Barisone KROL this Friday, 5/26

The lengths that the Ks go to lamblast those they view as enemies speaks volumes. Enough is never enough vindictiveness to these people. Look at Joey and Haleybot. Heck, look at me! Sure, I’ve called them out at every turn about this situation and rather than ignoring my comments on this small forum, I became the central target of doom for them. They know the truth. They can’t handle the truth so they fantasize and expect others to believe them. Barisone will never be safe from them because he has actual verifiable evidence of their nasty behavior. They will go to any lengths to stop him. Just my personal opinion.


The filing from the insurance company is appalling. How apparent they are drunk on Kanarek-ade! To not even investigate anything is unbelievable. Period. I hope Deininger cuts them a new one.


woah, wait, what insurance filing?

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Attorney Answers are extreme in their point of view and don’t really add up to much although the filing of the papers is a must. In my court we date stamped them and tossed them for filing. Some were as thick as a ream of paper. Others more. Never understood that as no one was going to read all of that. All I had to do is make sure it was signed and had an affidavit of service. We probably got 30 a day.


I can not imagine that most people would want to work there with the history of issues the place has.


They aren’t likely to be getting the cream of the graduating classes!


In NJ and 27 other states, they aren’t working with criminals by definition. Michael is an example. He is not a criminal.
Now, that is not saying that some of the people in there do not have other criminal convictions.


Yet oddly staffing in prisons with all criminals is fine because of the pay and benefits.


You forgot the /s!

Federal level but I doubt it’s much better in state-run or privately-run jails and prisons.

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Not in NC

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“Well, once there is a GFM update about the hearing perhaps this thread can go quiet. It isn’t about the Kanareks anyway.”

Eggbutt: You post this but then you are the first one always to bring it back to them and once more state your opinion on the family… same stuff and stories that we have heard from you and others for years. Looks like MB with his lawsuits and his attempt to be release will provide plenty to discuss without rehashing old news and opinions. Just my opinion.


Uh huh….back to Eggbutt.

That was a long nap….


So back to MB. The insurance companies succeeded in moving the civil case to federal court because two are from New York, one is from Texas, and the legal fees, admitted to be more than $400,000 are over a monetary limit. It’s in the insurance motion to move the case on the New Jersey civil portal. Justia has a brief that shows a judge and a magistrate have been assigned.

Also, so long as MB is deemed to be a danger to himself or others, he can be under the jurisdiction of the Superior court for up to 20 years per his acquittal sheet with credit for time incarcerated under the superior court with the standard for the prosecutor to prove of a preponderance of evidence. After the 20 years, he is moved to the civil court and the criteria to keep him institutionalized is more stringent. This information is up near the top of the thread all posted by ekat either here or brought over from a prior post.

Now that the other actions are done, hopefully he can focus on how the therapists expect him to progress on what aspects. His ability to work with them will be key. He has trained difficult clients, exceptional clients, horses, captured an audience’s praise when giving a ride to Anky. If he puts his mind to succeeding in the world in which he now lives, he can do it.

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Yes, I can say the same thing but in a much nicer way when I put my mind to it. See how that works? Here is hoping MB can too.

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I am not really sure being able to lie about caring is something one should be that proud of.




Dang. It was nice while it lasted. Oh well…


Excellent!! Let’s see how long you, CH, and HH can keep your posts current without the rhetoric and sealioning that has surfaced in the past.

By the way, the Kanarek past behavior IS relevant to the recent insurance suit filing, considering the company apparently didn’t take one look at the absence of proof or facts. We’ll be hearing a lot more about that in the coming weeks for sure.


Agreed. We’ve had ample opportunity to see the defamatory statements made over the last 4 years about Michael.

We’ve all seen their true colors and all the jingles posts in the world won’t make people un-see them.