a generator (why the heck would Goodwin put his money into this endeavor - and where did he get the money anyway?). Where’s the receipt for that purchase?


I love how you are just so blasé about this.

To me it is practically a cardinal sin!

It is very disrespectful to the business, the head trainer, the assistant trainers, the barn staff and the horse!

It demonstrates that you are not very serious. So why waste everyone’s time?


Is the one saying that the same person who brought that very topic up in their 48 hours interview?




It’s also a quick and understood way to no longer be scheduled with the name on the door.


Here is what I really don’t understand: the issues that made LK unwilling/unable to sit for a deposition have not gone away. While I have no idea what those issues are, they are clearly discoverable, as Barisone’s lawyers, as well as Silver, have demonstrated. Why come out blowing your horn and run the risk of this being made public?

I also found it both funny and sad that the poster could not distinguish between professional courtesy and genuine friendship.


Will this work out better than the 48 hours thing did for you? Just curious.

To clarify, so Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin had their very own generator on the property?
I own my own generator too, but I admit I have never taken it to the boarding barn just to have it there. That seems like a strange thing for someone to buy and tote around with them.

I don’t want that generator to be confused with the one that Michael had on the property that he bought during Sandy, which clearly was not bought by Lauren Kanarek and Robert Guy Goodwin!

I would think that since you are a lawyer you would know what dismissed with prejudice meant.
But then… you have done lots of things that one would assume a lawyer would understand are not done that way.

And since we are talking here, why is it that you have not met up with me yet? You promised and I feel slighted.
You did not even try to talk to me the other day.


Oh, I also meant to ask earlier, how would one “doctor” a text?

Asking for a friend….


Hey @trubandloki , we’re you friendly and opening doors for the Kanareks last week? Please, please give us your unvarnished observations of the court and the gallery!